Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/document-library-pro/src/Submissions/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/document-library-pro/src/Submissions/Frontend_Form.php |
<?php namespace Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Submissions; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Dependencies\Lib\Registerable; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Template_Loader_Factory; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Dependencies\Lib\Template_Loader; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Document; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Util\Media; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Util\Options; use Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\Dependencies\Lib\Util as Lib_Util; use Exception; use JsonSerializable; use WP_Error; use function Barn2\Plugin\Document_Library_Pro\document_library_pro; /** * Responsible for displaying the frontend submission form. * * @package Barn2\document-library-pro * @author Barn2 Plugins <> * @license GPL-3.0 * @copyright Barn2 Media Ltd */ class Frontend_Form implements Registerable, JsonSerializable { /** * Form fields. * * @var array */ protected $fields = []; /** * Form errors. * * @var array */ protected $errors = []; /** * Template loader instance. * * @var Template_Loader The template loader. */ private $template_loader; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->template_loader = Template_Loader_Factory::create(); } /** * Hook into WP. * * @return void */ public function register() { add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'load_posted_form' ] ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'register_scripts' ] ); add_filter( 'upload_dir', [ $this, 'setup_upload_dir' ] ); } /** * Get the assets url. * * @param string $path * @return string */ private function asset_url( $path ) { return document_library_pro()->get_dir_url() . 'assets/' . ltrim( $path, '/' ); } /** * Register assets. * * @return void */ public function register_scripts() { $script_dependencies = array_merge( Lib_Util::get_script_dependencies( document_library_pro(), 'dlp-submission-form.js' )['dependencies'], [ 'jquery' ] ); wp_register_script( 'dlp-frontend-submission', $this->asset_url( 'js/dlp-submission-form.js' ), $script_dependencies, document_library_pro()->get_version(), true ); wp_register_style( 'dlp-frontend-submission', $this->asset_url( 'css/dlp-submission-form.css' ), [], document_library_pro()->get_version() ); wp_add_inline_script( 'dlp-frontend-submission', 'const DLP_Frontend_Submission = ' . wp_json_encode( $this ), 'before' ); } /** * Adds an error. * * @param string $error The error message. */ public function add_error( $error ) { $this->errors[] = $error; } /** * Detect submission of the form and handle it. * * @return void */ public function load_posted_form() { if ( ! isset( $_POST['dlp_frontend_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['dlp_frontend_nonce'], 'dlp_frontend_submission' ) ) { return; } $this->process_form(); } /** * Sorts array by priority value. * * @param array $a * @param array $b * @return int */ protected function sort_by_priority( $a, $b ) { if ( floatval( $a['priority'] ) === floatval( $b['priority'] ) ) { return 0; } return ( floatval( $a['priority'] ) < floatval( $b['priority'] ) ) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Define the list of fields for the form. * * @return void */ public function init_fields() { if ( $this->fields ) { return; } $enabled_fields = Options::get_document_fields(); $fields = [ 'title' => [ 'label' => __( 'Title', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'placeholder' => __( 'Add title', 'document-library-pro' ), 'priority' => 1, ], 'custom_content' => [ 'label' => __( 'Content', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'editor', 'required' => false, 'priority' => 2, ], 'excerpt' => [ 'label' => __( 'Excerpt', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => false, 'priority' => 3, ], 'document_link' => [ 'label' => __( 'Document link', 'document-library-pro' ), 'description' => __( 'Upload a file or add a URL where the document is located', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'select', 'options' => [ 'none' => __( 'None', 'document-library-pro' ), 'file' => __( 'File Upload', 'document-library-pro' ), 'url' => __( 'A custom URL', 'document-library-pro' ), ], 'required' => false, 'priority' => 4, ], 'document_url' => [ 'label' => __( 'Document url', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => false, 'placeholder' => 'https://', 'priority' => 5, ], 'document_file' => [ 'label' => __( 'Document file', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'file', 'required' => false, 'priority' => 6, ], 'category' => [ 'label' => __( 'Category', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy' => 'doc_categories', 'placeholder' => __( 'Select one or more categories...', 'document-library-pro' ), 'required' => false, 'priority' => 7, ], 'tags' => [ 'label' => __( 'Tags', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'taxonomy', 'placeholder' => __( 'Select one or more tags...', 'document-library-pro' ), 'required' => false, 'taxonomy' => 'doc_tags', 'priority' => 8, ], 'authors' => [ 'label' => __( 'Authors', 'document-library-pro' ), 'type' => 'taxonomy', 'placeholder' => __( 'Select one or more authors...', 'document-library-pro' ), 'required' => false, 'taxonomy' => 'doc_author', 'priority' => 9, ], 'email' => [ 'label' => 'Email', 'type' => 'text', 'priority' => 10, 'required' => false, 'class' => 'hp', 'autocomplete' => false ], ]; // Disable excerpt if not enabled. if ( ! in_array( 'excerpt', $enabled_fields, true ) ) { unset( $fields['excerpt'] ); } if ( ! in_array( 'author', $enabled_fields, true ) ) { unset( $fields['authors'] ); } if ( ! in_array( 'editor', $enabled_fields, true ) ) { unset( $fields['custom_content'] ); } /** * Filter: allows adjustments to the fields displayed * on the frontend submission form. * * @param array $fields * @return array */ $fields = apply_filters( 'document_library_pro_form_fields', $fields ); $this->fields = $fields; } /** * Gets fields for the form. * * @return array */ public function get_fields() { $fields = $this->fields; uasort( $fields, [ $this, 'sort_by_priority' ] ); return $fields; } /** * Checks whether a value is empty. * * @param string|numeric|array|boolean $value The value that is being checked. * @param string $key The key of the field that is being checked. * @return bool True if value is empty, false otherwise. */ protected function is_empty( $value, $key = '' ) { /** * Filter values considered as empty or falsy for required fields. * Useful for example if you want to consider zero (0) as a non-empty value. * * @see -- standard default empty values * * @param array $false_vals A list of values considered as falsy. * @param string $key The key that this is being used for. */ $false_vals = apply_filters( 'dlp_form_validate_fields_empty_values', [ '', 0, 0.0, '0', null, false, [] ], $key ); // strict true for type checking. if ( in_array( $value, $false_vals, true ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Gets post data for fields. * * @return array of data. */ protected function get_posted_fields() { $this->init_fields(); $values = []; foreach ( $this->fields as $key => $field ) { // Get the value. $field_type = str_replace( '-', '_', $field['type'] ); $handler = apply_filters( "dlp_get_posted_{$field_type}_field", false ); $this->fields[ $key ]['empty'] = false; if ( ! isset( $field['before_sanitize'] ) ) { $field['before_sanitize'] = function ( $value ) use ( $key ) { if ( is_string( $value ) ) { $value = trim( $value ); } $this->fields[ $key ]['empty'] = $this->is_empty( $value, $key ); }; } if ( $handler ) { $values[ $key ] = call_user_func( $handler, $key, $field ); } elseif ( method_exists( $this, "get_posted_{$field_type}_field" ) ) { $values[ $key ] = call_user_func( [ $this, "get_posted_{$field_type}_field" ], $key, $field ); } else { $values[ $key ] = $this->get_posted_field( $key, $field ); } $this->fields[ $key ]['value'] = $values[ $key ]; } /** * Alter values for posted fields. * * @param array $values The values that have been submitted. * @param array $fields The form fields. */ return apply_filters( 'dlp_get_posted_fields', $values, $this->fields ); } /** * Sanitize the value of a field. * * @param mixed $value * @param mixed $sanitizer * @return mixed */ protected function sanitize_posted_field( $value, $sanitizer = null ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { $value[ $key ] = $this->sanitize_posted_field( $val, $sanitizer ); } return $value; } $value = trim( $value ); return sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $value ) ); } /** * Gets the value of a posted field. * * @param string $key * @param array $field * @return string|array */ protected function get_posted_field( $key, $field ) { $value = isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST[ $key ] ) : false; return false !== $value ? $this->sanitize_posted_field( $value ) : ''; } /** * Gets the value of a posted file field. * * @param string $key * @param array $field * * @return string|array * @throws \Exception When the upload fails. */ protected function get_posted_file_field( $key, $field ) { $file = $this->upload_file( $key, $field ); if ( ! $file ) { $file = $this->get_posted_field( 'current_' . $key, $field ); } elseif ( is_array( $file ) ) { $file = array_filter( array_merge( $file, (array) $this->get_posted_field( 'current_' . $key, $field ) ) ); } return $file; } /** * Gets posted terms for the taxonomy. * * @param string $key * @param array $field * @return array */ protected function get_posted_taxonomy_field( $key, $field ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- Nonce check happens elsewhere. Sanitization below. $value = isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) && ! empty( $_POST[ $key ] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST[ $key ] ) : false; if ( ! $value ) { return []; } return is_array( $value ) ? array_map( 'absint', $value ) : array_map( 'absint', explode( ',', $value ) ); } /** * Handles the uploading of files. * * @param string $field_key * @param array $field * @throws Exception When file upload failed. * @return string|array */ protected function upload_file( $field_key, $field ) { $value = null; if ( isset( $_FILES[ $field_key ] ) && ! empty( $_FILES[ $field_key ] ) && ! empty( $_FILES[ $field_key ]['name'] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $field['allowed_mime_types'] ) ) { $allowed_mime_types = $field['allowed_mime_types']; } else { $allowed_mime_types = get_allowed_mime_types(); } $file_urls = []; $uploader = new Uploader( $_FILES[ $field_key ] ); $files_to_upload = $uploader->prepare_uploaded_files(); //phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.MissingUnslash -- see foreach ( $files_to_upload as $file_to_upload ) { if ( isset( $field['size_limit'] ) && ! empty( $field['size_limit'] ) && $file_to_upload['size'] > $field['size_limit'] ) { throw new Exception( 'Uploaded file is too large.' ); } $uploaded_file = $uploader->upload_file( $file_to_upload, [ 'file_key' => $field_key, 'allowed_mime_types' => $allowed_mime_types, ] ); if ( is_wp_error( $uploaded_file ) ) { throw new Exception( $uploaded_file->get_error_message() ); } else { $file_urls[] = $uploaded_file->url; } } if ( ! empty( $field['multiple'] ) ) { $value = $file_urls; } else { $value = current( $file_urls ); } } return $value; } /** * Gets the value of a posted textarea field. * * @param string $key * @param array $field * @return string */ protected function get_posted_textarea_field( $key, $field ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized, WordPress.Security.NonceVerification -- Nonce check happens elsewhere. $value = isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST[ $key ] ) : false; return false !== $value ? trim( wp_kses_post( $value ) ) : ''; } /** * Gets the value of a posted textarea field. * * @param string $key * @param array $field * @return string */ protected function get_posted_editor_field( $key, $field ) { return $this->get_posted_textarea_field( $key, $field ); } /** * Validates the posted fields. * * @param array $values * @return bool|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error on failure. * @throws Exception Uploaded file is not a valid mime-type or other validation error */ protected function validate_fields( $values ) { foreach ( $this->fields as $key => $field ) { if ( $field['required'] && ( ! isset( $field['empty'] ) || $field['empty'] ) ) { // translators: Placeholder %s is the label for the required field. return new WP_Error( 'validation-error', sprintf( __( '%s is a required field', 'document-library-pro' ), $field['label'] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $field['taxonomy'] ) && in_array( $field['type'], [ 'taxonomy' ], true ) ) { if ( is_array( $values[ $key ] ) ) { $check_value = $values[ $key ]; } else { $check_value = empty( $values[ $key ] ) ? [] : [ $values[ $key ] ]; } foreach ( $check_value as $term ) { if ( ! term_exists( $term, $field['taxonomy'] ) ) { // translators: Placeholder %s is the field label that is did not validate. return new WP_Error( 'validation-error', sprintf( __( '%s is invalid', 'document-library-pro' ), $field['label'] ) ); } } } if ( 'file' === $field['type'] ) { if ( is_array( $values[ $key ] ) ) { $check_value = array_filter( $values[ $key ] ); } else { $check_value = array_filter( [ $values[ $key ] ] ); } if ( ! empty( $check_value ) ) { foreach ( $check_value as $file_url ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $file_url ) ) { /** * Set this flag to true to reject files from external URLs during submission. * * @param bool $reject_external_files The flag. * @param string $key The field key. * @param array $field An array containing the information for the field. */ $reject_external_files = apply_filters( 'dlp_reject_external_files', false, $key, $field ); // Check image path. $baseurl = wp_upload_dir()['baseurl']; if ( $reject_external_files && 0 !== strpos( $file_url, $baseurl ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid image path.', 'document-library-pro' ) ); } } // Check mime types. if ( ! empty( $field['allowed_mime_types'] ) ) { $file_url = current( explode( '?', $file_url ) ); $file_info = wp_check_filetype( $file_url ); if ( ! is_numeric( $file_url ) && $file_info && ! in_array( $file_info['type'], $field['allowed_mime_types'], true ) ) { // translators: Placeholder %1$s is field label; %2$s is the file mime type; %3$s is the allowed mime-types. throw new Exception( sprintf( __( '"%1$s" (filetype %2$s) needs to be one of the following file types: %3$s', 'document-library-pro' ), $field['label'], $file_info['ext'], implode( ', ', array_keys( $field['allowed_mime_types'] ) ) ) ); } } // Check if attachment is valid. if ( is_numeric( $file_url ) ) { continue; } $file_url = esc_url( $file_url, [ 'http', 'https' ] ); if ( empty( $file_url ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid attachment provided.', 'document-library-pro' ) ); } } } } } /** * Perform additional validation on the fields. * * @param bool $is_valid Whether the fields are valid. * @param array $fields Array of all fields being validated. * @param array $values Submitted input values. */ return apply_filters( 'dlp_submission_form_validate_fields', true, $this->fields, $values ); } /** * Process submission of the form. * * @return void * @throws Exception On validation error */ public function process_form() { try { $this->init_fields(); $values = $this->get_posted_fields(); $validation_status = $this->validate_fields( $values ); if ( is_wp_error( $validation_status ) ) { throw new Exception( $validation_status->get_error_message() ); } if ( isset( $values['email'] ) && ! empty( $values['email'] ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'Failed honeypot validation.', 'document-library-pro' ) ); } include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/media.php'; include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'; $document_type = $values['document_link']; if ( $document_type === 'url' && ( ! isset( $values['document_url'] ) || empty( $values['document_url'] ) ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'Please enter a valid document url.', 'document-library-pro' ) ); } elseif ( $document_type === 'file' && ( ! isset( $values['document_file'] ) || empty( $values['document_file'] ) || ! file_exists( Media::get_file_url( $values['document_file'] ) ) ) ) { throw new Exception( __( 'Please select the file you wish to upload.', 'document-library-pro' ) ); } $args = [ 'name' => $values['title'], 'excerpt' => isset( $values['excerpt'] ) ? $values['excerpt'] : '', 'content' => isset( $values['custom_content'] ) ? $values['custom_content'] : '', 'category_ids' => isset( $values['category'] ) ? $values['category'] : [], 'tag_ids' => isset( $values['tags'] ) ? $values['tags'] : [], 'author_ids' => isset( $values['authors'] ) ? $values['authors'] : [], 'published' => Options::is_submission_moderated() ? -1 : 1 ]; if ( $document_type === 'url' ) { $args['direct_url'] = $values['document_url']; } elseif ( $document_type === 'file' ) { $args['file_url'] = $values['document_file']; } $document = new Document( 0, $args ); // Document successfully created. if ( $document instanceof Document && ! empty( $document->get_id() ) ) { $this->delete_document_file( $values ); if ( Options::is_submission_admin_email_active() ) { ( new Admin_Notification( $document ) )->send(); } $redirect = add_query_arg( [ 'success' => true ], get_permalink() ); wp_safe_redirect( $redirect ); exit; } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->add_error( $e->getMessage() ); return; } } /** * Delete the temporary document file. * * Usually used when validation error occurs or * after successful submission. * * @param array $values * @return void */ private function delete_document_file( $values ) { $document_type = $values['document_link']; if ( $document_type === 'file' ) { $temporary_file = Media::get_file_url( $values['document_file'] ); if ( $temporary_file && strpos( $temporary_file, 'dlp-uploads' ) !== false ) { wp_delete_file( $temporary_file ); } $this->fields['document_file']['value'] = false; } } /** * Get the slug of the currently active theme. * We'll use this as class name to add theme specific styling. * * @return string */ private function get_theme_slug() { return get_stylesheet(); } /** * Displays the form via the shortcode. * * @return string */ public function display_form() { $this->init_fields(); return $this->template_loader->get_template( 'submission-form.php', [ 'templates' => $this->template_loader, 'fields' => $this->get_fields(), 'submit_button_text' => __( 'Submit document', 'document-library-pro' ), 'theme' => strtolower( $this->get_theme_slug() ), 'errors' => $this->errors ] ); } /** * Filters the upload dir when dlp is making an upload. * * @param array $pathdata * @return array */ public function setup_upload_dir( $pathdata ) { global $dlp_upload, $dlp_uploading_file; if ( ! empty( $dlp_upload ) ) { $dir = untrailingslashit( apply_filters( 'dlp_upload_dir', 'dlp-uploads/' . sanitize_key( $dlp_uploading_file ), sanitize_key( $dlp_uploading_file ) ) ); if ( empty( $pathdata['subdir'] ) ) { $pathdata['path'] = $pathdata['path'] . '/' . $dir; $pathdata['url'] = $pathdata['url'] . '/' . $dir; $pathdata['subdir'] = '/' . $dir; } else { $new_subdir = '/' . $dir . $pathdata['subdir']; $pathdata['path'] = str_replace( $pathdata['subdir'], $new_subdir, $pathdata['path'] ); $pathdata['url'] = str_replace( $pathdata['subdir'], $new_subdir, $pathdata['url'] ); $pathdata['subdir'] = $new_subdir; } } return $pathdata; } /** * Script configuration for the frontend. * * @return array */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { return [ 'restNonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ), 'rest' => trailingslashit( get_rest_url() . Rest_Api::API_NAMESPACE ), 'labels' => [ 'removeItem' => __( 'Remove this option', 'document-library-pro' ), ] ]; } }