Your IP :

Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/duplicator-pro/classes/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/duplicator-pro/classes/class.server.php


defined("ABSPATH") or die("");

use Duplicator\Addons\ProBase\License\License;
use Duplicator\Core\MigrationMng;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\FunctionalityCheck;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapWP;
use Duplicator\Models\DynamicGlobalEntity;
use Duplicator\Models\Storages\DropboxStorage;
use Duplicator\Models\Storages\StoragesUtil;

 * Class used to get server info
 * @package Duplicator\classes
class DUP_PRO_Server
     * Is URL Fopen enabled
     * @return bool
    public static function isURLFopenEnabled()
        $val = ini_get('allow_url_fopen');
        return ($val == true);

     * MySQL escape test
     * @return bool
    public static function mysqlEscapeIsOk()
        $escape_test_string     = chr(0) . chr(26) . "\r\n'\"\\";
        $escape_expected_result = "\"\\0\Z\\r\\n\\'\\\"\\\\\"";
        $escape_actual_result   = DUP_PRO_DB::escValueToQueryString($escape_test_string);
        $result                 = $escape_expected_result === $escape_actual_result;
        if (!$result) {
            $msg = "mysqli_real_escape_string test results\n" .
                "Expected escape result: " . $escape_expected_result . "\n" .
                "Actual escape result: " . $escape_actual_result;
        return $result;

     * Gets string representation of outbound IP address
     * @return bool|string Outbound IP Address or false on error
    public static function getOutboundIP()
        $context = stream_context_create(array(
            'http' =>
            array('timeout' => 15),

        $outboundIP = @file_get_contents('', false, $context);

        if ($outboundIP !== false) {
            // Make sure it's a properly formatted IP address
            if (preg_match('/^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/', $outboundIP) !== 1) {
                $outboundIP = false;

        return $outboundIP;

     * Gets the system requirements which must pass to build a package
     * @return array<string, mixed> An array of requirements
    public static function getRequirments()
        $dup_tests = array();

        //PHP SUPPORT
        $dup_tests['PHP']['SAFE_MODE'] = 'Pass'; /** @todo remove safe mode check, not used after php 5.4 */
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['PHP']['SAFE_MODE'], 'SAFE_MODE is on.');

        $phpversion                  = phpversion();
        $dup_tests['PHP']['VERSION'] = version_compare($phpversion, '5.2.9') >= 0 ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['PHP']['SAFE_MODE'], 'PHP version(' . $phpversion . ') is lower than 5.2.9');

        $allRequiredPass = FunctionalityCheck::checkList(self::getFunctionalitiesCheckList(), true, $noPassFuncs);

        foreach ($noPassFuncs as $func) {
            switch ($func->getType()) {
                case FunctionalityCheck::TYPE_FUNCTION:
                    $errorMessage = $func->getItemKey() . " function doesn't exist.";
                case FunctionalityCheck::TYPE_CLASS:
                    $errorMessage = $func->getItemKey() . " class doesn't exist.";
                    throw new Exception('Invalid item type');
            // We will log even if non-required functionalities fail
            self::logRequirementFail('Fail', $errorMessage);

        $dup_tests['PHP']['ALL'] = !in_array('Fail', $dup_tests['PHP']) && $allRequiredPass ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';

        $home_path = DUP_PRO_Archive::getArchiveListPaths('home');
        if (strlen($home_path) === 0) {
            $home_path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        if (($handle_test = @opendir($home_path)) === false) {
            $dup_tests['IO']['WPROOT'] = 'Fail';
        } else {
            $dup_tests['IO']['WPROOT'] = 'Pass';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['IO']['WPROOT'], $home_path . ' (home path) can\'t be opened.');

        $dup_tests['IO']['SSDIR'] = is_writeable(DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['IO']['SSDIR'], DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH . ' (DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH) can\'t be writeable.');

        $dup_tests['IO']['SSTMP'] = is_writeable(DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH_TMP) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['IO']['SSTMP'], DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH_TMP . ' (DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH_TMP) can\'t be writeable.');

        $dup_tests['IO']['ALL'] = !in_array('Fail', $dup_tests['IO']) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';

        $db_version                    = DUP_PRO_DB::getVersion();
        $dup_tests['SRV']['MYSQL_VER'] = version_compare($db_version, '5.0', '>=') ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['SRV']['MYSQL_VER'], 'MySQL version ' . $db_version . ' is lower than 5.0.');

        //mysqli_real_escape_string test
        $dup_tests['SRV']['MYSQL_ESC'] = self::mysqlEscapeIsOk() ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['SRV']['MYSQL_ESC'], "The function mysqli_real_escape_string is not escaping strings as expected.");

        $dup_tests['SRV']['ALL'] = !in_array('Fail', $dup_tests['SRV']) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';

        $dup_tests['RES']['INSTALL'] = !(self::hasInstallFiles()) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
        self::logRequirementFail($dup_tests['RES']['INSTALL'], 'Installer file(s) are exist on the server.');

        $dup_tests['Success'] = $dup_tests['PHP']['ALL'] == 'Pass' && $dup_tests['IO']['ALL'] == 'Pass' &&
            $dup_tests['SRV']['ALL'] == 'Pass' && $dup_tests['RES']['INSTALL'] == 'Pass';

        return $dup_tests;

     * Cet list of functionalities to check
     * @return FunctionalityCheck[]
    public static function getFunctionalitiesCheckList()
        $global = DUP_PRO_Global_Entity::getInstance();
        $result = [];

        if ($global->getBuildMode() == DUP_PRO_Archive_Build_Mode::ZipArchive) {
            $result[] = new FunctionalityCheck(
                '<i style="font-size:12px">'
                   . '<a href="' . DUPLICATOR_PRO_DUPLICATOR_DOCS_URL . 'how-to-work-with-the-different-zip-engines" target="_blank">'
                   . esc_html__('Overview on how to enable ZipArchive', 'duplicator-pro') . '</i></a>'
        $result[] = new FunctionalityCheck(
        $result[] = new FunctionalityCheck(
        $result[] = new FunctionalityCheck(
        $result[] = new FunctionalityCheck(
        $result[] = new FunctionalityCheck(

        return $result;

     * Logs requirement fail status informative message
     * @param string $testStatus   Either it is Pass or Fail
     * @param string $errorMessage Error message which should be logged
     * @return void
    private static function logRequirementFail($testStatus, $errorMessage)
        if (empty($testStatus)) {
            throw new Exception('Exception: Empty $testStatus [File: ' . __FILE__ . ', Ln: ' . __LINE__);

        if (empty($errorMessage)) {
            throw new Exception('Exception: Empty $errorMessage [File: ' . __FILE__ . ', Ln: ' . __LINE__);

        $validTestStatuses = array(

        if (!in_array($testStatus, $validTestStatuses)) {
            throw new Exception('Exception: Invalid $testStatus value: ' . $testStatus . ' [File: ' . __FILE__ . ', Ln: ' . __LINE__);

        if ('Fail' == $testStatus) {

     * Gets the system checks which are not required
     * @param DUP_PRO_Package $package The package to check
     * @return array<string,mixed> An array of system checks
    public static function getChecks($package)
        $global = DUP_PRO_Global_Entity::getInstance();
        $checks = array();

        //PHP SETTINGS
        $testWebSrv = false;
        foreach ($GLOBALS['DUPLICATOR_PRO_SERVER_LIST'] as $value) {
            if (stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $value)) {
                $testWebSrv = true;
        self::logCheckFalse($testWebSrv, 'Any out of server software (' . implode(', ', $GLOBALS['DUPLICATOR_PRO_SERVER_LIST']) . ') doesn\'t exist.');

        $testOpenBaseDir = ini_get("open_basedir");
        $testOpenBaseDir = empty($testOpenBaseDir) ? true : false;
        self::logCheckFalse($testOpenBaseDir, 'open_basedir is enabled.');

        $max_execution_time = ini_get("max_execution_time");
        $testMaxExecTime    = ($max_execution_time > DUPLICATOR_PRO_SCAN_TIMEOUT) || (strcmp($max_execution_time, 'Off') == 0 || $max_execution_time == 0) ? true : false;

        if (strcmp($max_execution_time, 'Off') == 0) {
            $max_execution_time_error_message = 'max_execution_time should not be' . $max_execution_time;
        } else {
            $max_execution_time_error_message = 'max_execution_time (' . $max_execution_time . ') should not be lower than the DUPLICATOR_PRO_SCAN_TIMEOUT' . DUPLICATOR_PRO_SCAN_TIMEOUT;
        self::logCheckFalse($testMaxExecTime, $max_execution_time_error_message);

        $testDropbox = true;
        if ($package->contains_storage_type(DropboxStorage::getSType())) {
            $testDropbox = function_exists('openssl_csr_new');
            self::logCheckFalse($testDropbox, 'openssl_csr_new function doesn\'t exist and package storage have DropBox storage.');
        $testMySqlConnect = function_exists('mysqli_connect');
        self::logCheckFalse($testMySqlConnect, 'mysqli_connect function doesn\'t exist.');

        $testURLFopen = self::isURLFopenEnabled();
        self::logCheckFalse($testURLFopen, 'URL Fopen isn\'t enabled.');

        $testCURL = SnapUtil::isCurlEnabled();
        self::logCheckFalse($testCURL, 'curl_init function doesn\'t exist.');

        $test64Bit = strstr(SnapUtil::getArchitectureString(), '64') ? true : false ;
        self::logCheckFalse($test64Bit, 'This servers PHP architecture is NOT 64-bit.  Packages over 2GB are not possible.');

        $testMemory = self::hasEnoughMemory();
        self::logCheckFalse($testCURL, 'memory_limit is less than DUPLICATOR_PRO_MIN_MEMORY_LIMIT: ' . DUPLICATOR_PRO_MIN_MEMORY_LIMIT);

        $checks['SRV']['Brand'] = DUP_PRO_Package::is_active_brand_prepared();
        $checks['SRV']['HOST']  = DUP_PRO_Custom_Host_Manager::getInstance()->getActiveHostings();

        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['websrv']        = $testWebSrv;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['openbase']      = $testOpenBaseDir;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['maxtime']       = $testMaxExecTime;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['openssl']       = $testDropbox;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['mysqli']        = $testMySqlConnect;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['allowurlfopen'] = $testURLFopen;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['curlavailable'] = $testCURL;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['arch64bit']     = $test64Bit;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['minMemory']     = $testMemory;
        $checks['SRV']['PHP']['version']       = true; // now the plugin is activated only if the minimum version is valid, so this check is always true

        if ($package->contains_storage_type(DropboxStorage::getSType())) {
            $dropbox_transfer_test = true;
            $transferMode          = DynamicGlobalEntity::getInstance()->getVal('dropbox_transfer_mode');
            if ($transferMode == DUP_PRO_Dropbox_Transfer_Mode::cURL) {
                $dropbox_transfer_test = $testCURL;
                self::logCheckFalse($dropbox_transfer_test, 'DropBox transfer mode is CURL and curl_init function doesn\'t exist.');
            } elseif ($transferMode == DUP_PRO_Dropbox_Transfer_Mode::FOpen_URL) {
                $dropbox_transfer_test = $testURLFopen;
                self::logCheckFalse($dropbox_transfer_test, 'DropBox transfer mode is Fopen URL and Fopen URL is not enabled.');
            $checks['SRV']['PHP']['ALL'] = ($testWebSrv && $testOpenBaseDir && $testMaxExecTime && $testDropbox && $testMySqlConnect && $test64Bit &&
                $testMemory && $dropbox_transfer_test && $checks['SRV']['Brand']['LogoImageExists']) ? 'Good' : 'Warn';
        } else {
            $checks['SRV']['PHP']['ALL'] = ($testWebSrv && $testOpenBaseDir && $testMaxExecTime && $testMySqlConnect && $test64Bit &&
                $testMemory && $checks['SRV']['Brand']['LogoImageExists']) ? 'Good' : 'Warn';

        global $wp_version;
        $testMinWpVersion = version_compare($wp_version, DUPLICATOR_PRO_SCAN_MIN_WP) >= 0 ? true : false;
        self::logCheckFalse($testMinWpVersion, 'WP version (' . $wp_version . ') is lower than the DUPLICATOR_PRO_SCAN_MIN_WP (' . DUPLICATOR_PRO_SCAN_MIN_WP . ').');

        //Core dir and files logic
        $testHasWpCoreFiltered = !$package->Archive->hasWpCoreFolderFiltered();

        $testIsMultisite = is_multisite();

        $checks['SRV']['WP']['version'] = $testMinWpVersion;
        $checks['SRV']['WP']['core']    = $testHasWpCoreFiltered;
        // $checks['SRV']['WP']['cache'] = $testCache;
        $checks['SRV']['WP']['ismu']     = $testIsMultisite;
        $checks['SRV']['WP']['ismuplus'] = License::can(License::CAPABILITY_MULTISITE_PLUS);

        if ($testIsMultisite) {
            // $checks['SRV']['WP']['ALL'] = ($wp_test1 && $wp_test2 && $testCache && $wp_test5) ? 'Good' : 'Warn';
            $checks['SRV']['WP']['ALL'] = ($testMinWpVersion && $testHasWpCoreFiltered && $checks['SRV']['WP']['ismuplus']) ? 'Good' : 'Warn';
            self::logCheckFalse($checks['SRV']['WP']['ismuplus'], 'WP is multi-site setup and licence type is not Business Gold.');
        } else {
            // $checks['SRV']['WP']['ALL'] = ($wp_test1 && $wp_test2 && $testCache) ? 'Good' : 'Warn';
            $checks['SRV']['WP']['ALL'] = ($testMinWpVersion && $testHasWpCoreFiltered) ? 'Good' : 'Warn';

        return $checks;

     * Logs checks false informative message
     * @param boolean $check        Either it is true or false
     * @param string  $errorMessage Error message which should be logged when check is false
     * @return void
    private static function logCheckFalse($check, $errorMessage)
        if (!is_bool($check)) {
            throw new Exception('Exception: Not boolean $check [File: ' . __FILE__ . ', Ln: ' . __LINE__);

        if (empty($errorMessage)) {
            throw new Exception('Exception: Empty $errorMessage [File: ' . __FILE__ . ', Ln: ' . __LINE__);

        if (false === $check) {

     * Return true if memory_limit is >= 256 MB, otherwise false
     * @return bool
    public static function hasEnoughMemory()
        //In case we can't get the ini value, assume it's ok
        if (($memory_limit = @ini_get('memory_limit')) === false || empty($memory_limit)) {
            return true;

        if (SnapUtil::convertToBytes($memory_limit) >= SnapUtil::convertToBytes(DUPLICATOR_PRO_MIN_MEMORY_LIMIT)) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Check to see if duplicator installation files are present
     * @return bool   True if any installation files are found
    public static function hasInstallFiles()
        $fileToRemove = MigrationMng::checkInstallerFilesList();
        return count($fileToRemove) > 0;

     * Returns an array with stats about the orphaned files
     * @return string[] The full path of the orphaned file
    public static function getOrphanedPackageFiles()
        $global  = DUP_PRO_Global_Entity::getInstance();
        $orphans = array();

        $endPackagesFile = array(

        $endPackagesFile[] = $global->installer_base_name;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($endPackagesFile); $i++) {
            $endPackagesFile[$i] = preg_quote($endPackagesFile[$i], '/');
        $regexMatch = '/(' . implode('|', $endPackagesFile) . ')$/';

        $numPackages = DUP_PRO_Package::count_by_status();
        $numPerPage  = 100;
        $pages       = floor($numPackages / $numPerPage) + 1;

        $skipStart = array('dup_pro');
        for ($page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++) {
            $offset       = $page * $numPerPage;
            $pagePackages = DUP_PRO_Package::get_row_by_status(array(), $numPerPage, $offset);
            foreach ($pagePackages as $cPack) {
                $skipStart[] = $cPack->name . '_' . $cPack->hash;
        $pagePackages      = null;
        $fileTimeSkipInSec = (max(DUP_PRO_Constants::DEFAULT_MAX_PACKAGE_RUNTIME_IN_MIN, $global->max_package_runtime_in_min) + DUP_PRO_Constants::ORPAHN_CLEANUP_DELAY_MAX_PACKAGE_RUNTIME) * 60;

        if (file_exists(DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH) && ($handle = opendir(DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH)) !== false) {
            while (false !== ($fileName = readdir($handle))) {
                if ($fileName == '.' || $fileName == '..') {

                $fileFullPath = DUPLICATOR_PRO_SSDIR_PATH . '/' . $fileName;

                if (is_dir($fileFullPath)) {
                if (time() - filemtime($fileFullPath) < $fileTimeSkipInSec) {
                    // file younger than 2 hours skip for security
                if (!preg_match($regexMatch, $fileName)) {
                foreach ($skipStart as $skip) {
                    if (strpos($fileName, $skip) === 0) {
                        continue 2;
                $orphans[] = $fileFullPath;
        return $orphans;

     * Returns an array with stats about the orphaned files
     * @return array{size:int,count:int} The total count and file size of orphaned files
    public static function getOrphanedPackageInfo()
        $files         = self::getOrphanedPackageFiles();
        $info          = array();
        $info['size']  = 0;
        $info['count'] = 0;
        if (count($files)) {
            foreach ($files as $path) {
                $get_size = @filesize($path);
                if ($get_size > 0) {
                    $info['size'] += $get_size;
        return $info;

     * Get the IP of a client machine
     * @return string   IP of the client machine
    public static function getClientIP()
        if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) {
            return $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
        } elseif (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) {
            return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        } elseif (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER)) {
            return $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
        return '';

     * Get PHP memory usage
     * @param bool $peak If true, returns peak memory usage
     * @return string   Returns human readable memory usage.
    public static function getPHPMemory($peak = false)
        if ($peak) {
            $result = 'Unable to read PHP peak memory usage';
            if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
                $result = DUP_PRO_U::byteSize(memory_get_peak_usage(true));
        } else {
            $result = 'Unable to read PHP memory usage';
            if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
                $result = DUP_PRO_U::byteSize(memory_get_usage(true));
        return $result;

     *  Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script
     * @return string The name of the owner of the current PHP script
    public static function getCurrentUser()
        $unreadable = 'Undetectable';
        if (function_exists('get_current_user') && is_callable('get_current_user')) {
            $user = get_current_user();
            return strlen($user) ? $user : $unreadable;
        return $unreadable;