Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/facetwp/includes/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/facetwp/includes/class-ajax.php |
<?php class FacetWP_Ajax { public $url_vars; public $query_vars; public $is_preload; function __construct() { add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'switchboard' ], 1000 ); } function switchboard() { $valid_actions = [ 'resume_index', 'save_settings', 'rebuild_index', 'get_info', 'get_query_args', 'heartbeat', 'license', 'backup' ]; $action = isset( $_POST['action'] ) ? sanitize_key( $_POST['action'] ) : ''; $is_valid = false; if ( 0 === strpos( $action, 'facetwp_' ) ) { $action = substr( $action, 8 ); $is_valid = in_array( $action, $valid_actions ); } if ( $is_valid ) { // Non-authenticated if ( in_array( $action, [ 'resume_index' ] ) ) { $this->$action(); } // Authenticated elseif ( current_user_can( apply_filters( 'facetwp_admin_settings_capability', 'manage_options' ) ) ) { if ( wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['nonce'], 'fwp_admin_nonce' ) ) { $this->$action(); } } } // Listen for API refresh call add_action( 'facetwp_refresh', [ $this, 'refresh' ] ); // Backwards compatibility $this->url_vars = FWP()->request->url_vars; $this->is_preload = FWP()->request->is_preload; } /** * Save admin settings */ function save_settings() { $settings = $_POST['data']; if ( isset( $settings['settings'] ) ) { update_option( 'facetwp_settings', json_encode( $settings ), 'no' ); if ( FWP()->diff->is_reindex_needed() ) { $response = [ 'code' => 'error', 'message' => __( 'Settings saved, please re-index', 'fwp' ) ]; } else { $response = [ 'code' => 'success', 'message' => __( 'Settings saved', 'fwp' ) ]; } } else { $response = [ 'code' => 'error', 'message' => __( 'Error: invalid JSON', 'fwp' ) ]; } wp_send_json( $response ); } /** * Rebuild the index table */ function rebuild_index() { update_option( 'facetwp_indexing_cancelled', 'no', 'no' ); FWP()->indexer->index(); exit; } function get_info() { $type = $_POST['type']; if ( 'post_types' == $type ) { $types = FWP()->helper->get_indexable_types(); $response = [ 'code' => 'success', 'message' => implode( ', ', $types ) ]; } elseif ( 'indexer_stats' == $type ) { $last_indexed = get_option( 'facetwp_last_indexed' ); $last_indexed = $last_indexed ? human_time_diff( $last_indexed ) . ' ago' : 'never'; $response = [ 'code' => 'success', 'message' => "Last indexed: $last_indexed" ]; } elseif ( 'cancel_reindex' == $type ) { update_option( 'facetwp_indexing_cancelled', 'yes' ); $response = [ 'code' => 'success', 'message' => 'Indexing cancelled' ]; } elseif ( 'purge_index_table' == $type ) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$wpdb->prefix}facetwp_index" ); delete_option( 'facetwp_version' ); delete_option( 'facetwp_indexing' ); delete_option( 'facetwp_indexing_data' ); $response = [ 'code' => 'success', 'message' => __( 'Done, please re-index', 'fwp' ) ]; } wp_send_json( $response ); } /** * Return query arguments based on a Query Builder object */ function get_query_args() { $query_obj = $_POST['query_obj']; if ( is_array( $query_obj ) ) { $query_args = FWP()->builder->parse_query_obj( $query_obj ); } wp_send_json( $query_args ); } /** * Keep track of indexing progress */ function heartbeat() { $output = [ 'pct' => FWP()->indexer->get_progress() ]; if ( -1 == $output['pct'] ) { $output['rows'] = FWP()->helper->get_row_counts(); } wp_send_json( $output ); } /** * License activation */ function license() { $license = sanitize_key( $_POST['license'] ); $request = wp_remote_post( '', [ 'body' => [ 'action' => 'activate', 'slug' => 'facetwp', 'license' => $license, 'host' => FWP()->helper->get_http_host(), ] ] ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $request ) || 200 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $request ) ) { update_option( 'facetwp_license', $license ); update_option( 'facetwp_activation', $request['body'] ); update_option( 'facetwp_updater_last_checked', 0 ); echo $request['body']; } else { echo json_encode( [ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => __( 'Error', 'fwp' ) . ': ' . $request->get_error_message(), ] ); } exit; } /** * Import / export functionality */ function backup() { $action_type = $_POST['action_type']; $output = []; if ( 'export' == $action_type ) { $items = $_POST['items']; if ( ! empty( $items ) ) { foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( 'facet' == substr( $item, 0, 5 ) ) { $item_name = substr( $item, 6 ); $output['facets'][] = FWP()->helper->get_facet_by_name( $item_name ); } elseif ( 'template' == substr( $item, 0, 8 ) ) { $item_name = substr( $item, 9 ); $output['templates'][] = FWP()->helper->get_template_by_name( $item_name ); } } } echo json_encode( $output ); } elseif ( 'import' == $action_type ) { $settings = FWP()->helper->settings; $import_code = $_POST['import_code']; $overwrite = (int) $_POST['overwrite']; if ( empty( $import_code ) || ! is_array( $import_code ) ) { _e( 'Nothing to import', 'fwp' ); exit; } $status = [ 'imported' => [], 'skipped' => [], ]; foreach ( $import_code as $object_type => $object_items ) { foreach ( $object_items as $object_item ) { $is_match = false; foreach ( $settings[$object_type] as $key => $settings_item ) { if ( $object_item['name'] == $settings_item['name'] ) { if ( $overwrite ) { $settings[$object_type][$key] = $object_item; $status['imported'][] = $object_item['label']; } else { $status['skipped'][] = $object_item['label']; } $is_match = true; break; } } if ( ! $is_match ) { $settings[$object_type][] = $object_item; $status['imported'][] = $object_item['label']; } } } update_option( 'facetwp_settings', json_encode( $settings ) ); if ( ! empty( $status['imported'] ) ) { echo ' [<strong>' . __( 'Imported', 'fwp' ) . '</strong>] ' . implode( ', ', $status['imported'] ); } if ( ! empty( $status['skipped'] ) ) { echo ' [<strong>' . __( 'Skipped', 'fwp' ) . '</strong>] ' . implode( ', ', $status['skipped'] ); } } exit; } /** * The AJAX facet refresh handler */ function refresh() { global $wpdb; $params = FWP()->request->process_post_data(); $output = FWP()->facet->render( $params ); $data = stripslashes_deep( $_POST['data'] ); // Ignore invalid UTF-8 characters in PHP 7.2+ if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '7.2', '<' ) ) { $output = json_encode( $output ); } else { $output = json_encode( $output, JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE ); } echo apply_filters( 'facetwp_ajax_response', $output, [ 'data' => $data ] ); exit; } /** * Resume stalled indexer */ function resume_index() { $touch = (int) FWP()->indexer->get_transient( 'touch' ); if ( 0 < $touch && $_POST['touch'] == $touch ) { FWP()->indexer->index(); } exit; } }