Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/ |
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage backup-imscc * @copyright 2009 Mauro Rondinelli (mauro.rondinelli [AT] * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') or die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/cc/entities.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/cc/entity.label.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/cc/entity.resource.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/cc/'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/cc/entity.quiz.class.php'); class cc2moodle { const CC_TYPE_FORUM = 'imsdt_xmlv1p0'; const CC_TYPE_QUIZ = 'imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p0/assessment'; const CC_TYPE_QUESTION_BANK = 'imsqti_xmlv1p2/imscc_xmlv1p0/question-bank'; const CC_TYPE_WEBLINK = 'imswl_xmlv1p0'; const CC_TYPE_WEBCONTENT = 'webcontent'; const CC_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_CONTENT = 'associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p0/learning-application-resource'; const CC_TYPE_EMPTY = ''; public static $restypes = array('associatedcontent/imscc_xmlv1p0/learning-application-resource', 'webcontent'); public static $forumns = array('dt' => ''); public static $quizns = array('xmlns' => ''); public static $resourcens = array('wl' => ''); /** * * @return array */ public static function getquizns() { return static::$quizns; } /** * * @return array */ public static function getforumns() { return static::$forumns; } /** * * @return array */ public static function getresourcens() { return static::$resourcens; } public static function get_manifest($folder) { if (!is_dir($folder)) { return false; } // Before iterate over directories, try to find one manifest at top level if (file_exists($folder . '/imsmanifest.xml')) { return $folder . '/imsmanifest.xml'; } $result = false; try { $dirIter = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_AS_PATHNAME); $recIter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirIter, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($recIter as $info) { if ($info->isFile() && ($info->getFilename() == 'imsmanifest.xml')) { $result = $info->getPathname(); break; } } } catch (Exception $e) {} return $result; } public static $instances = array(); public static $manifest; public static $path_to_manifest_folder; public static $namespaces = array('imscc' => '', 'lomimscc' => '', 'lom' => '', 'voc' => '', 'xsi' => '', 'cc' => ''); function __construct ($path_to_manifest) { static::$manifest = new DOMDocument(); static::$manifest->validateOnParse = false; static::$path_to_manifest_folder = dirname($path_to_manifest); static::log_action('Proccess start'); static::log_action('Load the manifest file: ' . $path_to_manifest); if (!static::$manifest->load($path_to_manifest, LIBXML_NONET)) { static::log_action('Cannot load the manifest file: ' . $path_to_manifest, true); } } public function is_auth () { $xpath = static::newx_path(static::$manifest, static::$namespaces); $count_auth = $xpath->evaluate('count(/imscc:manifest/cc:authorizations)'); if ($count_auth > 0) { $response = true; } else { $response = false; } return $response; } protected function get_metadata ($section, $key) { $xpath = static::newx_path(static::$manifest, static::$namespaces); $metadata = $xpath->query('/imscc:manifest/imscc:metadata/lomimscc:lom/lomimscc:' . $section . '/lomimscc:' . $key . '/lomimscc:string'); $value = !empty($metadata->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $metadata->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; return $value; } public function generate_moodle_xml () { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; $cdir = static::$path_to_manifest_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'course_files'; if (!file_exists($cdir)) { mkdir($cdir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } $sheet_base = static::loadsheet(SHEET_BASE); // MOODLE_BACKUP / INFO / DETAILS / MOD $node_info_details_mod = $this->create_code_info_details_mod(); // MOODLE_BACKUP / BLOCKS / BLOCK $node_course_blocks_block = $this->create_node_course_blocks_block(); // MOODLE_BACKUP / COURSES / SECTIONS / SECTION $node_course_sections_section = $this->create_node_course_sections_section(); // MOODLE_BACKUP / COURSES / QUESTION_CATEGORIES $node_course_question_categories = $this->create_node_question_categories(); // MOODLE_BACKUP / COURSES / MODULES / MOD $node_course_modules_mod = $this->create_node_course_modules_mod(); // MOODLE_BACKUP / COURSE / HEADER $node_course_header = $this->create_node_course_header(); // GENERAL INFO $filename = optional_param('file', '', PARAM_RAW); $filename = basename($filename); $www_root = $CFG->wwwroot; $find_tags = array('[#zip_filename#]', '[#www_root#]', '[#node_course_header#]', '[#node_info_details_mod#]', '[#node_course_blocks_block#]', '[#node_course_sections_section#]', '[#node_course_question_categories#]', '[#node_course_modules#]'); $replace_values = array($filename, $www_root, $node_course_header, $node_info_details_mod, $node_course_blocks_block, $node_course_sections_section, $node_course_question_categories, $node_course_modules_mod); $result_xml = str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_base); // COPY RESOURSE FILES $entities = new entities(); $entities->move_all_files(); if (array_key_exists("index", self::$instances)) { if (!file_put_contents(static::$path_to_manifest_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'moodle.xml', $result_xml)) { static::log_action('Cannot save the moodle manifest file: ' . static::$path_to_tmp_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'moodle.xml', true); } else { $status = true; } } else { $status = false; echo $OUTPUT->notification('The course is empty'); static::log_action('The course is empty', false); } return $status; } protected function get_sections_numbers ($instances) { $count = 0; if (array_key_exists("index", $instances)) { foreach ($instances["index"] as $instance) { if ($instance["deep"] == ROOT_DEEP) { $count++; } } } return $count; } protected function create_node_course_header () { $node_course_header = ''; $sheet_course_header = static::loadsheet(SHEET_COURSE_HEADER); $course_title = trim($this->get_metadata('general', 'title')); $course_title = empty($course_title) ? 'Untitled Course' : $course_title; $course_description = $this->get_metadata('general', 'description'); $section_count = $this->get_sections_numbers(static::$instances) - 1; if ($section_count == -1) { $section_count = 0; } if (empty($course_title)) { $this->log_action('The course title not found', true); } $course_short_name = $this->create_course_code($course_title); $find_tags = array('[#course_name#]', '[#course_short_name#]', '[#course_description#]', '[#date_now#]', '[#section_count#]'); $replace_values = array(entities::safexml($course_title), entities::safexml($course_short_name), entities::safexml($course_description), time(), $section_count); $node_course_header = str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_course_header); return $node_course_header; } protected function create_node_question_categories () { $quiz = new cc_quiz(); static::log_action('Creating node: QUESTION_CATEGORIES'); $node_course_question_categories = $quiz->generate_node_question_categories(); return $node_course_question_categories; } protected function create_node_course_modules_mod () { $labels = new cc_label(); $resources = new cc_resource(); $forums = new cc_forum(); $quiz = new cc_quiz(); static::log_action('Creating node: COURSE/MODULES/MOD'); // LABELS $node_course_modules_mod_label = $labels->generate_node(); // RESOURCES (WEB CONTENT AND WEB LINK) $node_course_modules_mod_resource = $resources->generate_node(); // FORUMS $node_course_modules_mod_forum = $forums->generate_node(); // QUIZ $node_course_modules_mod_quiz = $quiz->generate_node_course_modules_mod(); //TODO: label $node_course_modules = $node_course_modules_mod_label . $node_course_modules_mod_resource . $node_course_modules_mod_forum . $node_course_modules_mod_quiz; return $node_course_modules; } protected function create_node_course_sections_section () { static::log_action('Creating node: COURSE/SECTIONS/SECTION'); $node_course_sections_section = ''; $sheet_course_sections_section = static::loadsheet(SHEET_COURSE_SECTIONS_SECTION); $topics = $this->get_nodes_by_criteria('deep', ROOT_DEEP); $i = 0; if (!empty($topics)) { foreach ($topics as $topic) { $i++; $node_node_course_sections_section_mods_mod = $this->create_node_course_sections_section_mods_mod($topic['index']); if ($topic['moodle_type'] == MOODLE_TYPE_LABEL) { $find_tags = array('[#section_id#]', '[#section_number#]', '[#section_summary#]', '[#node_course_sections_section_mods_mod#]'); $replace_values = array($i, $i - 1, entities::safexml($topic['title']), $node_node_course_sections_section_mods_mod); } else { $find_tags = array('[#section_id#]', '[#section_number#]', '[#section_summary#]', '[#node_course_sections_section_mods_mod#]'); $replace_values = array($i, $i - 1, '', $node_node_course_sections_section_mods_mod); } $node_course_sections_section .= str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_course_sections_section); } } return $node_course_sections_section; } protected function create_node_course_blocks_block () { global $CFG; static::log_action('Creating node: COURSE/BLOCKS/BLOCK'); $sheet_course_blocks_block = static::loadsheet(SHEET_COURSE_BLOCKS_BLOCK); $node_course_blocks_block = ''; $format_config = $CFG->dirroot . '/course/format/weeks/config.php'; if (@is_file($format_config) && is_readable($format_config)) { require ($format_config); } if (!empty($format['defaultblocks'])) { $blocknames = $format['defaultblocks']; } else { if (isset($CFG->defaultblocks)) { $blocknames = $CFG->defaultblocks; } else { $blocknames = 'activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity'; } } $blocknames = explode(':', $blocknames); $blocks_left = explode(',', $blocknames[0]); $blocks_right = explode(',', $blocknames[1]); $find_tags = array('[#block_id#]', '[#block_name#]', '[#block_position#]', '[#block_weight#]'); $i = 0; $weight = 0; foreach ($blocks_left as $block) { $i++; $weight++; $replace_values = array($i, $block, 'l', $weight); $node_course_blocks_block .= str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_course_blocks_block); } $weight = 0; foreach ($blocks_right as $block) { $i++; $weight ++; $replace_values = array($i, $block, 'r', $weight); $node_course_blocks_block .= str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_course_blocks_block); } return $node_course_blocks_block; } /** * * Is activity visible or not * @param string $identifier * @return number */ protected function get_module_visible($identifier) { //Should item be hidden or not $mod_visible = 1; if (!empty($identifier)) { $xpath = static::newx_path(static::$manifest, static::$namespaces); $query = '/imscc:manifest/imscc:resources/imscc:resource[@identifier="' . $identifier . '"]'; $query .= '//lom:intendedEndUserRole/voc:vocabulary/lom:value'; $intendeduserrole = $xpath->query($query); if (!empty($intendeduserrole) && ($intendeduserrole->length > 0)) { $role = trim($intendeduserrole->item(0)->nodeValue); if (strcasecmp('Instructor', $role) == 0) { $mod_visible = 0; } } } return $mod_visible; } protected function create_node_course_sections_section_mods_mod ($root_parent) { $sheet_course_sections_section_mods_mod = static::loadsheet(SHEET_COURSE_SECTIONS_SECTION_MODS_MOD); $childs = $this->get_nodes_by_criteria('root_parent', $root_parent); if ($childs) { $node_course_sections_section_mods_mod = ''; foreach ($childs as $child) { if ($child['moodle_type'] == MOODLE_TYPE_LABEL) { if ($child['index'] == $child['root_parent']) { $is_summary = true; } else { $is_summary = false; } } else { $is_summary = false; } if (!$is_summary) { $indent = $child['deep'] - ROOT_DEEP; if ($indent > 0) { $indent = $indent - 1; } $find_tags = array('[#mod_id#]', '[#mod_instance_id#]', '[#mod_type#]', '[#date_now#]', '[#mod_indent#]', '[#mod_visible#]'); $replace_values = array($child['index'], $child['instance'], $child['moodle_type'], time(), $indent, $this->get_module_visible($child['resource_indentifier'])); $node_course_sections_section_mods_mod .= str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_course_sections_section_mods_mod); } } $response = $node_course_sections_section_mods_mod; } else { $response = ''; } return $response; } public function get_nodes_by_criteria ($key, $value) { $response = array(); if (array_key_exists('index', static::$instances)) { foreach (static::$instances['index'] as $item) { if ($item[$key] == $value) { $response[] = $item; } } } return $response; } //Modified here protected function create_code_info_details_mod () { static::log_action('Creating node: INFO/DETAILS/MOD'); $xpath = static::newx_path(static::$manifest, static::$namespaces); $items = $xpath->query('/imscc:manifest/imscc:organizations/imscc:organization/imscc:item | /imscc:manifest/imscc:resources/imscc:resource[@type="' . static::CC_TYPE_QUESTION_BANK . '"]'); $this->create_instances($items); $count_quiz = $this->count_instances(MOODLE_TYPE_QUIZ); $count_forum = $this->count_instances(MOODLE_TYPE_FORUM); $count_resource = $this->count_instances(MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE); $count_label = $this->count_instances(MOODLE_TYPE_LABEL); $sheet_info_details_mod_instances_instance = static::loadsheet(SHEET_INFO_DETAILS_MOD_INSTANCE); if ($count_resource > 0) { $resource_instance = $this->create_mod_info_details_mod_instances_instance($sheet_info_details_mod_instances_instance, $count_resource, static::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE]); } if ($count_quiz > 0) { $quiz_instance = $this->create_mod_info_details_mod_instances_instance($sheet_info_details_mod_instances_instance, $count_quiz, static::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_QUIZ]); } if ($count_forum > 0) { $forum_instance = $this->create_mod_info_details_mod_instances_instance($sheet_info_details_mod_instances_instance, $count_forum, static::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_FORUM]); } if ($count_label > 0) { $label_instance = $this->create_mod_info_details_mod_instances_instance($sheet_info_details_mod_instances_instance, $count_label, static::$instances['instances'][MOODLE_TYPE_LABEL]); } $resource_mod = $count_resource ? $this->create_mod_info_details_mod(MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE, $resource_instance) : ''; $quiz_mod = $count_quiz ? $this->create_mod_info_details_mod(MOODLE_TYPE_QUIZ, $quiz_instance) : ''; $forum_mod = $count_forum ? $this->create_mod_info_details_mod(MOODLE_TYPE_FORUM, $forum_instance) : ''; $label_mod = $count_label ? $this->create_mod_info_details_mod(MOODLE_TYPE_LABEL, $label_instance) : ''; //TODO: label return $label_mod . $resource_mod . $quiz_mod . $forum_mod; } protected function create_mod_info_details_mod ($mod_type, $node_info_details_mod_instances_instance) { $sheet_info_details_mod = static::loadsheet(SHEET_INFO_DETAILS_MOD); $find_tags = array('[#mod_type#]' ,'[#node_info_details_mod_instances_instance#]'); $replace_values = array($mod_type , $node_info_details_mod_instances_instance); return str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet_info_details_mod); } protected function create_mod_info_details_mod_instances_instance ($sheet, $instances_quantity, $instances) { $instance = ''; $find_tags = array('[#mod_instance_id#]', '[#mod_name#]', '[#mod_user_info#]'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $instances_quantity; $i++) { $user_info = ($instances[$i - 1]['common_cartriedge_type'] == static::CC_TYPE_FORUM) ? 'true' : 'false'; if ($instances[$i - 1]['common_cartriedge_type'] == static::CC_TYPE_EMPTY) { if ($instances[$i - 1]['deep'] <= ROOT_DEEP ) { continue; } } $replace_values = array($instances[$i - 1]['instance'], entities::safexml($instances[$i - 1]['title']), $user_info); $instance .= str_replace($find_tags, $replace_values, $sheet); } return $instance; } protected function create_instances ($items, $level = 0, &$array_index = 0, $index_root = 0) { $level++; $i = 1; if ($items) { $xpath = self::newx_path(static::$manifest, static::$namespaces); foreach ($items as $item) { $array_index++; if ($item->nodeName == "item") { $identifierref = ''; if ($item->hasAttribute('identifierref')) { $identifierref = $item->getAttribute('identifierref'); } $title = ''; $titles = $xpath->query('imscc:title', $item); if ($titles->length > 0) { $title = $titles->item(0)->nodeValue; } $cc_type = $this->get_item_cc_type($identifierref); $moodle_type = $this->convert_to_moodle_type($cc_type); //Fix the label issue - MDL-33523 if (empty($identifierref) && empty($title)) { $moodle_type = TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } elseif ($item->nodeName == "resource") { $identifierref = $xpath->query('@identifier', $item); $identifierref = !empty($identifierref->item(0)->nodeValue) ? $identifierref->item(0)->nodeValue : ''; $cc_type = $this->get_item_cc_type($identifierref); $moodle_type = $this->convert_to_moodle_type($cc_type); $title = 'Quiz Bank ' . ($this->count_instances($moodle_type) + 1); } if ($level == ROOT_DEEP) { $index_root = $array_index; } static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['common_cartriedge_type'] = $cc_type; static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['moodle_type'] = $moodle_type; static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['title'] = $title ? $title : ''; static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['root_parent'] = $index_root; static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['index'] = $array_index; static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['deep'] = $level; static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['instance'] = $this->count_instances($moodle_type); static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['resource_indentifier'] = $identifierref; static::$instances['instances'][$moodle_type][] = array('title' => $title, 'instance' => static::$instances['index'][$array_index]['instance'], 'common_cartriedge_type' => $cc_type, 'resource_indentifier' => $identifierref, 'deep' => $level); $more_items = $xpath->query('imscc:item', $item); if ($more_items->length > 0) { $this->create_instances($more_items, $level, $array_index, $index_root); } $i++; } } } public function count_instances ($type) { $quantity = 0; if (array_key_exists('index', static::$instances)) { if (static::$instances['index'] && $type) { foreach (static::$instances['index'] as $instance) { if (!empty($instance['moodle_type'])) { $types[] = $instance['moodle_type']; } } $quantity_instances = array_count_values($types); $quantity = array_key_exists($type, $quantity_instances) ? $quantity_instances[$type] : 0; } } return $quantity; } public function convert_to_moodle_type ($cc_type) { $type = TYPE_UNKNOWN; if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_FORUM) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_FORUM; } if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_QUIZ) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_QUIZ; } if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_WEBLINK) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE; } if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_WEBCONTENT) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE; } if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_ASSOCIATED_CONTENT) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_RESOURCE; } if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_QUESTION_BANK) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_QUESTION_BANK; } //TODO: label if ($cc_type == static::CC_TYPE_EMPTY) { $type = MOODLE_TYPE_LABEL; } return $type; } public function get_item_cc_type ($identifier) { $xpath = static::newx_path(static::$manifest, static::$namespaces); $nodes = $xpath->query('/imscc:manifest/imscc:resources/imscc:resource[@identifier="' . $identifier . '"]/@type'); if ($nodes && !empty($nodes->item(0)->nodeValue)) { return $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue; } else { return ''; } } public static function newx_path (DOMDocument $manifest, $namespaces = '') { $xpath = new DOMXPath($manifest); if (!empty($namespaces)) { foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $ns) { if (!$xpath->registerNamespace($prefix, $ns)) { static::log_action('Cannot register the namespace: ' . $prefix . ':' . $ns, true); } } } return $xpath; } public static function loadsheet ($file) { $content = (is_readable($file) && ($content = file_get_contents($file))) ? $content : false; static::log_action('Loading sheet: ' . $file); if (!$content) { static::log_action('Cannot load the xml sheet: ' . $file, true); } static::log_action('Load OK!'); return $content; } public static function log_file() { return static::$path_to_manifest_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cc2moodle.log'; } public static function log_action ($text, $critical_error = false) { $full_message = strtoupper(date("j/n/Y g:i:s a")) . " - " . $text . "\r"; file_put_contents(static::log_file(), $full_message, FILE_APPEND); if ($critical_error) { static::critical_error($text); } } protected static function critical_error ($text) { $path_to_log = static::log_file(); echo ' <p> <hr />A critical error has been found! <p>' . $text . '</p> <p> The process has been stopped. Please see the <a href="' . $path_to_log . '">log file</a> for more information.</p> <p>Log: ' . $path_to_log . '</p> <hr /> </p> '; die(); } protected function create_course_code ($title) { //Making sure that text of the short name does not go over the DB limit. //and leaving the space to add additional characters by the platform $code = substr(strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', trim($title))),0,94); return $code; } }