Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-grid-builder/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-grid-builder/readme.txt |
=== WP Grid Builder === Author URI: Plugin URI: Contributors: WP Grid Builder, Loïc Blascos Tags: ecommerce, facet, filter, grid, justified, masonry, metro, post filter, post grid, taxonomy, user, search Requires at least: 6.0 Tested up to: 6.5.3 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 2.0.2 License: GPL-3.0-or-later License URI: Build advanced grid layouts with real time faceted search for your eCommerce, blog, portfolio, and more... == Description == = WP Grid Builder WordPress Plugin = [Live demo]( WP Grid Builder is a modular and flexible WordPress Grid plugin, which allows you to create advanced and faceted grids. Show off your post types, taxonomy terms or users in Masonry, Metro, Justified or carousel layout. Filter your grids from any (custom) taxonomy terms, WordPress fields and custom fields. Possibilities are endless and do not require coding knowledge. WP Grid Builder will fit to any project which displays posts, users, or taxonomy terms. The plugin is perfect to create eCommerces, blogs, portfolios, galleries and so more... The plugin can also be used to layout grids/carousels from your WordPress media library. WP Grid Builder was built with performance in mind. The plugin is able to handle large amout of posts without impacting loading speed of your website. The faceted search system can handle thousands of posts with an appropriate server (VPS or dedicated server) WP Grid Builder also includes advanced PHP and JavaScript APIs for developers. You can use the facet system as standalone without the grid and card system. **WordPress Features** WP Grid Builder is certainly the most advanced Grid plugin. It comes with plenty of options and possibilities easily configurable thanks to powerful admin interface. **Main Features:** * Fully Responsive * Mobile Friendly * Lazy load support * RTL layout support * HTML5 Browser History support * Google Fonts integration * 250 SVG icons included * HTML5 videos support (.mp4, .webm, .ogv) * Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia support from video post format * Post formats support (standard, audio, video) * Index based faceted search * Accessibility support (WCAG standards) * W3C standard valid * SEO Friendly * Import/Export settings * PHP and JavaScript APIs * Developer Friendly * Multisite Support * Automatic Updates * Compatible with Gutenberg or any page builder using shortcodes * Compatible with WooCommerce plugin * Compatible with Easy Digital Downloads plugin * Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields plugin * Compatible with Relevanssi plugin * Compatible with SearchWP plugin == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/wp-grid-builder` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress. 1. Use the Gridbuilder ᵂᴾ screen to configure the plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What does WP Grid Builder do, exactly? = WP Grid Builder allows to create grids of (custom) post type(s), users, and taxonomy terms. Grids can be filtered, thanks to an advanced facet system, by taxonomy terms, WordPress fields and custom fields. = Is WP Grid Builder compatible with multisites installation? = Yes, WP Grid Builder can be activated for all your sub-sites, just activate it from your main network site. = Is WP Grid Builder compatible with all web browsers? = Yes, WP Grid Builder is compatible with all modern web browsers. WP Grid Builder is compatible with Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Opera, and Edge. == Changelog == = 2.0.2 - May 24, 2024 = * Improved Custom block attribute argument added to render_callback. * Improved Automatically merges query strings and hash to Apply redirect URL. * Improved Add facet slug if missing in settings. * Fixed Wrong aspect ratio issue with Metro layout. * Fixed Wrong link target in card (interaction). * Fixed Wrong stylesheet directory on multisite. * Fixed Incorrect nested tax query clauses. * Fixed Incorrect domain name in some strings. * Fixed Data localized twice in the WordPress editor. * Fixed Issue with wrong custom field name in sort facet. = 2.0.1 - May 16, 2024 = * Improved Sticky admin table header. * Fixed Incorrect URL scheme for CSS stylesheets. * Fixed Broken layout with horizontal card. = 2.0.0 - May 13, 2024 = * Added Revamp of the admin interface with React. * Added Revamp dashboard to manage licence, indexer, content and add-ons. * Added Revamp card editor based on Gutenberg (as standalone). * Added Styles to customize the appearance of facets. * Added Responsive controls to the card editor. * Added Conditions to render blocks in a card. * Added Dynamic Tags to render data in a card. * Added Columns, Group, Row, Stack, Paragraph & Button blocks. * Added New controls to Post Terms block. * Added Support for custom CSS properties for cards. * Added Support for CSS variables throughout the plugin. * Added Child Of support for facet taxonomy source. * Added Term Depth support for facet taxonomy source. * Added Include/Exclude controls for custom fields as data source. * Added Show Current Terms to display current archive terms in facets. * Added Conditional Actions for facet (hide/reveal & disable/enable). * Added Conditional Cards for grids (attach cards conditionally). * Added Support for Multiple order values in grids. * Added Support to include and exclude terms in grid. * Added Support for GDPR friendly Bunny Fonts. * Added Grid, Card, Facet & Style demos to the importer (Browse Demos). * Added New setting to apply a facet style globally. * Added New facet block control to apply a style locally. * Added New settings API to easily add controls to the plugin. * Added PHP filter to register custom SVGs for the card editor. * Added Icons in several setting controls (grid, card and facet). * Added Requires at least & Requires PHP header Requirements. * Added CSS minifier for cards and styles. * Added Use of CSS variables for facets, cards and lightbox in the plugin stylesheet. * Improved Automatically adds carousel buttons and page dots in grid layout. * Improved Rendering facet blocks in the WordPress editor. * Improved Support for indexing with HTTP authentication. * Improved Facets can be indexed from the facet overview table. * Improved Facet source now combines all data sources in a single field. * Improved Preserve imported identifiers wherever possible. * Improved Reduce the size of frontend JS scripts by around 20%. * Updated Google Fonts library. * Updated French translations. * Changed Listing, label, and counter are now styled independently for each facet. * Changed Remove shortcode menu button for styles in admin table. * Changed Full-width layout for admin tables and control panels. * Changed PHP 8.0 is recommended and compatible up to version 7.x. * Changed WordPress 6.0 or higher is required. * Fixed CSS conflict between facet toggle and range slider. * Fixed Card editor layout issues with WP 6.0. * Fixed Incorrect aria-label in plugin menu. * Fixed Typo error in aria-label of pagination facet. * Fixed PHP 8.3 deprecation notices. * Fixed Incorrect redirection from WordPress navigation menu. * Fixed Minor responsive CSS issue in the admin interface. * Fixed Issue with the layout of group block in the card editor. * Fixed Issue with certain style settings not correctly saved. * Fixed Duplicate CSS color declarations in dynamic stylesheets. * Fixed Overflow issue with facet style preview iframe. * Fixed Vertical layout issue with the buttons facet when the list is expanded. * Fixed Prevents inserting empty metadata tags in cards. = 1.9.0 - April 2, 2024 = * Added Compatibility with WordPress 6.5. * Added Backward compatibility with V2. * Fixed PHP warning when activating WP Grid Builder V2 beta. = 1.8.2 - February 7, 2024 = * Fixed Issue with user role block in cards. * Fixed Issue with term slug block in cards. = 1.8.1 - December 6, 2023 = * Updated Twitter/X social icon. * Fixed Error with template and is_main_query argument outside archive pages. * Fixed Issue with output buffering when filtering custom queries. = 1.8.0 - November 2, 2023 = * Added Compatibility with WordPress 6.4. * Added Support for Youtube Short videos. * Updated JavaScript libraries and facets assets. * Fixed Issue with product variation prices. = 1.7.9 - September 1, 2023 = * Fixed Arbitrary PHP function call with templates (Security Fix). * Fixed Grid settings issue with nested custom fields. * Changed Removal of fallback for the old way of declaring templates (deprecated since v1.4.0). = 1.7.8 - August 22, 2023 = * Changed Ajax endpoint Url from relative to absolute. * Fixed Issue with select control in WordPress editor. = 1.7.7 - June 29, 2023 = * Fixed Overflow issue with grid carousel layout. * Fixed Issue when focusing interactive elements in a carousel. = 1.7.6 - May 25, 2023 = * Improved Support for value "0" in facets for ACF checkbox, radio and select field. * Improved Render of "0" numeric value in card custom field block. * Improved Filesystem to generate assets (grid and facet stylesheets). * Improved License activation/deactivation status code. = 1.7.5 - April 5, 2023 = * Improved Facet color options support choice name as choice value. * Fixed Issue with card builder and latest version of Google Chrome. * Fixed JavaScript warnings in the admin interface. = 1.7.4 - March 20, 2023 = * Improved ACF shortcodes rendering in cards during filtering. * Changed Indexer hook priorities to ensure correct indexing. * Fixed Issue with webp format and background image in cards. = 1.7.3 - February 12, 2023 = * Fixed Issue with the installation and updates of add-ons. = 1.7.2 - February 6, 2023 = * Added Compatibility with PHP 8.2. * Fixed Issue with facet toggle button with several instances of the same grid. * Fixed [hidden] CSS fallback rule to avoid conflicts with third-party plugins. * Fixed Missing CRON indexing fallback in some contexts. = 1.7.1 - December 21, 2022 = * Improved Strips style/script content from the excerpt when fully displayed. * Fixed Issue with Google Fonts and regular/400 weight in the card builder. * Fixed Issue with text position in Dropdown facet in Firefox. = 1.7.0 - October 12, 2022 = * Added Number facet to filter by min and/or max values. * Added Gutenberg classname attribute support in template block. * Fixed Conflict with pagename argument in main index query. * Fixed Rendering issue of card block with empty custom fields. * Fixed JavaScript race condition issue when refreshing facets. * Fixed Notification message when paging and loading more content. * Fixed Issue with WooCommerce and custom order with grids. * Fixed Issue with indexer's progression calculation. = 1.6.9 - September 5, 2022 = * Added Support for query string in Apply facet redirect URL. * Added Total number of results found in the facet refesh response. * Improved Notification message (aria) when results are updated. * Fixed Issue with the main query in author archive pages. = 1.6.8 - August 1, 2022 = * Added Support for Facet, Grid and Template blocks in FSE editor. * Added Archive Template option for Grid block in FSE editor. * Added Possibility to create option prefixed by "wpgb-content" in Facet block. * Improved Detection of Query Loop block using the filter custom queries method. * Fixed Issue rendering select block control in the FSE editor. = 1.6.7 - June 9, 2022 = * Improved Detection of custom Ajax endpoints. * Fixed Issue with prefiltered grids and Apply facet. * Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation notices. = 1.6.6 - May 2, 2022 = * Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet. * Changed Relevanssi search limit in WordPress search template. * Fixed Issue with reset facet and dynamic query string on render. * Fixed Issue with range slider rounding values with large numbers. * Fixed Issue with facet term order and WooCommerce custom taxonomy. * Fixed Issue with lightbox button and Elementor page transitions. * Fixed Issue with default date in facet date picker on open. = 1.6.5 - March 22, 2022 = * Added Support for the translation of custom url in the card builder. * Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet * Fixed Issue with Relevanssi highlighting and nested queries from grid shortcodes. * Fixed Issue with range values not properly formatted in selection facet. * Fixed Issue with HTML entities in autocomplete results. * Fixed Issue with date picker JS script and IE11. = 1.6.4 - February 11, 2022 = * Updated PHP filter wp_grid_builder/indexer/term_query_args to better translate facets. * Fixed Issue with term query arguments when indexing taxonomy facets. * Fixed Issue with the indexing progression in the facet settings. * Fixed Issue with duplicates in the WooCommerce sale price card block. * Fixed Issue with WooCommerce prices without tax in facets. * Fixed Issue with shortcode editor button not available in some contexts. * Fixed Display issue with select field (multiple) in the card builder. = 1.6.3 - January 14, 2022 = * Updated JavaScript libraries and facets assets. * Fixed Prevent throwing exceptions with history state when origin is not the same. * Fixed Issue with Relevanssi and custom search result snippets. = 1.6.2 - December 6, 2021 = * Fixed Conflict with the terms highlighted by Relevanssi in the cards. * Fixed Conflict with SearchWP and custom WP_Query. * Fixed Restore default post status of grids. = 1.6.1 - November 24, 2021 = * Fixed Issue with carousel buttons not being correctly sized if too small. * Fixed Carousel dragging issue with Safari on IOS 15. * Fixed Missing term order option for the sort facet. * Fixed Wrong slug for Meta Box add-on. = 1.6.0 - October 5, 2021 = * Added Support for upper source with Range Slider and Date Picker facets. * Added Support for compare type with Range Slider and Date Picker facets. * Fixed PHP notices from WordPress 5.8 when rendering grids/facets in Gutenberg. * Fixed Issue with WP All Import and WooCommerce products when indexing. * Fixed Prevent items from being added to the cart when filtering. * Fixed Issue with search template and WooCommerce ordering. = 1.5.9 - July 27, 2021 = * Added Support for WooCommerce taxonomy term order for facet choices. * Changed Support for inline CSS styles for preview and fallback mode. * Fixed Issue with ACF time picker field format used in facet choices. * Fixed Issue with First Media Content option and mp3 format. = 1.5.8 - May 24, 2021 = * Improved Support for Relevanssi search based on users. * Fixed Issue with query orderby clause on WooCommerce archive pages. * Fixed Issue with onchange event and range slider facet. * Fixed Issue with user email block converting email address to url. = 1.5.7 - April 28, 2021 = * Improved Default date in facet date picker on open (selected/current/max date). * Improved Active/full price blocks display the price suffix set in WooCommerce. * Fixed Issue with media player and flexible card media with Masonry layout. * Fixed Issue with SearchWP and the media library in grid view when searching. * Fixed Issue with output buffering when filtering custom queries or archive results. * Fixed Issue with Selection facet not taking into accord all selected choices. * Fixed Issue with hierarchical facets and included/excluded taxonomy terms. * Fixed Issue with Relevanssi when filtering custom queries. * Fixed Issue with WooCommerce order on archive pages. * Fixed Issue with excluded facets from Apply facet. * Fixed Conflict with Elementor lightbox script. = 1.5.6 - March 15, 2021 = * Fixed Conflict with search query when no post type is defined. * Fixed Issue with choice count always displayed with autocomplete and asynchrounous combobox. * Fixed Issue with Geolocation and Map facets showing selected values in selection facet. = 1.5.5 - March 10, 2021 = * Added Oxygen add-on in add-ons list (plugin dashboard). * Fixed Issue with WooCommerce price order and the sort facet. * Fixed Issue with the main query on index blog page. = 1.5.4 - March 01, 2021 = * Improved Allow to cache empty facets when not filtered. * Improved Behaviour of facet choices in disabled state. * Improved JSON detection in response when filtering custom content. * Improved WhatsApp social sharing button now contains the post link. * Fixed Issue with SearchWP and facet choices in search template. * Fixed Issue with Google Map marker icons not clickable in some cases. * Fixed Issue with Query Monitor plugin when filtering custom queries. * Fixed Regression where facet IDs were incorrectly typed. = 1.5.3 - February 9, 2021 = * Improved Error handling (JSON response) when filtering custom or archive content. * Improved Automatically expand children in checkbox treeview from query string. * Improved Preload dynamic assets (CSS/JS) of facets when necessary. * Fixed Conflict with color picker input and AMP for WP plugin. * Fixed Non-composited animations of the range facet skeleton loader. * Fixed Issue with Range Slider facet when min/max values are equal. * Fixed Issue with WooCommerce variable prices and Range Slider facet. * Fixed Issue with querySelector and HTML attribute value from buttons. * Fixed Issue with WP filesystem when using non direct method. * Fixed Issue with Selection facet and integers used as facet value. = 1.5.2 - January 11, 2021 = * Added Scroll to top option (with offset) for pagination facet. * Improved Keywords highlight when using SearchWP as facet search engine. * Improved Display a JS error when facets are placed inside custom content. * Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet. * Fixed Issue when sorting WooCommerce products by average rating. * Fixed Issue with plugin/add-ons and WordPress auto-update feature. * Fixed Issue with Per Page facet allowing to pass excessive values. * Fixed Issue with Date Facet when single date selection is cleared on close. * Fixed Issue with Date Facet when selected dates are outside min/max date range. = 1.5.1 - December 15, 2020 = * Added Option to easily filter archive pages and custom queries with facets having as grid name "wpgb-content". * Improved HTML caching of facets when they are present on different archive templates. * Fixed Issue with asynchronous combobox when passing lang parameter from Polylang or WPML. * Fixed Issue when importing .json file generated by the plugin (text/plain mime type issue). * Fixed Issue with French translation and the number of activated licenses (plugin dashboard). * Fixed Conflict with CSSTidy library and PHP constants. = 1.5.0 - November 23, 2020 = * Added Color Picker facet to visually filter by colors/images. * Added A-Z Index facet to filter by starting letter or number. * Added Rest API routes (for developers) to fetch and search facet choices. * Added Compatibility with PHP 8.0.0 and WordPress 5.6. * Fixed Issue with instant Search facet and trailing whitespaces. * Fixed Issue when grid images have missing width and/or height. * Fixed Issue with default combobox label not correctly translated. * Fixed Issue when rounding image aspect ratio in grids. * Fixed Issue with range slider and right-to-left layout. * Fixed Issue with several selection facets with different slugs. * Fixed Issue with rating facet and PHP 5.6. = 1.4.3 - October 19, 2020 = * Fixed Issue when installing add-ons from plugin dashboard. * Fixed Wrong French translation when installing add-ons. = 1.4.2 - October 19, 2020 = * Improved Added taxonomy key for duplicated names in taxonomies list (props Marie Comet). * Improved Range slider behaviour when hidden from view (tab, toggle, accordion, etc.). * Improved Query optimization when rendering facets and searching for facet choices (asynchronous facets). * Added wpgb-dots-page class for pagination facet. * Changed HTML markup of range slider thumbs (thumbs are now wrapped). * Changed CSS rules of several facets (checkbox, radio, dropdown, buttons, inputs, range). * Changed Hook priority to enqueue grid and facets assets on the frontend. * Updated Google Fonts available in the card builder. * Fixed CSS transition issue when updating facet content. * Fixed z-index issue with Dropdown and Autocomplete facets. * Fixed Missing aria-hidden attribute on rating stars SVG icon. * Fixed Issue with multiple select field control in the card builder. * Fixed Issue with grid JS instance and unique identifier (on destroy). * Fixed Issue with fixed height set on card with Masonry layout when hidden from view. * Fixed Issue with 0 numeric value in card custom field. * Fixed Race conditions with instant Search facet and asynchronous requests. = 1.4.1 - September 11, 2020 = * Fixed Issue with reset facet demo content. * Fixed Issue with included facets to reset. * Fixed Issue with main query and offset parameter. = 1.4.0 - August 31, 2020 = * Added Shadow grid principle to render facets without grids or templates in a page. * Added Apply facet action to filter a grid on click or to redirect to a filtered page. * Added Shortcode, widget and Gutenberg block to render templates from an ID. * Added PHP filter wp_grid_builder/templates to register templates from an ID. * Added PHP filter wp_grid_builder/facet/title_tag to globally change facet title tag name. * Improved Performance for asynchronous requests of dropdown (async) and autocomplete facets. * Improved Disabled state for reset facet button and range slider clear button. * Improved Automatically expand children in treeview of selected items. * Improved Automatically uncheck parent when a child is selected in hierarchical checkboxes. * Improved Remove non existing facet choices (query string) from selection facet. * Improved Indexing of post metadata keys when a post is not directly updated. * Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet. * Fixed Missing aria labels (min and max values) in thumbs of the range slider facet. * Fixed Missing style of autocomplete and treeview navigation in facet stylesheet (if no grid in page). * Fixed Issue with Child Terms option not correctly including children (grid settings). * Fixed Issue when several templates (JavaScript instances) are present in a page. * Fixed Issue with responsive fonts in cards with several occurrences of the same grid in a page. * Fixed Issue with indexer when "Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality" option is enabled in WPML. * Fixed Issue when programmatically focusing on load more button (JS preventScroll). * Fixed Conflict with Elementor lightbox when a lightbox is set in WP Grid Builder settings. = 1.3.1 - July 15, 2020 = * Improved Lazy load support for gravatar in cards. * Improved Integration with Jetpack lazy load module. * Improved Integration with WP Rocket lazy load feature. * Fixed Issue with WP_Query and Relevanssi PHP filter fallback. * Fixed Issue with Safari browser and the card builder. * Fixed Issue with CSS non valid background shorthands. * Fixed Issue with CSS minification and properties in upper case. * Fixed Issue with badly-formed markup of search facet button. * Fixed Issue with localization of color picker strings (WP 5.5). = 1.3.0 - June 16, 2020 = * Added New autocomplete facet to show suggestions asynchronously while typing. * Added Clear X button for search facet to easily clear field. * Added Accessible navigation treeview for checkboxes facet. * Added Automatically expand lists on refresh if there are selected choices. * Added Keep facet (checkboxes, radio, buttons) toggle state while filtering. * Added Indeterminate (partially checked) state for hierarchical checkboxes. * Updated CSSTidy PHP library to compress and minify stylesheets. * Fixed Deprecated PHP warnings with PHP 7.4.x. * Fixed Ajax issue with Relevanssi when using facets with search template. * Fixed Issue when prefiltering (PHP) with several grids/templates in a page. * Fixed Issue when getting facet by slug with wpgb.facets.getFacet() JS method. * Fixed JavaScript warning when deleting or cloning a block in the card builder. * Fixed Issue with single date facet appearance on mobile devices. * Fixed Missing french translation for clear button label of combobox. = 1.2.3 - May 14, 2020 = * Added New orderby option in grid settings to order by term taxonomy count. * Improved Added version number in query string of SVG sprite (admin). * Changed Wrong french translation in rating facet (& up => & plus). * Changed Dragger JS helper logic (carousel) to detect dragging from angle and vector thresholds. * Fixed Issue with WooCommerce grouped product prices. * Fixed Missing taxonomy term settings (term colors) on certain taxonomy (e.g.: WooCommerce attributes). * Fixed CSS issue in card builder with equal absolute positions (top, right, bottom, left) in Firefox. * Fixed Issue with do_shortcode in Raw Content block of the card builder. * Fixed Issue with wp_grid_builder/grid/query_args filter arguments for term and user queries. * Fixed Issue with home SVG icons set not rendered on frontend (missing id attribute in SVG tag). * Fixed Prevent to pre-filter main query in admin if no grids/templates are specified (wp_grid_builder/facet/query_string). * Fixed Prevent password fields in admin settings to be autofilled by browser (Chrome). * Fixed Minor markup issue in admin setting panels of the plugin. * Fixed CSS animation issue on Ball Spin Fade loader type. = 1.2.2 - April 14, 2020 = * Added French translation of backend and frontend. * Changed Minor changes to admin settings panels. * Changed Minor changes to admin labels and descriptions. * Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet. * Fixed Prevent issue with multiple inlined custom JS codes. * Fixed Issue with WPML Media plugin and attachment queries. * Fixed Issue with Visual Composer column shortcodes in excerpt. = 1.2.1 - March 25, 2020 = * Improved Split styles and scripts to only load necessary assets on the frontend. * Improved Facets scripts (date, range, select) are now loaded asynchronously on the frontend. * Improved Render facets endpoint (onload) only queries content and fetches facet arguments. * Improved Date and Range facet options are now handled asynchronously instead of being localized. * Improved Range facet displays a skeleton placeholder while loading before initialization. * Improved Use of font-variant-numeric for fluid content change in range facet. * Improved Custom blocks are only rendered if they hold content. * Added Option to load/unload polyfills to support Internet Explorer 11 and older browsers. * Added Support filtering and sorting by WooCommerce featured products (available in facet custom fields). * Updated SVG calendar icon of the date facet input. * Fixed Issue with Gutenberg Fullscreen mode in WordPress 5.4 when resizing a grid. * Fixed Issue with Gutenberg align class name when editing a grid rendered on load in the editor. * Fixed Issue with read more link in card post content and excerpt. * Fixed Issue with Gutenberg and Google Fonts loaded from cards. * Fixed Issue with formatting input numbers in plugin settings. * Fixed Issue with select, date, range and search facets JS instantiation when conditionally hidden (with PHP filter). * Fixed Issue with "wp-" prefix in plugin assets folder name (to prevent issue on some servers). = 1.2.0 - February 10, 2020 = * Improved Accessibility with carousel keyboard navigation. * Improved Exclude language taxonomy from taxonomy terms block of the card builder. * Added Support for strings translation with Polylang and WPML thanks to Multilingual add-on. * Added Support for [number] shortcode in toggle button label to display the number of hidden items (checkbox, radio, button, and hierarchy). * Added Support for [number] shortcode in load more button to display number of remaining items. * Fixed CSS issue with Gutenberg blocks and select/button components. * Fixed Issue with do_shortcode in card post content. * Fixed Issue with query string in asynchronous endpoint. * Fixed Issue with included terms in facets. * Fixed Issue with carousel keyboard navigation. * Fixed Issue when indexing taxonomy terms with WPML. = 1.1.9 - January 20, 2020 = * Improved Dynamic stylesheets principle to decrease numbers of generated files. * Improved Support date and number formats for ACF repeater fields and array values in card builder. * Improved Prevent to scroll to carousel viewport when buttons or pagination dots are focused. * Fixed Missing dependency from main plugin stylesheet in wp_enqueue_style() used by wpgb_render_template(). * Fixed Issue with non numeric attachment ID when changing object attachment with wp_grid_builder/grid/the_object PHP filter. * Fixed Issue with missing CSS transitions in card builder from preview mode. * Fixed Issue with default accent color in facets if unset. * Fixed Issue with search facet and post status. = 1.1.8 - January 8, 2020 = * Improved Render blocks and shortcodes in card post content. * Improved Preserve scrollRestoration on first load to scroll to anchor. * Improved Preserve hash location in query string when filtering with histroy. * Added Draggable option to enable/disable dragging and flicking feature on carousel. * Fixed Issue when indexing taxonomy terms from attachment post type. * Fixed Issue with encoding facet values and special characters. * Fixed Issue with attachment post type and custom post formats from plguin settings. * Fixed Issue when assigning card to custom post formats. * Fixed Added fallback to default post ID in grid settings if missing ID from pll_get_post() function. * Fixed Missing datetime attribute in time HTML tag. * Fixed Width issue with select combobox search holder. * Fixed Corrected unvalid CSS property values (W3C non-compliant). * Fixed CSS transition flicker issue while loading cards stylesheet. = 1.1.7 - December 2, 2019 = * Fixed Unset default touch action on range slider to prevent dragging issue on touch devices. * Fixed Missing carousel dots and navigation buttons (prev/next) in Grid Builder. * Fixed Missing icons for 3rd party add-ons in dashboard importer of the plugin. * Fixed CSS conflicts with facet unordered/ordered list style. = 1.1.6 - November 18, 2019 = * Improved WP Media modal keep selected media when adding new ones (does not require to hold ctrl/cmd key). * Added New set of SVG icons (home/buildings) for the card builder. * Added New hook 'wp_grid_builder/facet/orderby' to change facet query ORDER BY clause. * Fixed Rare query issue with term taxonomy ids used in meta_query. * Fixed PHP warnings when missing custom fields in facet settings and card builder. * Fixed JS issue when destroying range slider instance if facet is empty. * Fixed CSS conflict with admin notices if post options if enabled. = 1.1.5 - November 4, 2019 = * Improved Plugin license and updater refactor to easily register add-ons. * Improved Preserve search relevance if no order is set. * Improved 'noresults_callback' of wpgb_render_template() set to false prevents showing no results message. * Added New admin submenu to download and activate add-ons. * Added Support for the defer and async script attributes. * Added Option to reveal WooCommerce first gallery image when hovering thumbnail. * Added Support to sort by ACF meta key (repeaters are not supported). * Updated Flatpickr.js library to v4.6.3. * Fixed Facets not rendered in preview mode if grid not saved. = 1.1.1 - September 12, 2019 = * Improved Allow multiple facets selection in settings to reset facet(s). * Improved Automatically translate custom field date format in cards. * Added Gutenberg block preview examples in block inserter. * Fixed PHP warning if missing user data when indexing. * Fixed PHP error when saving custom field attachment. * Fixed PHP issue with post permalink date structures. = 1.1.0 - September 4, 2019 = * Improved Settings API to allow plugins/add-ons to extend settings. * Improved Increase limit for card spacings up to 999 in grid settings. * Improved Allow multiple names (whitespace separated) in class attribute of wpgb_render_template() argument. * Changed PHP filter name for hierarchy facet. * Fixed Missing default Google Fonts weight (variant 400). * Fixed Facet not been centered when placed alone in grid builder area. * Fixed Issue with include parameter of WP_Term_Query set to [ 0 ] (WP Core bug: * Fixed JS conflict with card preview iframe in overview page. * Fixed JS conflict with WordPress iris script from color picker. * Fixed JS issue with Internet Explorer 11. * Fixed CSS issue with post per page select facet. * Fixed PHP issue when splitting string by whitespaces for CSS classes. * Fixed PHP typo with orderby field name for term and user sources. = 1.0.3 - June 17, 2019 = * Added wp_grid_builder/card/id PHP hook to change the card ID used for a post. * Added Possibility to include or exclude term(s) for queried posts (grid settings). * Added Possibility to set is_main_query in shortcode attribute. * Added Notice message in card builder for blocks that natively have an action (media button, social share, etc.). * Fixed JS issue with load more on scroll on facet refresh. * Fixed Card media thumbnail action which happens on click. * Fixed Card layer link issue when there isn't any overlay/content. * Fixed Rendering raw content in card overview panel. * Fixed Wrong default SVG play icon in cards. = 1.0.2 - May 30, 2019 = * Improved Grid layout performance by changing CSS stacking context. * Added Plugin update from subsites for multisite. * Fixed Force refreshing plugin info to view latest plugin details on plugins page. * Fixed JS load more issue on scroll with carousel. * Fixed CSS flickers on grid items with Safari. * Fixed Select dropdown position after refreshing facets. * Fixed JS error when highlighting select item in dropdown list on facet refresh. * Fixed PHP warning when deleting taxonomy terms if missing facets. = 1.0.1 - May 23, 2019 = * Improved Check ACF link field url key for custom field action link (card builder). * Changed Warning notice for asynchronous hierarchical list for select facet. * Fixed Prevent hierarchical list for asynchronous select facet. (Props Marie Comet) * Fixed Missing jQuery dependancy (in some cases) in preview mode and in cards overview iframes. * Fixed Autoplay issue with embedded iframes in grid. * Fixed Issue with upload media button and WP Media iframe. * Fixed Issue with post type attachment and videos not correctly fetched. = 1.0.0 - May 14, 2019 = * Initial release \o/