Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/ |
<?php require_once('../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); $section = required_param('section', PARAM_SAFEDIR); $return = optional_param('return','', PARAM_ALPHA); $adminediting = optional_param('adminedit', -1, PARAM_BOOL); /// no guest autologin require_login(0, false); $PAGE->set_context(context_system::instance()); $PAGE->set_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => $section)); $PAGE->set_pagetype('admin-setting-' . $section); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('admin'); $PAGE->navigation->clear_cache(); navigation_node::require_admin_tree(); $adminroot = admin_get_root(); // need all settings $settingspage = $adminroot->locate($section, true); if (empty($settingspage) or !($settingspage instanceof admin_settingpage)) { if (moodle_needs_upgrading()) { redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php')); } else { print_error('sectionerror', 'admin', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/"); } die; } if (!($settingspage->check_access())) { print_error('accessdenied', 'admin'); die; } // If the context in the admin_settingpage object is explicitly defined and it is not system, reset the current // page context and use that one instead. This ensures that the proper navigation is displayed and highlighted. if ($settingspage->context && !$settingspage->context instanceof \context_system) { $PAGE->set_context($settingspage->context); } $hassiteconfig = has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance()); // Display the admin search input element in the page header if the user has the capability to change the site // configuration and the current page context is system. if ($hassiteconfig && $PAGE->context instanceof \context_system) { $PAGE->add_header_action($OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_admin/header_search_input', [ 'action' => new moodle_url('/admin/search.php'), ])); } /// WRITING SUBMITTED DATA (IF ANY) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $statusmsg = ''; $errormsg = ''; // Form is submitted with changed settings. Do not want to execute when modifying a block. if ($data = data_submitted() and confirm_sesskey() and isset($data->action) and $data->action == 'save-settings') { $count = admin_write_settings($data); // Regardless of whether any setting change was written (a positive count), check validation errors for those that didn't. if (empty($adminroot->errors)) { // No errors. Did we change any setting? If so, then redirect with success. if ($count) { redirect($PAGE->url, get_string('changessaved'), null, \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS); } // We didn't change a setting. switch ($return) { case 'site': redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/"); case 'admin': redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/"); } redirect($PAGE->url); } else { $errormsg = get_string('errorwithsettings', 'admin'); $firsterror = reset($adminroot->errors); } $settingspage = $adminroot->locate($section, true); } if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing() && $adminediting != -1) { $USER->editing = $adminediting; } /// print header stuff ------------------------------------------------------------ if (empty($SITE->fullname)) { $PAGE->set_title($settingspage->visiblename); $PAGE->set_heading($settingspage->visiblename); echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('configintrosite', 'admin')); if ($errormsg !== '') { echo $OUTPUT->notification($errormsg); } else if ($statusmsg !== '') { echo $OUTPUT->notification($statusmsg, 'notifysuccess'); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pageparams = $PAGE->url->params(); $context = [ 'actionurl' => $PAGE->url->out(false), 'params' => array_map(function($param) use ($pageparams) { return [ 'name' => $param, 'value' => $pageparams[$param] ]; }, array_keys($pageparams)), 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'return' => $return, 'title' => null, 'settings' => $settingspage->output_html(), 'showsave' => true ]; echo $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_admin/settings', $context); } else { if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing() && !$PAGE->theme->haseditswitch) { $url = clone($PAGE->url); if ($PAGE->user_is_editing()) { $caption = get_string('blockseditoff'); $url->param('adminedit', 'off'); } else { $caption = get_string('blocksediton'); $url->param('adminedit', 'on'); } $buttons = $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $caption, 'get'); $PAGE->set_button($buttons); } $visiblepathtosection = array_reverse($settingspage->visiblepath); $PAGE->set_title("$SITE->shortname: " . implode(": ",$visiblepathtosection)); $PAGE->set_heading($SITE->fullname); echo $OUTPUT->header(); if ($errormsg !== '') { echo $OUTPUT->notification($errormsg); } else if ($statusmsg !== '') { echo $OUTPUT->notification($statusmsg, 'notifysuccess'); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $pageparams = $PAGE->url->params(); $context = [ 'actionurl' => $PAGE->url->out(false), 'params' => array_map(function($param) use ($pageparams) { return [ 'name' => $param, 'value' => $pageparams[$param] ]; }, array_keys($pageparams)), 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'return' => $return, 'title' => $settingspage->visiblename, 'settings' => $settingspage->output_html(), 'showsave' => $settingspage->show_save() ]; echo $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_admin/settings', $context); } // Add the form change checker. $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('core_form/changechecker', 'watchFormById', ['adminsettings']); if ($settingspage->has_dependencies()) { $opts = [ 'dependencies' => $settingspage->get_dependencies_for_javascript() ]; $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('core/showhidesettings', 'init', [$opts]); } echo $OUTPUT->footer();