Yes, there is Parent Boost Guide for the 3- 6 years and 6-8 years.
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The framework is outcomes and competency-based. It focuses on results rather than on goals, aims, and objectives. This guide puts excellent emphasis on observable and measurable skills, knowledge and values to be acquired by the children in the following areas:
According to policy the medium of instruction should be the area language where the child is found.
NO, the children are supposed to be assessed continuously from the time they enter school up to when they go home through the observation method.
Yes, it has now been included on the timetable for Primary One to Three and then for the 3- 6 years it is also taught.
Yes, there is Parent Boost Guide for the 3- 6 years and 6-8 years.
Yes, they are namely; parent-child- activity books for baby, middle and top; Primary one to primary three; these were translated in the following local languages:
Alur, Ateso, Dhopadola, Kumam, Kuspiny, Leblang, Luganda, Lugbarati, Lugungu, Lugwere, Lukhonzo, Lumasaaba, Lusoga, Ngakaramajong, Pokot, Rufumbira, Runyabwisha, Runyankole/Rukiga, Runyoro/Rutooro, AND then English and Kiswahili
Yes, For effective implementation the Framework was translated into Kiswahili and 16 local languages namely: Runyankole/Rukiga, Runyoro/Rutoro, Alur, Acholi, Nagaramajongo, Ateso , Lango, Dhapodhola, Lubwisi, Lukonzo, Luganda, Lugbarati., Kumam, Lusoga, Pokot and Lebthur.
There are 7 subjects presented in ten learning areas
The subjects include;
CAPE 2- Physical Education
CAPE 3- Art and Technology
N.B CAPE stands for Creative Arts and Physical Education
The assessment is formative (continuous assessment) and summative assessment
We assess competences
Primary one to three do not have subjects but they have learning areas
Thematic Curriculum is implemented in primary one to three only
The medium of instruction at lower primary is the familiar language spoken in the area where the learners live.
Teaching children basic concepts in the language they understand most, especially in the early years of schooling, enhances children’s acquisition of skills. It makes learning real and learning tasks are easier to follow than using a foreign and or, second language. Most developed countries in the world use their local languages to instruct their children and other languages are learnt as subjects.
In instances where no common local language is used, policy guides that English or Kiswahili is used as a medium of instruction but the area local language is taught as a subject.
Language boards serve socio-cultural and education function to the speech community. Therefore, they remain a responsibility of the speech community and local governments within their jurisdiction. Various ministries are involved and these include Ministry of Education and Sports, Local Government, Gender and Social Development.
The life span should not exceed 3-5 years. However, every language board makes a constitution which guides its operations and states its lifespan.
Yes we do. We now have end of year exams in a structure similar to end of cycle exams. However, the time may be less than that of final exams.
The curriculum change to competency-based dictates that the nature of questions set by an examination body need to change to test the acquisition of competencies.
Yes. The learning activities have the same descriptors and qualifiers for evaluating the learner’s performance
All learners will be assigned a Learner Identification Number (LIN) against which the results will be stored in a digital learning system. With this system, the learner’s results can be accessed from anywhere.
The learner who opts to leave after the four years walks away with marketable skills that are competitive and recognised in the world of work.
This has been done in line with the Skilling Uganda programme, so as to recognise the different skills that are acquired through pre- vocational subjects which give learners an opportunity to progress in the vocational career paths. The certificate will also be useful to learners who may drop out of school as they can use it to get employment in the areas of occupational proficiency.
Assessment and certification of pre-vocational subjects will be conducted by the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT). The learner will register with DIT in the vocation of their choice. They will then be assessed on specific occupational competencies in order to attain a certificate. This is optional for learners.
The schools will be guided on how the records from this assessment will be captured so that they contribute 20% to the end of S4 grade.
Assessment has changed from comparing learners among themselves (norm referenced assessment) to assessing them against pre-determined and clearly defined standards (criterion referenced assessment).
In the revised curriculum, formative assessment is to contribute to the learner’s score at the end of Senior Four (S4) for all the subjects.
Learners who opt to study pre-vocational subjects will have an option to be assessed and certified in occupational competencies in those subjects
Practical skills have been embedded in the teaching and learning process. However, time after 2:55pm is reserved for consolidation of what has been learned in form of projects, research, community outreaches, clubs and group discussions. In addition, schools will make arrangements with the community to have their learners engage in practical hands on learning.
The curriculum implementation guidelines world over recommend that a curriculum change of a magnitude like ours be implemented using a phased approach. The emphasis is on S1 teachers for the year 2020, since the rest of the teachers are to continue teaching under the old curriculum. All teachers will eventually be trained through the regional and school-based training programme as more classes come on board.
Government has continuously shown commitment to improve Uganda’s education and this is not going to change with the new curriculum. Sustainability requires all sectors and stakeholders to play their roles.
There will be continuous support to the schools, teaching materials and equipment will be provided, teacher training institutions have adjusted their programs to cater for the change, examinations shall be conducted at the end of the cycle in line with the requirements of the revised curriculum and there will be continuous inspection of schools.
Every teacher will be required to supervise the after class activities to ensure that the learners are actually learning through research, group work, group discussions, co-curricular and project work, among others. The activities after 2.55pm will be part and parcel of the learning process during the teacher contact hours.
The textbooks that have been in circulation will continue to be used by teachers and the learners as support materials or reference books
Government of Uganda is committed to implementing the revised curriculum beginning in 2020. The Ministry of Education and Sports has provided the following materials to support the implementation of the curriculum: syllabus documents, learner textbooks and teacher’s guides. These materials have been delivered to all schools. In addition, funds have been identified to create awareness among the teachers on the revised curriculum, starting with a nationwide programme and refresher support at the regional level.
There are two types of training of teachers; pre-service and in- service. Pre-service is conducted by teacher training institutions while in- service is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Sports. The Ministry is mandated to train in-service teachers after a curriculum change. The teacher training institutions have already revised their training programmes for the pre-service teachers to meet the demands of the new curriculum.
The communication to teachers about the training is channeled through the head teachers’ association (ASSHU), where all head teachers are members. In addition to ASSHU, communication is done through the Science and Mathematics programme coordinators (SESEMAT). Those who missed out on the initial training will benefit from the regional/school level training.
All teachers will be trained but at different times. The Ministry of Education started with nationwide teacher support, with 20,000 teachers of Senior One in preparation for the roll out early in 2020. Since the roll out is to take a phased approach, there will be continuous teacher support at regional/school level and all the teachers will eventually come on board. Refresher support at regional levels started with 2,800 teachers from Eastern region which took place in August 2020 and the training have subsequently continued and have covered all the regions including the head teachers and the District Education Officers.
There are over 1,246 Kiswahili teachers across the country and more teachers are still being trained in National Teacher’s Colleges (NTCs) and Universities every year to cover the nation.
Physical Education is about engaging in physical activities for health, wellbeing and fun. It is different from sport that requires standard facilities to enable competitive participation. The Physical Education syllabus has included what can be taught and learnt in any learning environment.
There are many teachers of Physical Education in the system. More are being trained in National Teacher’s Colleges (NTCs) and Universities every year.
Kiswahili language is now used across the East African region for communication and business transactions. It has been made a compulsory subject to enable Ugandans become competitive in the region for employment, communication and further studies
The curriculum change to competency-based dictates that the nature of questions set by an examination body need to change to test the acquisition of competencies.
The learner who opts to leave after the four years walks away with marketable skills that are competitive and recognised in the world of work.
Yes. The learning activities have the same descriptors and qualifiers for evaluating the learner’s performance.
All learners will be assigned a Learner Identification Number (LIN) against which the results will be stored in a digital learning system. With this system, the learner’s results can be accessed from anywhere.
The learner who opts to leave after the four years walks away with marketable skills that are competitive and recognised in the world of work.
This has been done in line with the Skilling Uganda programme, so as to recognise the different skills that are acquired through pre- vocational subjects which give learners an opportunity to progress in the vocational career paths. The certificate will also be useful to learners who may drop out of school as they can use it to get employment in the areas of occupational proficiency.
Assessment has changed from comparing learners among themselves (norm referenced assessment) to assessing them against pre-determined and clearly defined standards (criterion referenced assessment).
In the revised curriculum, formative assessment is to contribute to the learner’s score at the end of Senior Four (S4) for all the subjects.
Learners who opt to study pre-vocational subjects will have an option to be assessed and certified in occupational competencies in those subjects
Government of Uganda is committed to implementing the revised curriculum beginning in 2020. The Ministry of Education and Sports has provided the following materials to support the implementation of the curriculum: syllabus documents, learner textbooks and teacher’s guides. These materials have been delivered to all schools. In addition, funds have been identified to create awareness among the teachers on the revised curriculum, starting with a nationwide programme and refresher support at the regional level.
The textbooks that have been in circulation will continue to be used by teachers and the learners as support materials or reference books
Every teacher will be required to supervise the after class activities to ensure that the learners are actually learning through research, group work, group discussions, co-curricular and project work, among others. The activities after 2.55pm will be part and parcel of the learning process during the teacher contact hours.
Government has continuously shown commitment to improve Uganda’s education and this is not going to change with the new curriculum. Sustainability requires all sectors and stakeholders to play their roles.
There will be continuous support to the schools, teaching materials and equipment will be provided, teacher training institutions have adjusted their programs to cater for the change, examinations shall be conducted at the end of the cycle in line with the requirements of the revised curriculum and there will be continuous inspection of schools.
The curriculum implementation guidelines world over recommend that a curriculum change of a magnitude like ours be implemented using a phased approach. The emphasis is on S1 teachers for the year 2020, since the rest of the teachers are to continue teaching under the old curriculum. All teachers will eventually be trained through the regional and school-based training programme as more classes come on board.
Practical skills have been embedded in the teaching and learning process. However, time after 2:55pm is reserved for consolidation of what has been learned in form of projects, research, community outreaches, clubs and group discussions. In addition, schools will make arrangements with the community to have their learners engage in practical hands on learning.
The schools will be guided on how the records from this assessment will be captured so that they contribute 20% to the end of S4 grade.
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