Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/archive/dup-installer/api/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/archive/dup-installer/api/class.api.php |
<?php defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapURL; /** * A stub for returning an object */ class DUPX_API_REQUEST { /** @var array{operation:string,process_time:string} */ public $report = array('operation' => '', 'process_time' => ''); /** @var mixed */ public $result = null; } /** * A stub for returning an object error response from a failed request */ class DUPX_API_ERROR { /** @var string */ public $request = ''; /** @var string */ public $message = ''; /** @var string */ public $exception = ''; } /** * The DUPX_API_ROUTE object is a routable object that the DUPX_API_SERVER * uses to help convert methods to routable service calls. * * In order for a classes method to become routeable the following route * tag must be delcated in the comments section of the method in the format * below with {} brackets around that name of the actual paramter. * * <route template="/category/example_method/{param1}/{param2}/{list*}/" type="request"> * * TEMPLATE ATTRIBUTE: * When called via an http request the paramter name should be substituted * with the actual value for the parameter such as * * /category/example_method/1/test/a,b,c/ * * Supported parameter types: * {param1} = string type * example: /test/ or /1/ * * {list*} = array type * example: /1,2,3/ or /a,b,c/ * * TYPE ATTRIBUTE: * The attribute type="request" is used to determine where the request values * are retrived from. The default is "request" meaning it looks for: * PATH, GET, POST in that order. If you want the request to only look * for GET requets then set the attribute to type="get" */ class DUPX_API_ROUTE { /** @var string */ public $template = ''; /** @var string */ public $type = ''; /** @var string */ public $operation = ''; /** @var array<string,mixed> */ public $params = array(); /** @var string */ public $class_method = ''; /** @var string */ public $class_name = ''; /** @var ?object */ public $class_instance = null; } /** * The DUPX_API_SERVER object is used to listen for and process * routable template calls. The root for this api stack starts with * * * This will display the GUI for the api and is the starting point * for processing api requets. * * <code> * //Register API Engine * $API_SERVER = new DUPX_API_SERVER(); * $API_SERVER->add_controller(new MyClass()); * $API_SERVER->process_request(); * </code> */ class DUPX_API_Server { /** @var object[] */ public $controllers = array(); public $uri_found; public $uri_match; public $args_in = array(); public $args_map = array(); public $exe_route; public $api_enabled = false; /** * Called to begin listening to all requests made through the router.php request. * If the inbound request is found it will process the service request. * * @param bool $debug Turn debugging on/off * * An example of a request URL is: * //localhost/dup-installer/api/router.php/cpnl/create_token/{host}/{user}/{pass}/ */ public function process_request($debug = false) { $url_route = $this->get_active_url_route(); $this->exe_route = $this->find_controller($url_route); //API process: Invalid route requested if (!$this->exe_route) { /* TODO: Find clean way to provide validation message $url = urldecode($url_route); $log = "WARNING: Unable to find a matching controller at this route:<br/>\n {$url}<br/>\n"; $log .= "Be sure that all controllers are properly using a <route> directive"; echo $log; */ return; } $this->uri_found = $url_route; $this->uri_match = $this->exe_route->operation; $this->args_map = $this->process_args(); if ($debug) { $this->debug_info(); } $api_request = new DUPX_API_REQUEST(); try { $time_start = microtime(true); $rfl_method = new ReflectionMethod($this->exe_route->class_name, $this->exe_route->class_method); $result = $rfl_method->invokeArgs($this->exe_route->class_instance, $this->args_map); $result = (DUPX_U::isJSON($result)) ? json_decode($result) : $result; //Return results as JSON $api_request->report['process_time'] = microtime(true) - $time_start; $api_request->report['operation'] = $this->exe_route->operation; $api_request->result = $result; if (!headers_sent()) { header("Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header('Content-Type: application/json'); } echo json_encode($api_request); exit; } catch (Exception $ex) { $err = new DUPX_API_ERROR(); $err->request = $this->exe_route->class_method; $err->message = $ex->getMessage(); $err->exception = $ex->__toString(); echo json_encode($err); exit; } } /** * Display debug info about an inbound service request */ public function debug_info() { echo '<pre>'; echo 'FOUND: '.$this->uri_found.'<br/>'; echo 'MATCHED: '.$this->uri_match.'<br/>'; echo 'INPUTS:'; DUPX_U::dump($this->args_in); echo 'INPUT MAP:'; DUPX_U::dump($this->args_map); DUPX_U::dump($this->exe_route, true); echo '<br/> RESULT: <br/>'; echo '</pre>'; } /** * Controller classes are the heart of the web services. Add a controller * to allow service methods to be exposed via the /api/router.php * Example of controller class is: class.cpnl.ctrl.php */ public function add_controller($class) { $rfl = new ReflectionClass($class); $cls_name = $rfl->getName(); $cls_methods = $rfl->getMethods(); if (in_array($cls_name, $this->controllers)) { return false; } foreach ($cls_methods as $m) { $comments = $m->getDocComment(); $route_elm = $this->get_tag_attributes('route', $comments); if ($route_elm != null) { $route = new DUPX_API_ROUTE(); $route->type = isset($route_elm['type']) ? $route_elm['type'] : 'request'; $route->template = isset($route_elm['template']) ? $route_elm['template'] : ''; //Check for duplicate operation if ($this->find_controller($route->operation)) { throw new Exception("Duplicate route tag operation '{$route->operation}'! See tag <route tempalte='{$route->template}' > in class {$cls_name}"); } $route->operation = $this->get_operation($route_elm['template']); $route->params = $this->get_params($route->template, $route->operation); $route->class_method = $m->getName(); $route->class_instance = $class; $route->class_name = $cls_name; $this->controllers[] = $route; } } return true; } /** * Matches the uri defined template args * with the inbound args, PATH, GET, POST */ private function process_args() { $args_map = array(); $params = empty($this->exe_route->params) ? null : $this->exe_route->params; if ($params == null) { return $args_map; } $args_map = $params; $args_map = array_map(function($n) { return null; }, $args_map); // <route template="/cpnl/is_active/{cpnl-host}/{arg1}/{list*}" type="request"> //REQUEST: Post, Get, Path //PATH: Path //GET: Get //POST: Post $uri_params = substr($this->uri_found, strlen($this->uri_match)); $this->args_in['PATH'] = array_filter(explode("/", preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $uri_params))); $this->args_in['GET'] = $_GET; $this->args_in['POST'] = $_POST; switch (strtoupper($this->exe_route->type)) { case 'POST' : $args_map = array_merge($args_map, $this->args_in['POST']); break; case 'GET' : $args_map = array_merge($args_map, $this->args_in['GET']); break; case 'PATH' : $args_map = $this->args_map_merge($args_map); break; default : $args_map = array_merge($args_map, $this->args_in['POST']); $args_map = array_merge($args_map, $this->args_in['GET']); $args_map = $this->args_map_merge($args_map); } //Only returned the params defined $length = count($this->exe_route->params); $args_map = array_slice($args_map, 0, $length); $args_map = array_map('urldecode', $args_map); return $args_map; } /** * Creats the args map needed for the final args results */ private function args_map_merge($args_map) { $keys = array_keys($args_map); foreach ($this->args_in['PATH'] as $k => $v) { $args_map[$keys[$k]] = $v; } return $args_map; } /** * Will look through all of the registerd controllers * and find the correct controller based on the request */ private function find_controller($template) { if (empty($this->controllers)) { return; } foreach ($this->controllers as $controller) { if (strstr($template, $controller->operation)) { return $controller; } } } /** * Returns the parameters from a uri template * example: "/cpnl/is_active/{host}?s=1" * returns: array('host' => '', 's' => 1); */ private function get_params($template, $operation) { $paths = str_replace($operation, '', $template); $paths = array_filter(explode("/", $paths)); $params = array(); foreach ($paths as $p) { $type = strpos($p, '*') ? 'list' : 'string'; $name = $type == 'list' ? trim($p, '{*}') : trim($p, '{}'); $params[$name] = $type; } return $params; } /** * Returns the base operation portion of a template * example: ",b,c" * returns: "/cpnl/is_active/host?s=1" */ private function get_active_url_route() { $file = 'router.php'; $url_path = strstr(SnapURL::getCurrentUrl(true, true), $file); return str_replace($file, '', $url_path); } /** * Returns the base operation portion of a template * example: "/cpnl/is_active/host?s=1" * returns: "/cpnl/is_active/" */ private function get_operation($template) { $routes = explode("/", $template); $ops = []; if ($routes == false) { return null; } //remove parameters foreach ($routes as $r) { if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/", $r)) { $ops[] = $r; } } $operation = '/'.implode('/', $ops).'/'; return $operation; } /** * Finds a tag element in a string and parses its attributes * example: Finds <route> element and returns its attributes */ private function get_tag_attributes($element_name, $string) { if ($string == false) { return; } // Grab the string of attr inside an element tag. $found = preg_match('#<'.$element_name.'\s+([^>]+(?:"|\'))\s?/?>#', $string, $matches); if ($found == 1) { // Match attr-name attribute-value pairs. $attr_array = array(); $attr_string = $matches[1]; $found = preg_match_all('#([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*(\'[^<\']*\'|"[^<"]*")#', $attr_string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); if ($found != 0) { // Create an associative array that matches attr names to attr values. foreach ($matches as $att) { $attr_array[$att[1]] = substr($att[2], 1, -1); } return $attr_array; } } return; } }