Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/assets/js/hotspot-tooltipster.js |
/* Tooltipster v3.2.6 */ ( function ( e, t, n ) { function s( t, n ) { this.bodyOverflowX; this.callbacks = { hide: [], show: [], }; this.checkInterval = null; this.Content; this.$el = e( t ); this.$elProxy; this.elProxyPosition; this.enabled = true; this.options = e.extend( {}, i, n ); this.mouseIsOverProxy = false; this.namespace = 'ult-tooltipster-' + Math.round( Math.random() * 1e5 ); this.Status = 'hidden'; this.timerHide = null; this.timerShow = null; this.$tooltip; this.options.iconTheme = this.options.iconTheme.replace( '.', '' ); this.options.theme = this.options.theme.replace( '.', '' ); this._init(); } function o( t, n ) { let r = true; e.each( t, function ( e, i ) { if ( typeof n[ e ] === 'undefined' || t[ e ] !== n[ e ] ) { r = false; return false; } } ); return r; } function f() { return ! a && u; } function l() { let e = n.body || n.documentElement, t =, r = 'transition'; if ( typeof t[ r ] === 'string' ) { return true; } ( v = [ 'Moz', 'Webkit', 'Khtml', 'O', 'ms' ] ), ( r = r.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + r.substr( 1 ) ); for ( let i = 0; i < v.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof t[ v[ i ] + r ] === 'string' ) { return true; } } return false; } var r = 'ulttooltipster', i = { /*ultContentSize: "auto", /* ultimate */ /*ultContainerWidth: "auto",*/ /* ultimate */ animation: 'fade', arrow: true, arrowColor: '', autoClose: true, content: null, contentAsHTML: false, contentCloning: true, debug: true, delay: 200, minWidth: 0, ultCustomTooltipStyle: false, ultContentStyle: null, ultBaseStyle: null, //ultContainerWidth: null, /*ultBaseWidth: null, ultPadding: null,*/ //ultBaseBGColor: "#FF5F5F", //ultBaseBorderColor: "#D34646", //ultBaseColor: "#333333", maxWidth: null, functionInit( e, t ) {}, functionBefore( e, t ) { t(); }, functionReady( e, t ) {}, functionAfter( e ) {}, icon: '(?)', iconCloning: true, iconDesktop: false, iconTouch: false, iconTheme: 'ult-tooltipster-icon', interactive: false, interactiveTolerance: 350, multiple: false, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, onlyOne: false, position: 'top', positionTracker: false, speed: 350, timer: 0, theme: 'ult-tooltipster-default', touchDevices: true, trigger: 'hover', updateAnimation: true, ult_adv_id: 0, ultimate_target: 0, responsive_json_new: 0, }; s.prototype = { _init() { const t = this; if ( n.querySelector ) { if ( t.options.content !== null ) { t._content_set( t.options.content ); } else { let r = t.$el.attr( 'title' ); if ( typeof r === 'undefined' ) r = null; t._content_set( r ); } const i = t.$el, t.$el, t.Content ); if ( typeof i !== 'undefined' ) t._content_set( i ); t.$el.removeAttr( 'title' ).addClass( 'ult-tooltipstered' ); if ( ( ! u && t.options.iconDesktop ) || ( u && t.options.iconTouch ) ) { if ( typeof t.options.icon === 'string' ) { t.$elProxy = e( '<span class="' + t.options.iconTheme + '"></span>' ); t.$elProxy.text( t.options.icon ); } else if ( t.options.iconCloning ) t.$elProxy = t.options.icon.clone( true ); else t.$elProxy = t.options.icon; t.$elProxy.insertAfter( t.$el ); } else { t.$elProxy = t.$el; } if ( t.options.trigger == 'hover' ) { t.$elProxy .on( 'mouseenter.' + t.namespace, function () { if ( ! f() || t.options.touchDevices ) { t.mouseIsOverProxy = true; t._show(); } } ) .on( 'mouseleave.' + t.namespace, function () { if ( ! f() || t.options.touchDevices ) { t.mouseIsOverProxy = false; } } ); if ( u && t.options.touchDevices ) { t.$elProxy.on( 'touchstart.' + t.namespace, function () { t._showNow(); } ); } } else if ( t.options.trigger == 'click' ) { t.$elProxy.on( 'click.' + t.namespace, function () { if ( ! f() || t.options.touchDevices ) { t._show(); } } ); } } // t._responsive(); }, _responsive() { /** * init variables */ let large_screen = '', desktop = '', tablet = '', tablet_portrait = '', mobile_landscape = '', mobile = ''; /** * generate responsive @media css *------------------------------------------------------------*/ jQuery( '.ult-responsive' ).each( function ( index, element ) { let t = jQuery( element ), n = t.attr( 'data-responsive-json-new' ), target = 'ultimate-target' ), temp_large_screen = '', temp_desktop = '', temp_tablet = '', temp_tablet_portrait = '', temp_mobile_landscape = '', temp_mobile = ''; // jUST FOR TESTING // CHECK FOR TOOLTIP ONLY if ( jQuery( element ).hasClass( 'ult-tooltipster-content' ) ) { // console.log('n : ' + JSON.stringify(n) ); // console.log('target : ' + target ); } if ( typeof n !== 'undefined' || n != null ) { jQuery.each( jQuery.parseJSON( n ), function ( i, v ) { // set css property const css_prop = i; if ( typeof v !== 'undefined' && v != null ) { const vals = v.split( ';' ); jQuery.each( vals, function ( i, vl ) { if ( typeof vl !== 'undefined' || vl != null ) { const splitval = vl.split( ':' ); switch ( splitval[ 0 ] ) { case 'large_screen': temp_large_screen += css_prop + ':' + splitval[ 1 ] + ';'; break; case 'desktop': temp_desktop += css_prop + ':' + splitval[ 1 ] + ';'; break; case 'tablet': temp_tablet += css_prop + ':' + splitval[ 1 ] + ';'; break; case 'tablet_portrait': temp_tablet_portrait += css_prop + ':' + splitval[ 1 ] + ';'; break; case 'mobile_landscape': temp_mobile_landscape += css_prop + ':' + splitval[ 1 ] + ';'; break; case 'mobile': temp_mobile += css_prop + ':' + splitval[ 1 ] + ';'; break; } } } ); } } ); } /* * REMOVE Comments for TESTING *-------------------------------------------*/ //if(temp_mobile!='') { mobile += '\n\t'+ target+ " { \t\t"+temp_mobile+" \t}"; } //if(temp_mobile_landscape!='') { mobile_landscape += '\n\t'+ target+ " { \t\t"+temp_mobile_landscape+" \t}"; } //if(temp_tablet_portrait!='') { tablet_portrait += '\n\t'+ target+ " { \t\t"+temp_tablet_portrait+" \t}"; } //if(temp_tablet!='') { tablet += '\n\t'+ target+ " { \t\t"+temp_tablet+" \t}"; } //if(temp_desktop!='') { desktop += '\n\t'+ target+ " { \t\t"+temp_desktop+" \t}"; } //if(temp_large_screen!='') { large_screen += '\n\t'+ target+ " { \t\t"+temp_large_screen+" \t}"; } if ( temp_mobile != '' ) { mobile += target + '{' + temp_mobile + '}'; } if ( temp_mobile_landscape != '' ) { mobile_landscape += target + '{' + temp_mobile_landscape + '}'; } if ( temp_tablet_portrait != '' ) { tablet_portrait += target + '{' + temp_tablet_portrait + '}'; } if ( temp_tablet != '' ) { tablet += target + '{' + temp_tablet + '}'; } if ( temp_desktop != '' ) { desktop += target + '{' + temp_desktop + '}'; } if ( temp_large_screen != '' ) { large_screen += target + '{' + temp_large_screen + '}'; } } ); /* * REMOVE Comments for TESTING *-------------------------------------------*/ let UltimateMedia = '<style>\n/** Ultimate: Tooltipster Responsive **/ '; UltimateMedia += desktop; UltimateMedia += '\n@media (min-width: 1824px) { ' + large_screen + '\n}'; UltimateMedia += '\n@media (max-width: 1199px) { ' + tablet + '\n}'; UltimateMedia += '\n@media (max-width: 991px) { ' + tablet_portrait + '\n}'; UltimateMedia += '\n@media (max-width: 767px) { ' + mobile_landscape + '\n}'; UltimateMedia += '\n@media (max-width: 479px) { ' + mobile + '\n}'; UltimateMedia += '\n/** Ultimate: Tooltipster Responsive - **/</style>'; jQuery( 'head' ).append( UltimateMedia ); //console.log(UltimateMedia); // var UltimateMedia = '<style>/** Ultimate: Tooltipster Responsive **/ '; // UltimateMedia += desktop; // /*UltimateMedia += "@media (min-width: 1824px) { "+ large_screen +"}";*/ // UltimateMedia += "@media (max-width: 1199px) { "+ tablet +"}"; // UltimateMedia += "@media (max-width: 991px) { "+ tablet_portrait +"}"; // UltimateMedia += "@media (max-width: 767px) { "+ mobile_landscape +"}"; // UltimateMedia += "@media (max-width: 479px) { "+ mobile +"}"; // UltimateMedia += '/** Ultimate: Tooltipster Responsive - **/</style>'; // jQuery('head').append(UltimateMedia); // //console.log(UltimateMedia); }, _show() { const e = this; if ( e.Status != 'shown' && e.Status != 'appearing' ) { if ( e.options.delay ) { e.timerShow = setTimeout( function () { if ( e.options.trigger == 'click' || ( e.options.trigger == 'hover' && e.mouseIsOverProxy ) ) { e._showNow(); e._responsive(); } }, e.options.delay ); } else e._showNow(); } e._responsive(); }, _showNow( n ) { const r = this; r.$el, r.$el, function () { if ( r.enabled && r.Content !== null ) { if ( n ) n ); r.callbacks.hide = []; clearTimeout( r.timerShow ); r.timerShow = null; clearTimeout( r.timerHide ); r.timerHide = null; if ( r.options.onlyOne ) { e( '.ult-tooltipstered' ) .not( r.$el ) .each( function ( t, n ) { const r = e( n ), i = 'ult-tooltipster-ns' ); e.each( i, function ( e, t ) { const n = t ), i = n.status(), s = n.option( 'autoClose' ); if ( i !== 'hidden' && i !== 'disappearing' && s ) { n.hide(); } } ); } ); } const i = function () { r.Status = 'shown'; e.each(, function ( e, t ) { r.$el ); } ); = []; }; if ( r.Status !== 'hidden' ) { var s = 0; if ( r.Status === 'disappearing' ) { r.Status = 'appearing'; if ( l() ) { r.$tooltip .clearQueue() .removeClass( 'ult-tooltipster-dying' ) .addClass( 'ult-tooltipster-' + r.options.animation + '-show' ); if ( r.options.speed > 0 ) r.$tooltip.delay( r.options.speed ); r.$tooltip.queue( i ); } else { r.$tooltip.stop().fadeIn( i ); } } else if ( r.Status === 'shown' ) { i(); } } else { r.Status = 'appearing'; var s = r.options.speed; let contentStyle = ( BaseStyle = '' ); if ( r.options.ultCustomTooltipStyle ) { contentStyle = r.options.ultContentStyle ? r.options.ultContentStyle : ''; BaseStyle = r.options.ultBaseStyle ? r.options.ultBaseStyle : ''; } /*var ultSize = "width: "+ r.options.ultContentSize + ";"; /* ultimate */ /*var ultCW = "width: "+ r.options.ultContainerWidth + ";"; /* ultimate */ r.bodyOverflowX = e( 'body' ).css( 'overflow-x' ); e( 'body' ).css( 'overflow-x', 'hidden' ); const o = 'ult-tooltipster-' + r.options.animation, a = '-webkit-transition-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -webkit-animation-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -moz-transition-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -moz-animation-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -o-transition-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -o-animation-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -ms-transition-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; -ms-animation-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; transition-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms; animation-duration: ' + r.options.speed + 'ms;', f = r.options.minWidth ? 'min-width:' + Math.round( r.options.minWidth ) + 'px;' : '', c = r.options.maxWidth ? 'max-width:' + Math.round( r.options.maxWidth ) + 'px;' : '', h = r.options.interactive ? 'pointer-events: auto;' : ''; BaseStyle = BaseStyle + ' ' + f + ' ' + c + ' ' + h + ' ' + a; r.$tooltip = e( '<div id="' + r.options.ult_adv_id + '" class="ult-tooltipster-base ' + r.options.theme + '" style="' + BaseStyle + '"><div class="ult-tooltipster-content ult-responsive" data-ultimate-target="' + r.options.ultimate_target + '" data-responsive-json-new = \'' + r.options.responsive_json_new + '\' style="' + contentStyle + '"></div></div>' ); /*r.$tooltip = e('<div class="ult-tooltipster-base ' + r.options.theme + '" style="' + ultCW + " " + f + " " + c + " " + h + " " + a + '"><div class="ult-tooltipster-content" style="'+ultSize+'"></div></div>');*/ if ( l() ) r.$tooltip.addClass( o ); r._content_insert(); r.$tooltip.appendTo( 'body' ); r.reposition(); r.$el, r.$el, r.$tooltip ); if ( l() ) { r.$tooltip.addClass( o + '-show' ); if ( r.options.speed > 0 ) r.$tooltip.delay( r.options.speed ); r.$tooltip.queue( i ); } else { r.$tooltip .css( 'display', 'none' ) .fadeIn( r.options.speed, i ); } r._interval_set(); e( t ).on( 'scroll.' + r.namespace + ' resize.' + r.namespace, function () { r.reposition(); } ); if ( r.options.autoClose ) { e( 'body' ).off( '.' + r.namespace ); if ( r.options.trigger == 'hover' ) { if ( u ) { setTimeout( function () { e( 'body' ).on( 'touchstart.' + r.namespace, function () { r.hide(); } ); }, 0 ); } if ( r.options.interactive ) { if ( u ) { r.$tooltip.on( 'touchstart.' + r.namespace, function ( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); } ); } let p = null; r.$elProxy .add( r.$tooltip ) .on( 'mouseleave.' + r.namespace + '-autoClose', function () { clearTimeout( p ); p = setTimeout( function () { r.hide(); }, r .options.interactiveTolerance ); } ) .on( 'mouseenter.' + r.namespace + '-autoClose', function () { clearTimeout( p ); } ); } else { r.$elProxy.on( 'mouseleave.' + r.namespace + '-autoClose', function () { r.hide(); } ); } } else if ( r.options.trigger == 'click' ) { setTimeout( function () { e( 'body' ).on( 'click.' + r.namespace + ' touchstart.' + r.namespace, function () { r.hide(); } ); }, 0 ); if ( r.options.interactive ) { r.$tooltip.on( 'click.' + r.namespace + ' touchstart.' + r.namespace, function ( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); } ); } } } } if ( r.options.timer > 0 ) { r.timerHide = setTimeout( function () { r.timerHide = null; r.hide(); }, r.options.timer + s ); } } } ); }, _interval_set() { const t = this; t.checkInterval = setInterval( function () { if ( e( 'body' ).find( t.$el ).length === 0 || e( 'body' ).find( t.$elProxy ).length === 0 || t.Status == 'hidden' || e( 'body' ).find( t.$tooltip ).length === 0 ) { if ( t.Status == 'shown' || t.Status == 'appearing' ) t.hide(); t._interval_cancel(); } else if ( t.options.positionTracker ) { let n = t._repositionInfo( t.$elProxy ), r = false; if ( o( n.dimension, t.elProxyPosition.dimension ) ) { if ( t.$elProxy.css( 'position' ) === 'fixed' ) { if ( o( n.position, t.elProxyPosition.position ) ) r = true; } else if ( o( n.offset, t.elProxyPosition.offset ) ) r = true; } if ( ! r ) { t.reposition(); } } }, 200 ); }, _interval_cancel() { clearInterval( this.checkInterval ); this.checkInterval = null; }, _content_set( e ) { if ( typeof e === 'object' && e !== null && this.options.contentCloning ) { e = e.clone( true ); } this.Content = e; }, _content_insert() { const e = this, t = this.$tooltip.find( '.ult-tooltipster-content' ); if ( typeof e.Content === 'string' && ! e.options.contentAsHTML ) { t.text( e.Content ); } else { t.empty().append( e.Content ); } }, _update( e ) { const t = this; t._content_set( e ); if ( t.Content !== null ) { if ( t.Status !== 'hidden' ) { t._content_insert(); t.reposition(); if ( t.options.updateAnimation ) { if ( l() ) { t.$tooltip .css( { width: '', '-webkit-transition': 'all ' + t.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms', '-moz-transition': 'all ' + t.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms', '-o-transition': 'all ' + t.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms', '-ms-transition': 'all ' + t.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms', transition: 'all ' + t.options.speed + 'ms, width 0ms, height 0ms, left 0ms, top 0ms', } ) .addClass( 'ult-tooltipster-content-changing' ); setTimeout( function () { if ( t.Status != 'hidden' ) { t.$tooltip.removeClass( 'ult-tooltipster-content-changing' ); setTimeout( function () { if ( t.Status !== 'hidden' ) { t.$tooltip.css( { '-webkit-transition': t.options.speed + 'ms', '-moz-transition': t.options.speed + 'ms', '-o-transition': t.options.speed + 'ms', '-ms-transition': t.options.speed + 'ms', transition: t.options.speed + 'ms', } ); } }, t.options.speed ); } }, t.options.speed ); } else { t.$tooltip.fadeTo( t.options.speed, 0.5, function () { if ( t.Status != 'hidden' ) { t.$tooltip.fadeTo( t.options.speed, 1 ); } } ); } } } } else { t.hide(); } }, _repositionInfo( e ) { return { dimension: { height: e.outerHeight( false ), width: e.outerWidth( false ), }, offset: e.offset(), position: { left: parseInt( e.css( 'left' ) ), top: parseInt( e.css( 'top' ) ), }, }; }, hide( n ) { const r = this; if ( n ) r.callbacks.hide.push( n ); = []; clearTimeout( r.timerShow ); r.timerShow = null; clearTimeout( r.timerHide ); r.timerHide = null; const i = function () { e.each( r.callbacks.hide, function ( e, t ) { r.$el ); } ); r.callbacks.hide = []; }; if ( r.Status == 'shown' || r.Status == 'appearing' ) { r.Status = 'disappearing'; const s = function () { r.Status = 'hidden'; if ( typeof r.Content === 'object' && r.Content !== null ) { r.Content.detach(); } r.$tooltip.remove(); r.$tooltip = null; e( t ).off( '.' + r.namespace ); e( 'body' ) .off( '.' + r.namespace ) .css( 'overflow-x', r.bodyOverflowX ); e( 'body' ).off( '.' + r.namespace ); r.$ '.' + r.namespace + '-autoClose' ); r.$el, r.$el ); i(); }; if ( l() ) { r.$tooltip .clearQueue() .removeClass( 'ult-tooltipster-' + r.options.animation + '-show' ) .addClass( 'ult-tooltipster-dying' ); if ( r.options.speed > 0 ) r.$tooltip.delay( r.options.speed ); r.$tooltip.queue( s ); } else { r.$tooltip.stop().fadeOut( r.options.speed, s ); } } else if ( r.Status == 'hidden' ) { i(); } return r; }, show( e ) { this._showNow( e ); return this; }, update( e ) { return this.content( e ); }, content( e ) { if ( typeof e === 'undefined' ) { return this.Content; } this._update( e ); return this; }, reposition() { const n = this; if ( e( 'body' ).find( n.$tooltip ).length !== 0 ) { n.$tooltip.css( 'width', '' ); n.elProxyPosition = n._repositionInfo( n.$elProxy ); let r = null, i = e( t ).width(), s = n.elProxyPosition, o = n.$tooltip.outerWidth( false ), u = n.$tooltip.innerWidth() + 1, a = n.$tooltip.outerHeight( false ); if ( n.$ 'area' ) ) { const f = n.$elProxy.attr( 'shape' ), l = n.$elProxy.parent().attr( 'name' ), c = e( 'img[usemap="#' + l + '"]' ), h = c.offset().left, p = c.offset().top, d = n.$elProxy.attr( 'coords' ) !== undefined ? n.$elProxy.attr( 'coords' ).split( ',' ) : undefined; if ( f == 'circle' ) { var v = parseInt( d[ 0 ] ), m = parseInt( d[ 1 ] ), g = parseInt( d[ 2 ] ); s.dimension.height = g * 2; s.dimension.width = g * 2; = p + m - g; s.offset.left = h + v - g; } else if ( f == 'rect' ) { var v = parseInt( d[ 0 ] ), m = parseInt( d[ 1 ] ), y = parseInt( d[ 2 ] ), b = parseInt( d[ 3 ] ); s.dimension.height = b - m; s.dimension.width = y - v; = p + m; s.offset.left = h + v; } else if ( f == 'poly' ) { let w = [], E = [], S = 0, x = 0, T = 0, N = 0, C = 'even'; for ( let k = 0; k < d.length; k++ ) { const L = parseInt( d[ k ] ); if ( C == 'even' ) { if ( L > T ) { T = L; if ( k === 0 ) { S = T; } } if ( L < S ) { S = L; } C = 'odd'; } else { if ( L > N ) { N = L; if ( k == 1 ) { x = N; } } if ( L < x ) { x = L; } C = 'even'; } } s.dimension.height = N - x; s.dimension.width = T - S; = p + x; s.offset.left = h + S; } else { s.dimension.height = c.outerHeight( false ); s.dimension.width = c.outerWidth( false ); = p; s.offset.left = h; } } let A = 0, O = 0, M = 0, _ = parseInt( n.options.offsetY ), D = parseInt( n.options.offsetX ), P = n.options.position; function H() { const n = e( t ).scrollLeft(); if ( A - n < 0 ) { r = A - n; A = n; } if ( A + o - n > i ) { r = A - ( i + n - o ); A = i + n - o; } } function B( n, r ) { if ( - e( t ).scrollTop() - a - _ - 12 < 0 && r.indexOf( 'top' ) > -1 ) { P = n; } if ( + s.dimension.height + a + 12 + _ > e( t ).scrollTop() + e( t ).height() && r.indexOf( 'bottom' ) > -1 ) { P = n; M = - a - _ - 12; } } if ( P == 'top' ) { var j = s.offset.left + o - ( s.offset.left + s.dimension.width ); A = s.offset.left + D - j / 2; M = - a - _ - 12; /* * Calculate tooltip border width: *------------------------------------------------*/ /*var blw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-left-width"), 10), brw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-right-width"), 10); var remb = blw + brw; A = A - remb ;*/ //alert(o); //25 + 25 + 375 = 425; H(); B( 'bottom', 'top' ); } if ( P == 'top-left' ) { A = s.offset.left + D; M = - a - _ - 12; H(); B( 'bottom-left', 'top-left' ); } if ( P == 'top-right' ) { A = s.offset.left + s.dimension.width + D - o; M = - a - _ - 12; H(); B( 'bottom-right', 'top-right' ); } if ( P == 'bottom' ) { var j = s.offset.left + o - ( s.offset.left + s.dimension.width ); A = s.offset.left - j / 2 + D; M = + s.dimension.height + _ + 12; /* * Calculate tooltip border width: for [BOTTOM] *------------------------------------------------*/ /*var blw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-left-width"), 10), brw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-right-width"), 10); var remb = (blw + brw) / 2; A = A - remb ;*/ H(); B( 'top', 'bottom' ); } if ( P == 'bottom-left' ) { A = s.offset.left + D; M = + s.dimension.height + _ + 12; H(); B( 'top-left', 'bottom-left' ); } if ( P == 'bottom-right' ) { A = s.offset.left + s.dimension.width + D - o; M = + s.dimension.height + _ + 12; H(); B( 'top-right', 'bottom-right' ); } if ( P == 'left' ) { A = s.offset.left - D - o - 12; O = s.offset.left + D + s.dimension.width + 12; var F = + a - ( + s.dimension.height ); M = - F / 2 - _; /* * Calculate tooltip border width: for [BOTTOM] *------------------------------------------------*/ /*var btw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-top-width"), 10), bbw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-bottom-width"), 10); var ptb = (btw + bbw) / 2; M = M - ptb ;*/ //alert(M); if ( A < 0 && O + o > i ) { var I = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-width' ) ) * 2, q = o + A - I; n.$tooltip.css( 'width', q + 'px' ); a = n.$tooltip.outerHeight( false ); A = s.offset.left - D - q - 12 - I; F = + a - ( + s.dimension.height ); M = - F / 2 - _; } else if ( A < 0 ) { A = s.offset.left + D + s.dimension.width + 12; r = 'left'; } } if ( P == 'right' ) { A = s.offset.left + D + s.dimension.width + 12; O = s.offset.left - D - o - 12; var F = + a - ( + s.dimension.height ); M = - F / 2 - _; /* * Calculate tooltip border width: for [BOTTOM] *------------------------------------------------*/ /* var btw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-top-width"), 10), bbw = parseInt(n.$tooltip.css("border-bottom-width"), 10); var ptb = (btw + bbw) / 2; M = M + ptb ;*/ if ( A + o > i && O < 0 ) { var I = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-width' ) ) * 2, q = i - A - I; n.$tooltip.css( 'width', q + 'px' ); a = n.$tooltip.outerHeight( false ); F = + a - ( + s.dimension.height ); M = - F / 2 - _; } else if ( A + o > i ) { A = s.offset.left - D - o - 12; r = 'right'; } } if ( n.options.arrow ) { let R = 'ult-tooltipster-arrow-' + P; if ( n.options.arrowColor.length < 1 ) { var U = n.$tooltip.css( 'background-color' ); } else { var U = n.options.arrowColor; } if ( ! r ) { r = ''; } else if ( r == 'left' ) { R = 'ult-tooltipster-arrow-right'; r = ''; } else if ( r == 'right' ) { R = 'ult-tooltipster-arrow-left'; r = ''; } else { r = 'left:' + Math.round( r ) + 'px;'; } if ( P == 'top' || P == 'top-left' || P == 'top-right' ) { var z = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-bottom-width' ) ), W = n.$tooltip.css( 'border-bottom-color' ); } else if ( P == 'bottom' || P == 'bottom-left' || P == 'bottom-right' ) { var z = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-top-width' ) ), W = n.$tooltip.css( 'border-top-color' ); } else if ( P == 'left' ) { var z = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-right-width' ) ), W = n.$tooltip.css( 'border-right-color' ); } else if ( P == 'right' ) { var z = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-left-width' ) ), W = n.$tooltip.css( 'border-left-color' ); } else { var z = parseFloat( n.$tooltip.css( 'border-bottom-width' ) ), W = n.$tooltip.css( 'border-bottom-color' ); } if ( z > 1 ) { z++; } let X = ''; if ( z !== 0 ) { let V = '', J = 'border-color: ' + W + ';'; if ( R.indexOf( 'bottom' ) !== -1 ) { V = 'margin-top: -' + Math.round( z ) + 'px;'; } else if ( R.indexOf( 'top' ) !== -1 ) { V = 'margin-bottom: -' + Math.round( z ) + 'px;'; } else if ( R.indexOf( 'left' ) !== -1 ) { V = 'margin-right: -' + Math.round( z ) + 'px;'; } else if ( R.indexOf( 'right' ) !== -1 ) { V = 'margin-left: -' + Math.round( z ) + 'px;'; } X = '<span class="ult-tooltipster-arrow-border" style="' + V + ' ' + J + ';"></span>'; } n.$tooltip.find( '.ult-tooltipster-arrow' ).remove(); const K = '<div class="' + R + ' ult-tooltipster-arrow" style="' + r + '">' + X + '<span style="border-color:' + U + ';" ></span></div>'; n.$tooltip.append( K ); } n.$tooltip.css( { top: Math.round( M ) + 'px', left: Math.round( A ) + 'px', } ); } return n; }, enable() { this.enabled = true; return this; }, disable() { this.hide(); this.enabled = false; return this; }, destroy() { const t = this; t.hide(); if ( t.$el[ 0 ] !== t.$elProxy[ 0 ] ) t.$elProxy.remove(); t.$el.removeData( t.namespace ).off( '.' + t.namespace ); let n = t.$ 'ult-tooltipster-ns' ); if ( n.length === 1 ) { const r = typeof t.Content === 'string' ? t.Content : e( '<div></div>' ).append( t.Content ).html(); t.$el .removeClass( 'ult-tooltipstered' ) .attr( 'title', r ) .removeData( t.namespace ) .removeData( 'ult-tooltipster-ns' ) .off( '.' + t.namespace ); } else { n = e.grep( n, function ( e, n ) { return e !== t.namespace; } ); t.$ 'ult-tooltipster-ns', n ); } return t; }, elementIcon() { return this.$el[ 0 ] !== this.$elProxy[ 0 ] ? this.$elProxy[ 0 ] : undefined; }, elementTooltip() { return this.$tooltip ? this.$tooltip[ 0 ] : undefined; }, option( e, t ) { if ( typeof t === 'undefined' ) return this.options[ e ]; this.options[ e ] = t; return this; }, status() { return this.Status; }, }; e.fn[ r ] = function () { const t = arguments; if ( this.length === 0 ) { if ( typeof t[ 0 ] === 'string' ) { let n = true; switch ( t[ 0 ] ) { case 'setDefaults': e.extend( i, t[ 1 ] ); break; default: n = false; break; } if ( n ) return true; return this; } return this; } else if ( typeof t[ 0 ] === 'string' ) { let r = '#*$~&'; this.each( function () { const n = e( this ).data( 'ult-tooltipster-ns' ), i = n ? e( this ).data( n[ 0 ] ) : null; if ( i ) { if ( typeof i[ t[ 0 ] ] === 'function' ) { var s = i[ t[ 0 ] ]( t[ 1 ], t[ 2 ] ); } else { throw new Error( 'Unknown method .ult-tooltipster("' + t[ 0 ] + '")' ); } if ( s !== i ) { r = s; return false; } } else { throw new Error( 'You called Tooltipster\'s "' + t[ 0 ] + '" method on an uninitialized element' ); } } ); return r !== '#*$~&' ? r : this; } const o = [], u = t[ 0 ] && typeof t[ 0 ].multiple !== 'undefined', a = ( u && t[ 0 ].multiple ) || ( ! u && i.multiple ), f = t[ 0 ] && typeof t[ 0 ].debug !== 'undefined', l = ( f && t[ 0 ].debug ) || ( ! f && i.debug ); this.each( function () { let n = false, r = e( this ).data( 'ult-tooltipster-ns' ), i = null; if ( ! r ) { n = true; } else if ( a ) { n = true; } else if ( l ) { console.log( 'Tooltipster: one or more tooltips are already attached to this element: ignoring. Use the "multiple" option to attach more tooltips.' ); } if ( n ) { i = new s( this, t[ 0 ] ); if ( ! r ) r = []; r.push( i.namespace ); e( this ).data( 'ult-tooltipster-ns', r ); e( this ).data( i.namespace, i ); } o.push( i ); } ); if ( a ) return o; return this; }; var u = !! ( 'ontouchstart' in t ); var a = false; e( 'body' ).one( 'mousemove', function () { a = true; } ); } )( jQuery, window, document );