Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/tmp/pear/cache/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/tmp/pear/cache/689f22d8d8386046bccb331188b2b91frest.cachefile |
a:8:{s:7:"attribs";a:4:{s:5:"xmlns";s:36:"";s:9:"xmlns:xsi";s:41:"";s:11:"xmlns:xlink";s:28:"";s:18:"xsi:schemaLocation";s:80:"";}s:1:"n";s:8:"PHP_Fork";s:1:"c";s:12:"";s:2:"ca";a:2:{s:7:"attribs";a:1:{s:10:"xlink:href";s:11:"/rest/c/PHP";}s:8:"_content";s:3:"PHP";}s:1:"l";s:11:"PHP License";s:1:"s";s:87:"PHP_Fork class. Wrapper around the pcntl_fork() stuff with a API set like Java language";s:1:"d";s:1487:"PHP_Fork class. Wrapper around the pcntl_fork() stuff with a API set like Java language. Practical usage is done by extending this class, and re-defining the run() method. [see basic example] This way PHP developers can enclose logic into a class that extends PHP_Fork, then execute the start() method that forks a child process. Communications with the forked process is ensured by using a Shared Memory Segment; by using a user-defined signal and this shared memory developers can access to child process methods that returns a serializable variable. The shared variable space can be accessed with the tho methods: o void setVariable($name, $value) o mixed getVariable($name) $name must be a valid PHP variable name; $value must be a variable or a serializable object. Resources (db connections, streams, etc.) cannot be serialized and so they're not correctly handled. Requires PHP build with --enable-cli --with-pcntl --enable-shmop. Only runs on *NIX systems, because Windows lacks of the pcntl ext. @example browser_pool.php an interactive tool to perform multiple cuncurrent request over an URL. @example simple_controller.php shows how to attach a controller to started pseudo-threads. @example exec_methods.php shows a workaround to execute methods into the child process. @example passing_vars.php shows variable exchange between the parent process and started pseudo-threads. @example basic.php a basic example, only two pseudo-threads that increment a counter simultaneously.";s:1:"r";a:1:{s:7:"attribs";a:1:{s:10:"xlink:href";s:16:"/rest/r/php_fork";}}}