Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/newsletter-autoresponder/admin/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/newsletter-autoresponder/admin/index.php |
<?php /* @var $this NewsletterAutoresponder */ /* @var $wpdb wpdb */ global $wpdb; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/edit.php'; return; } require_once NEWSLETTER_INCLUDES_DIR . '/controls.php'; $controls = new NewsletterControls(); $logger = $this->get_admin_logger(); $debug = isset($_GET['debug']) || NEWSLETTER_DEBUG; // Delete data of no more existent subscribers $wpdb->query("delete s from {$wpdb->prefix}newsletter_autoresponder_steps s left join {$wpdb->prefix}newsletter u on where is null"); if ($controls->is_action('add')) { $data = array('name' => 'New autoresponder', 'status' => 0, 'emails' => array()); $data = $this->save_autoresponder($data); $controls->js_redirect('?page=newsletter_autoresponder_index&id=' . $data->id); } if ($controls->is_action('add_composer')) { $data = array('name' => 'New autoresponder', 'status' => 0, 'type' => TNP_Autoresponder::TYPE_COMPOSER, 'emails' => array()); $data = $this->save_autoresponder($data); $controls->js_redirect('?page=newsletter_autoresponder_index&id=' . $data->id); exit(); } if ($controls->is_action('delete')) { $autoresponder_id = (int) $_POST['btn']; $autoresponder = $this->get_autoresponder($autoresponder_id); $logger->info('Deletion of series ' . $autoresponder->id . ' - ' . $autoresponder->name); $res = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}newsletter_autoresponder where id=%d limit 1", $autoresponder_id)); if ($res) { $res = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}newsletter_autoresponder_steps where autoresponder_id=%d", $autoresponder_id)); Newsletter::instance()->delete_email($autoresponder->emails); } if ($res === false) { $controls->errors = __('Unable to delete.', 'newsletter-autoresponder'); } else { $controls->add_message_deleted(); } } if ($controls->is_action('copy')) { $logger->info('Copy of series ' . $_POST['btn']); $this->copy_autoresponder($_POST['btn']); $controls->messages .= __('Series duplicated.', 'newsletter-autoresponder'); } $autoresponders = $this->get_autoresponders(); $max_delay = 3600 * 8; if ($debug) $max_delay = 3600; $late_total = 0; $late_min_send_at = time(); foreach ($autoresponders as $ar) { if ($ar->status != 1) { continue; } // Compute the queued subscriber which are late $r = $wpdb->get_row("select autoresponder_id, min(send_at) as min_send_at, count(*) as total from {$wpdb->prefix}newsletter_autoresponder_steps where status=0 and send_at<" . time() . " and autoresponder_id=" . $ar->id); if ($r && $r->total) { $late_total += $r->total; $late_min_send_at = min($late_min_send_at, $r->min_send_at); if ($late_min_send_at < time() - $max_delay) { $controls->warnings[] = 'Series ' . $ar->id . ' has late messages in queue. ' . '<a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a>. ' . 'You can check the <a href="?page=newsletter_main_status">status page</a> for warnings as well.<br>' . 'Max delay: ' . $controls->delta_time(time() - $late_min_send_at); } } } ?> <div class="wrap" id="tnp-wrap"> <?php include NEWSLETTER_DIR . '/tnp-header.php' ?> <div id="tnp-heading"> <h2>Email series</h2> <p> Every email series is associated to a subscriber list. Subscribers can enter or exit an email series changing their profile. <?php $controls->page_help('', 'Read more') ?> </p> <?php $controls->show(); ?> </div> <div id="tnp-body"> <form method="post" action=""> <?php $controls->init(); ?> <div class="tnp-buttons"> <?php $controls->button('add_composer', 'Add new email series') ?> </div> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th>Id</th> <th>Name</th> <th>List</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Steps</th> <th>Subscribers</th> <th> </th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($autoresponders as $autoresponder) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $autoresponder->id ?></td> <td><?php echo esc_html($autoresponder->name) ?></td> <td> <?php $list = Newsletter::instance()->get_list($autoresponder->list); if ($list) { echo esc_html($list->name); } else { echo 'No list associated'; } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $autoresponder->status == 1 ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ?></td> <td><?php echo count($autoresponder->emails) ?></td> <td> <?php echo $this->get_user_count($autoresponder) ?> <?php if ($debug) { echo ' <code>(', $this->get_late_user_count($autoresponder) . ' late)</code>'; } ?> </td> <td style="white-space: nowrap"> <?php $controls->button_icon_configure('?page=newsletter_autoresponder_index&id=' . $autoresponder->id) ?> <?php $controls->button_icon_statistics('?page=newsletter_autoresponder_statistics&id=' . $autoresponder->id) ?> <?php $controls->button_icon_subscribers('?page=newsletter_autoresponder_users&id=' . $autoresponder->id) ?> <?php if ($autoresponder->type == TNP_Autoresponder::TYPE_CLASSIC) { ?> <?php $controls->button_icon_design('?page=newsletter_autoresponder_theme&id=' . $autoresponder->id) ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td style="white-space: nowrap"> <?php $controls->button_icon_copy($autoresponder->id); ?> <?php $controls->button_icon_delete($autoresponder->id); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <p> <?php $controls->button_primary('add', 'Add new email series (classic theme)') ?> </p> </form> <p> <a href="?page=newsletter_autoresponder_index&debug=1" style="color: #999; text-decoration: none">Load this page showing debug information</a> </p> </div> <?php include NEWSLETTER_DIR . '/tnp-footer.php' ?> </div>