Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/facetwp/includes/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/facetwp/includes/class-display.php |
<?php class FacetWP_Display { /* (array) Facet types being used on the page */ public $active_types = []; /* (array) Facets being used on the page */ public $active_facets = []; /* (array) Extra features used on the page */ public $active_extras = []; /* (array) Saved shortcode attributes */ public $shortcode_atts = []; /* (boolean) Whether to enable FacetWP for the current page */ public $load_assets = false; /* (array) Scripts and stylesheets to enqueue */ public $assets = []; /* (array) Data to pass to front-end JS */ public $json = []; function __construct() { add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' ); add_action( 'loop_start', [ $this, 'add_template_tag' ] ); add_action( 'loop_no_results', [ $this, 'add_template_tag' ] ); add_action( 'wp_footer', [ $this, 'front_scripts' ], 25 ); add_shortcode( 'facetwp', [ $this, 'shortcode' ] ); } /** * Detect the loop container if the "facetwp-template" class is missing */ function add_template_tag( $wp_query ) { if ( true === $wp_query->get( 'facetwp' ) && did_action( 'wp_head' ) ) { echo "<!--fwp-loop-->\n"; } } /** * Set default values for atts * * Old: [facetwp template="foo" static] * New: [facetwp template="foo" static="true"] */ function normalize_atts( $atts ) { foreach ( $atts as $key => $val ) { if ( is_int( $key ) ) { $atts[ $val ] = true; unset( $atts[ $key ] ); } } return $atts; } /** * Register shortcodes */ function shortcode( $atts ) { $atts = $this->normalize_atts( $atts ); $this->shortcode_atts[] = $atts; $output = ''; if ( isset( $atts['facet'] ) ) { $facet = FWP()->helper->get_facet_by_name( $atts['facet'] ); if ( $facet ) { $ui = empty( $facet['ui_type'] ) ? $facet['type'] : $facet['ui_type']; $ui_attr = empty( $facet['ui_type'] ) ? '' : ' data-ui="' . $ui . '"'; $output = '<div class="facetwp-facet facetwp-facet-' . $facet['name'] . ' facetwp-type-' . $ui . '" data-name="' . $facet['name'] . '" data-type="' . $facet['type'] . '"' . $ui_attr . '></div>'; // Build list of active facet types $this->active_types[ $facet['type'] ] = $facet['type']; $this->active_facets[ $facet['name'] ] = $facet['name']; $this->load_assets = true; } } elseif ( isset( $atts['template'] ) ) { $template = FWP()->helper->get_template_by_name( $atts['template'] ); if ( $template ) { $class_name = 'facetwp-template'; // Static template if ( isset( $atts['static'] ) ) { $renderer = new FacetWP_Renderer(); $renderer->template = $template; $renderer->query_args = $renderer->get_query_args(); $renderer->query = new WP_Query( $renderer->query_args ); $html = $renderer->get_template_html(); $class_name .= '-static'; } // Preload template (search engine visible) else { global $wp_query; $temp_query = $wp_query; $args = FWP()->request->process_preload_data( $template['name'] ); $preload_data = FWP()->facet->render( $args ); $html = $preload_data['template']; $wp_query = $temp_query; } $output = '<div class="{class}" data-name="{name}">{html}</div>'; $output = str_replace( '{class}', $class_name, $output ); $output = str_replace( '{name}', $atts['template'], $output ); $output = str_replace( '{html}', $html, $output ); $this->load_assets = true; } } elseif ( isset( $atts['sort'] ) ) { $this->active_extras['sort'] = true; $output = '<div class="facetwp-sort"></div>'; } elseif ( isset( $atts['selections'] ) ) { $output = '<div class="facetwp-selections"></div>'; } elseif ( isset( $atts['counts'] ) ) { $this->active_extras['counts'] = true; $output = '<div class="facetwp-counts"></div>'; } elseif ( isset( $atts['pager'] ) ) { $this->active_extras['pager'] = true; $output = '<div class="facetwp-pager"></div>'; } elseif ( isset( $atts['per_page'] ) ) { $this->active_extras['per_page'] = true; $output = '<div class="facetwp-per-page"></div>'; } $output = apply_filters( 'facetwp_shortcode_html', $output, $atts ); return $output; } /** * Output facet scripts */ function front_scripts() { // Not enqueued - front.js needs to load before front_scripts() if ( apply_filters( 'facetwp_load_assets', $this->load_assets ) ) { // Load CSS? if ( apply_filters( 'facetwp_load_css', true ) ) { $this->assets['front.css'] = FACETWP_URL . '/assets/css/front.css'; } // Load required JS $this->assets['front.js'] = FACETWP_URL . '/assets/js/dist/front.min.js'; // Backwards compat? if ( apply_filters( 'facetwp_load_deprecated', false ) ) { $this->assets['front-deprecated.js'] = FACETWP_URL . '/assets/js/src/deprecated.js'; } // Load a11y? $a11y = FWP()->helper->get_setting( 'load_a11y', 'no' ); $a11y_hook = apply_filters( 'facetwp_load_a11y', false ); if ( 'yes' == $a11y || $a11y_hook ) { $this->assets['accessibility.js'] = FACETWP_URL . '/assets/js/src/accessibility.js'; $this->json['a11y'] = [ 'label_page' => __( 'Go to page', 'fwp-front' ), 'label_page_next' => __( 'Go to next page', 'fwp-front' ), 'label_page_prev' => __( 'Go to previous page', 'fwp-front' ) ]; } // Pass GET and URI params $http_params = [ 'get' => $_GET, 'uri' => FWP()->helper->get_uri(), 'url_vars' => FWP()->request->url_vars, ]; // See FWP()->facet->get_query_args() if ( ! empty( FWP()->facet->archive_args ) ) { $http_params['archive_args'] = FWP()->facet->archive_args; } // Populate the FWP_JSON object $this->json['prefix'] = FWP()->helper->get_setting( 'prefix' ); $this->json['no_results_text'] = __( 'No results found', 'fwp-front' ); $this->json['ajaxurl'] = get_rest_url() . 'facetwp/v1/refresh'; $this->json['nonce'] = wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ); if ( apply_filters( 'facetwp_use_preloader', true ) ) { $overrides = FWP()->request->process_preload_overrides([ 'facets' => $this->active_facets, 'extras' => $this->active_extras, ]); $args = FWP()->request->process_preload_data( false, $overrides ); $this->json['preload_data'] = FWP()->facet->render( $args ); } ob_start(); foreach ( $this->active_types as $type ) { $facet_class = FWP()->helper->facet_types[ $type ]; if ( method_exists( $facet_class, 'front_scripts' ) ) { $facet_class->front_scripts(); } } $inline_scripts = ob_get_clean(); $assets = apply_filters( 'facetwp_assets', $this->assets ); foreach ( $assets as $slug => $data ) { $data = (array) $data; $is_css = ( 'css' == substr( $slug, -3 ) ); $version = empty( $data[1] ) ? FACETWP_VERSION : $data[1]; $url = $data[0]; if ( false !== strpos( $url, 'facetwp' ) ) { $prefix = ( false !== strpos( $url, '?' ) ) ? '&' : '?'; $url .= $prefix . 'ver=' . $version; } $html = $is_css ? '<link href="{url}" rel="stylesheet">' : '<script src="{url}"></script>'; $html = apply_filters( 'facetwp_asset_html', $html, $url ); echo str_replace( '{url}', $url, $html ) . "\n"; } echo $inline_scripts; do_action( 'facetwp_scripts' ); ?> <script> window.FWP_JSON = <?php echo json_encode( $this->json ); ?>; window.FWP_HTTP = <?php echo json_encode( FWP()->helper->escape( $http_params ) ); ?>; </script> <?php } } }