Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/divi-builder/dashboard/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins backup/divi-builder/dashboard/dashboard.php |
<?php /** * ET_Dashboard class * Generates the dashboard and supports saving/retrieving options data including import/export options. * Following variables should be set during class construction: * _options_pagename - 'et_dashboard_options_pagename', * * plugin_class_name - 'et_dashboard_plugin_class_name', * * save_button_text - 'et_dashboard_save_button_text', * * plugin_name - 'et_dashboard_plugin_name', * * All other action hooks and filters described before each function where applicable * * Important: dashboard_save_settings() function should be registered as wp_ajax action in the plugin which uses this class to avoid conflicts. * Action name should be following - 'wp_ajax_<plugin_class_name>_save_settings' */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } define( 'ET_DASHBOARD_DIR_V2', trailingslashit( dirname(__FILE__) ) ); define( 'ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI_V2', plugins_url( '', __FILE__ ) ); class ET_Dashboard_v2 { var $class_version = '1.1.3'; var $protocol; var $plugin_name; function __construct( $args ) { //define filterable variables $this->_options_pagename = isset( $args['et_dashboard_options_pagename'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_options_pagename'] : 'et_dashboard'; $this->plugin_class_name = isset( $args['et_dashboard_plugin_class_name'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_plugin_class_name'] : ''; $this->save_button_text = isset( $args['et_dashboard_save_button_text'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_save_button_text'] : esc_html__( 'Save Changes', 'et_dashboard' ); $this->plugin_name = isset( $args['et_dashboard_plugin_name'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_plugin_name'] : 'et_dashboard'; $this->options_path = isset( $args['et_dashboard_options_path'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_options_path'] : ET_DASHBOARD_DIR_V2 . 'includes/options.php'; $this->top_level_page = isset( $args['et_dashboard_options_page'] ) ? $args['et_dashboard_options_page'] : 'tools'; $this->protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $this->dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); //include options at the init hook, to make sure localization applied correctly $this->include_options(); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'add_class_localization' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_et_dashboard_generate_warning', array( $this, 'generate_modal_warning' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_et_dashboard_execute_live_search', array( $this, 'execute_live_search' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'set_post_types' ), 99 ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'dashboard_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_settings_export' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'process_settings_import' ) ); } /** * Adds class localization * Domain: et_dashboard * * @return void */ function add_class_localization() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'et_dashboard', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' ); } function get_options_array() { $options_array = get_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options' ) ? get_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options' ) : array(); $final_options_array = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options_array', $options_array ); return $final_options_array; } public static function load_fonts_class() { if ( ! class_exists( 'ET_Dashboard_Fonts' ) ) { require_once( ET_DASHBOARD_DIR_V2 . 'includes/google_fonts.php' ); } $fonts_class = new ET_Dashboard_Fonts(); return $fonts_class; } function include_options() { require_once( $this->options_path ); $this->dashboard_sections = $all_sections; $this->assigned_options = $assigned_options; } function update_option( $update_array ) { //we need to update current version of options, not cached version $dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); $updated_options = array_merge( $dashboard_options, $update_array ); update_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options', $updated_options ); } /** * Removes option from the database based on the $option_key * @return void */ function remove_option( $option_key ) { //we need to remove options from the current version of options, not cached version $dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); if ( isset( $dashboard_options[$option_key] ) ) { unset( $dashboard_options[$option_key] ); update_option( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_options', $dashboard_options ); } } function dashboard_scripts( $hook ) { if ( "{$this->top_level_page}_{$this->_options_pagename}" !== $hook ) { return; } wp_enqueue_script( 'et-dashboard-mce-js', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI_V2 . '/js/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->class_version, true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'et-dashboard-css', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI_V2 . '/css/et_dashboard.css', array(), $this->class_version ); wp_enqueue_script( 'et-dashboard-js', ET_DASHBOARD_PLUGIN_URI_V2 . '/js/et_dashboard.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->class_version, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_media(); wp_localize_script( 'et-dashboard-js', 'dashboardSettings', array( 'dashboard_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'dashboard_nonce' ), 'search_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'search_nonce' ), 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php', $this->protocol ), 'save_settings' => wp_create_nonce( 'save_settings' ), 'generate_warning' => wp_create_nonce( 'generate_warning' ), 'plugin_class' => $this->plugin_class_name, ) ); } /** * Generates the array of post types and categories registered in WordPress * @return void */ function set_post_types() { $default_post_types = array( 'post', 'page' ); $theme_name = wp_get_theme(); $final_categories = array(); $custom_post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, '_builtin' => false, ) ); if ( ( $key = array_search( 'wysijap', $custom_post_types ) ) !== false) { unset( $custom_post_types[$key] ); } $this->dashboard_post_types = array_merge( $default_post_types, $custom_post_types ); $categories = get_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => 0, ) ); foreach ( $categories as $key => $value ) { $final_categories[$value->term_id] = $value->name; } $this->dashboard_categories['post'] = $final_categories; foreach ( $this->dashboard_post_types as $post_type ) { $taxonomy_name = ''; $cats_array = array(); switch ( $post_type ) { case 'project' : $taxonomy_name = 'project_category'; break; case 'product' : $taxonomy_name = 'product_cat'; break; case 'listing' : if ( 'Explorable' === $theme_name ) { $taxonomy_name = 'listing_type'; } else { $taxonomy_name = 'listing_category'; } break; case 'event' : $taxonomy_name = 'event_category'; break; case 'gallery' : $taxonomy_name = 'gallery_category'; break; } if ( '' !== $taxonomy_name && taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy_name ) ) { $cats_array = get_categories( 'taxonomy=' . $taxonomy_name . '&hide_empty=0' ); if ( ! empty( $cats_array ) ) { $cats_array_final = array(); foreach( $cats_array as $single_cat ) { $cats_array_final[$single_cat->cat_ID] = $single_cat->cat_name; } $this->dashboard_categories[$post_type] = $cats_array_final; } } } } /** * Generates the output for the hint in dashboard options * @return string */ function generate_hint( $text, $escape ) { $output = sprintf( '<span class="et_dashboard_more_info et_dashboard_icon"> <span class="et_dashboard_more_text">%1$s</span> </span>', true === $escape ? esc_html( $text ) : $text ); return $output; } /** * Generates modal warning window for internal messages. Works via php or via Ajax * Ok_link could be a link to particular tab in dashboard, external link or empty */ function generate_modal_warning( $message = '', $ok_link = '#', $hide_close = false, $ok_text = '', $custom_button_text = '', $custom_button_link = '#', $custom_button_class = '' ) { $ajax_request = isset( $_POST[ 'message' ] ) ? true : false; if ( true === $ajax_request ){ if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['generate_warning_nonce'] , 'generate_warning' ) ) { die( -1 ); } } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $message = isset( $_POST[ 'message' ] ) ? stripslashes( $_POST[ 'message' ] ) : sanitize_text_field( $message ); $ok_link = isset( $_POST[ 'ok_link' ] ) ? $_POST[ 'ok_link' ] : $ok_link; $hide_close = isset( $_POST[ 'hide_close' ] ) ? (bool) $_POST[ 'hide_close' ] : (bool) $hide_close; $ok_text = isset( $_POST[ 'ok_text' ] ) ? $_POST[ 'ok_text' ] : $ok_text; $custom_button_text = isset( $_POST[ 'custom_button_text' ] ) ? $_POST[ 'custom_button_text' ] : $custom_button_text; $custom_button_link = isset( $_POST[ 'custom_button_link' ] ) ? $_POST[ 'custom_button_link' ] : $custom_button_link; $custom_button_class = isset( $_POST[ 'custom_button_class' ] ) ? $_POST[ 'custom_button_class' ] : $custom_button_class; $result = sprintf( '<div class="et_dashboard_networks_modal et_dashboard_warning"> <div class="et_dashboard_inner_container"> <div class="et_dashboard_modal_header">%4$s</div> <div class="dashboard_icons_container"> %1$s </div> <div class="et_dashboard_modal_footer"><a href="%3$s" class="et_dashboard_ok et_dashboard_warning_button%6$s">%2$s</a>%5$s</div> </div> </div>', wp_kses_post( $message ), '' == $ok_text ? esc_html__( 'Ok', 'et_dashboard' ) : $ok_text, esc_url( $ok_link ), false === $hide_close ? '<span class="et_dashboard_close"></span>' : '', '' != $custom_button_text ? sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" class="et_dashboard_custom_btn et_dashboard_warning_button%3$s">%2$s</a>', esc_url( $custom_button_link ), esc_html( $custom_button_text ), '' !== $custom_button_class ? ' ' . esc_attr( $custom_button_class ) : '' ) : '', '' !== $custom_button_text ? ' et_dashboard_2_btns' : '' ); if ( $ajax_request ){ echo $result; die; } else { return $result; } } /** * Handles ajax request for save_settings button * @return string */ function dashboard_save_settings( $options = array() ) { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['save_settings_nonce'], 'save_settings' ) ) { die( -1 ); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $options = $_POST['options']; $option_sub_title = isset( $_POST['options_sub_title'] ) ? $_POST['options_sub_title'] : ''; $error_message = $this->process_and_update_options( $options, $option_sub_title ); die( $error_message ); } /** * Handles options array and import options into DataBase. * $sub_array variable toggles between 2 option formats: * 1) false - [option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * 2) true - key_1[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], key_2[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], ... , key_n[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * * @return string */ function prepare_import_settings( $options = array(), $sub_array = false ) { //if options stored in sub_arrays, then we need to go through each sub_array and save the data for each of them if ( true === $sub_array ) { foreach ( $options as $subtitle => $values ) { $error_message = $this->process_and_update_options( $values, $subtitle ); } } else { $error_message = $this->process_and_update_options( $options ); } return $error_message; } /** * * supposed to check whether network is authorized or not * verdict should be overriden from plugin using 'et_<plugin_name>_authorization_verdict' filter * FALSE will be returned by default * * @return bool */ function api_is_network_authorized( $network ) { $is_authorized = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_authorization_verdict', false, $network ); return (bool) $is_authorized; } /** * * Executes live search through the posts/pages and returns the output to jQuery * * @return string */ function execute_live_search() { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['dashboard_search'] , 'search_nonce' ) ) { die( -1 ); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $search_string = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_live_search'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_live_search'] ) : ''; $page = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_page'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_page'] ) : 1; $post_type = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_post_type'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_post_type'] ) : 'any'; $full_content = ! empty( $_POST['dashboard_full_content'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['dashboard_full_content'] ) : 'true'; $args['s'] = $search_string; $args['pagenum'] = $page; $results = $this->posts_query( $args, $post_type ); if ( 'true' === $full_content ) { $output = '<ul class="et_dashboard_search_results">'; } else { $output = ''; } if ( empty( $results ) ) { if ( 'true' === $full_content ) { $output .= sprintf( '<li class="et_dashboard_no_res">%1$s</li>', esc_html__( 'No results found', 'bloom' ) ); } } else { foreach( $results as $single_post ) { $output .= sprintf( '<li data-post_id="%2$s">[%3$s] - %1$s</li>', esc_html( $single_post['title'] ), esc_attr( $single_post['id'] ), esc_html( $single_post['post_type'] ) ); } } if ( 'true' === $full_content ) { $output .= '</ul>'; } die( $output ); } /** * * Retrieves the posts from WP based on search criteria. Used for live posts search. * This function is based on the internal WP function "wp_link_query" from /wp-includes/class-wp-editor.php * * @return array */ function posts_query( $args = array(), $include_post_type = '' ) { if ( 'only_pages' === $include_post_type ) { $pt_names = array( 'page' ); } elseif ( 'any' === $include_post_type || 'only_posts' === $include_post_type ) { $dashboard_post_types = ! empty( $this->dashboard_post_types ) ? $this->dashboard_post_types : array(); $pt_names = array_values( $dashboard_post_types ); if ( 'only_posts' === $include_post_type ) { unset( $pt_names[1] ); } } else { $pt_names = $include_post_type; } $query = array( 'post_type' => $pt_names, 'suppress_filters' => true, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => 20, ); $args['pagenum'] = isset( $args['pagenum'] ) ? absint( $args['pagenum'] ) : 1; if ( isset( $args['s'] ) ) { $query['s'] = $args['s']; } $query['offset'] = $args['pagenum'] > 1 ? $query['posts_per_page'] * ( $args['pagenum'] - 1 ) : 0; $get_posts = new WP_Query; $posts = $get_posts->query( $query ); if ( ! $get_posts->post_count ) { return false; } $results = array(); foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $results[] = array( 'id' => (int) $post->ID, 'title' => trim( esc_html( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post ) ) ) ), 'post_type' => sanitize_text_field( $post->post_type ), ); } wp_reset_postdata(); return $results; } /** * Processes and saves options array into Database * $option_sub_title variable toggles between 2 option formats: * 1) '' - [option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * 2) '<subtitle>' - <subtitle>[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * * Supports 'et_<plugin_name>_after_save_options' hook * * @return string */ function process_and_update_options( $options, $option_sub_title = '' ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { die( -1 ); } $this->dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); $dashboard_options = $this->dashboard_options; /** * Filters the sections (tabs) in the builder plugin options dashboard. * * @since 2.0.7 * * @param array[] $sections */ $dashboard_sections = apply_filters( 'et_builder_plugin_dashboard_sections', $this->dashboard_sections ); /** * Filters the fields data for the builder plugin options dashboard. * * @since 2.0.7 * * @param array[] $sections */ $dashboard_options_assigned = apply_filters( 'et_builder_plugin_dashboard_fields_data', $this->assigned_options ); $error_message = ''; $dashboard_options_temp = array(); if ( ! is_array( $options ) ) { $processed_array = str_replace( array( '%5B', '%5D' ), array( '[', ']' ), $options ); parse_str( $processed_array, $output ); $array_prefix = true; } else { $output = $options; $array_prefix = false; } if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) { $current_section = sanitize_text_field( $key ); if ( isset( $value[ 'contents' ] ) ) { foreach( $value[ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { $options_prefix = sanitize_text_field( $current_section . '_' . $key ); $options_array = $dashboard_options_assigned[$current_section . '_' . $key . '_options']; if ( isset( $options_array ) ) { foreach( $options_array as $option ) { $current_option_name = ''; if ( isset( $option[ 'name' ] ) ) { if ( '' !== $option_sub_title ) { $current_option_name = $option[ 'name' ]; } else { $current_option_name = $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'name' ]; } } $current_option_name = sanitize_text_field( $current_option_name ); //determine where the value is stored and set appropriate value as current if ( true === $array_prefix ) { $current_option_value = isset( $output['et_dashboard'][ $current_option_name ] ) ? $output['et_dashboard'][ $current_option_name ] : false; } else { $current_option_value = isset( $output[ $current_option_name ] ) ? $output[ $current_option_name ] : false; } if ( isset( $option[ 'validation_type' ] ) ) { switch( $option[ 'validation_type' ] ) { case 'simple_array' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $current_option_value ) : array(); break; case 'on_off_array' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $current_option_value ) : array(); // Sanitize stored values to be 'on' or 'off' only. foreach ( $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] as $option_key => $option_value ) { $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ][ $option_key ] = 'on' === $option_value ? 'on' : 'off'; } break; case 'simple_text': $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $current_option_value ) ) : ''; if ( function_exists ( 'icl_register_string' ) && isset( $option[ 'is_wpml_string' ] ) ) { $wpml_option_name = '' !== $option_sub_title ? $current_option_name . '_' . $option_sub_title : $option_sub_title; icl_register_string( $this->plugin_name, $wpml_option_name, sanitize_text_field( $current_option_value ) ); } break; case 'boolean' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? in_array( $current_option_value, array( '1', false ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $current_option_value ) : false : false; break; case 'number' : $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = intval( stripslashes( ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? absint( $current_option_value ) : '' ) ); break; case 'complex_array' : if ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) { if ( ! empty( $current_option_value ) && is_array( $current_option_value ) ) { foreach ( $current_option_value as $key => $value ) { foreach ( $value as $_key => $_value ) { $value[ $_key ] = sanitize_text_field( $_value ); } $current_option_value[ $key ] = $value; } $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = $current_option_value; } } break; case 'url' : if ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) { $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? esc_url_raw( stripslashes( $current_option_value ) ) : ''; } break; case 'html' : if ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) { $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] = ! empty( $current_option_value ) ? stripslashes( esc_html( $current_option_value ) ) : ''; if ( function_exists ( 'icl_register_string' ) && isset( $option[ 'is_wpml_string' ] ) ) { $wpml_option_name = '' !== $option_sub_title ? $current_option_name . '_' . $option_sub_title : $option_sub_title; icl_register_string( $this->plugin_name, $wpml_option_name, esc_html( $current_option_value ) ); } } break; } // end switch } do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_save_options', $dashboard_options_temp, $current_option_name, $option, $output ); // Save Global Option if ( isset( $option['is_global'] ) && $option['is_global'] && isset( $option['main_setting_name'] ) && isset( $option['sub_setting_name'] ) ) { $sanitized_value = $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ]; $main_setting_name = $option['main_setting_name']; $sub_setting_name = $option['sub_setting_name']; et_update_option( '', $sanitized_value, true, $main_setting_name, $sub_setting_name ); // Remove global option from the options array unset( $dashboard_options_temp[ $current_option_name ] ); } } // end foreach( $options_array as $option ) } //if ( isset( $options_array ) ) } // end foreach( $value[ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) } // end if ( isset( $value[ 'contents' ] ) ) } // end foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) } //end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) if ( '' !== $option_sub_title ) { $final_array[$option_sub_title] = $dashboard_options_temp; } else { $final_array = $dashboard_options_temp; } ET_Dashboard_v2::update_option( $final_array ); if ( ! empty( $final_array[ 'sharing_locations_manage_locations' ] ) && empty( $final_array[ 'sharing_networks_networks_sorting' ] ) ) { $error_message = $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Please select social networks in "Social Sharing / Networks" settings', 'et_dashboard' ), '#tab_et_social_tab_content_sharing_networks' ); } return $error_message; } /** * Generates dashboard page based on the options from options.php file. * Supports following hooks: * 'et_<plugin_name>_after_main_options' * 'et_<plugin_name>_after_header_options' * 'et_<plugin_name>_after_save_button' * 'et_<plugin_name>_header_start' * 'et_<plugin_name>_header_end' * * @return array */ function generate_options_page( $sub_array = '' ) { $this->dashboard_options = $this->get_options_array(); $dashboard_options = $this->dashboard_options; /** This filter is documented in `self::process_and_update_options()` */ $dashboard_sections = apply_filters( 'et_builder_plugin_dashboard_sections', $this->dashboard_sections ); /** This filter is documented in `self::process_and_update_options()` */ $dashboard_options_assigned = apply_filters( 'et_builder_plugin_dashboard_fields_data', $this->assigned_options ); $dashboard_post_types = $this->dashboard_post_types; $dashboard_categories = $this->dashboard_categories; printf( '<div id="et_dashboard_wrapper_outer" class="%1$s"> <div id="et_dashboard_wrapper" class="et_dashboard"> <div id="et_dashboard_header"> <div id="et_dashboard_logo" class="et_dashboard_icon_%2$s et_dashboard_icon"></div> <ul>', esc_attr( $this->plugin_class_name ), esc_attr( $this->plugin_name ) ); if ( isset( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s"> <a href="#tab_et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s" id="et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s" class="et_dashboard_icon_header_%1$s et_dashboard_icon"> <span></span> </a> </li>', esc_attr( $key ) ); } } echo ' </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div id="et_dashboard_navigation"> <ul>'; $menu_count = 0; if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) { if ( $key !== 'header') { $current_section = $key; foreach( $value as $key => $value ) { if ( $key == 'title' ){ printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_tab_content_side_%1$s"> <a href="#" class="et_dashboard_icon_%1$s et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_tab_parent"> <span>%2$s</span> </a>', esc_attr( $current_section ), esc_html( $value ) ); } else { printf( '<ul class="et_dashboard_%1$s_nav">', esc_attr( $current_section ) ); foreach( $value as $key => $value ) { printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_tab_content_side_%2$s"> <a href="#tab_et_dashboard_tab_content_%1$s_%2$s" id="et_dashboard_tab_content_%1$s_%2$s" class="et_dashboard_icon_%2$s et_dashboard_icon"> <span>%3$s</span> </a> </li>', esc_attr( $current_section ), esc_attr( $key ), esc_html( $value ) ); } echo ' </ul> </li>'; } // end else } // end foreach( $value as $key => $value ) } // end if ( $key !== 'header') } //end foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) } // end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) echo ' </ul> </div> <div id="et_dashboard_content"> <form id="et_dashboard_options" enctype="multipart/form-data">'; settings_fields( 'et_dashboard_settings_group' ); if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) { $current_section = $key; if ( $key !== 'header' ) { foreach( $value[ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { $current_location = $key; $options_prefix = $current_section . '_' . $key; $options_array = isset( $dashboard_options_assigned[$current_section . '_' . $key . '_options'] ) ? $dashboard_options_assigned[$current_section . '_' . $key . '_options'] : array(); $sidebar_section = 'sidebar' == $key ? true : false; printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_tab_content et_dashboard_tab_content_%1$s_%2$s">', esc_attr( $current_section ), esc_attr( $key ) ); foreach( $options_array as $option) { $current_option_name = ''; $hint_output = ''; if ( isset( $option[ 'name' ] ) ) { if ( '' !== $sub_array ) { $current_option_name = $option[ 'name' ]; } else { $current_option_name = $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'name' ]; } } if ( isset( $option['is_global'] ) && $option['is_global'] && isset( $option['main_setting_name'] ) && isset( $option['sub_setting_name'] ) ) { $main_setting_name = $option['main_setting_name']; $sub_setting_name = $option['sub_setting_name']; $global_setting = get_option( $main_setting_name ); $current_option_value = isset( $global_setting[$sub_setting_name] ) ? $global_setting[$sub_setting_name] : ''; } else if ( '' !== $sub_array ) { $current_option_value = isset( $dashboard_options[$sub_array][$current_option_name] ) ? $dashboard_options[$sub_array][$current_option_name] : ''; if ( ! isset( $dashboard_options[$sub_array][$current_option_name] ) && isset( $option[ 'default' ] ) ) { $current_option_value = isset( $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] ) ? $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] : $option[ 'default' ]; } } else { $current_option_value = isset( $dashboard_options[ $current_option_name ] ) ? $dashboard_options[ $current_option_name ] : ''; if ( ! isset( $dashboard_options[ $current_option_name ] ) && isset( $option[ 'default' ] ) ) { $current_option_value = isset( $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] ) ? $option[ 'default_' . $current_location ] : $option[ 'default' ]; } } if ( isset( $option[ 'hint_text' ] ) ) { $escape = isset( $option[ 'hint_text_with_links' ] ) ? (bool) true : (bool) false; $hint_output = $this->generate_hint( $option[ 'hint_text' ], $escape ); } $current_option_value = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_option_value', $current_option_value, $option ); switch( $option[ 'type' ] ) { case 'select_shape' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_selection%2$s%4$s"%3$s%5$s> <h2>%1$s</h2> <div style="clear:both;"></div>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#5 ); foreach ( $option[ 'value' ] as $shape ){ printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_shape et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_single_selectable %1$s"> <div class="et_dashboard_shape_tile et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_shape_%2$s"></div> <input type="radio" class="et_dashboard[%3$s]" name="et_dashboard[%3$s]" value="%2$s" %4$s style="position: absolute; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;"> </div>', $shape === $current_option_value ? 'et_dashboard_selected' : '', esc_attr( $shape ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $current_option_value, $shape, false ) ); } echo '</div>'; break; case 'select' : $current_option_list = isset( $option[ 'value_' . $current_location ] ) ? $option[ 'value_' . $current_location ] : ( isset( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : $option['options'] ); if ( isset( $option[ 'filter'] ) ) { $current_option_list = apply_filters( $option[ 'filter'], $current_option_list ); } printf( '<li class="select%3$s%5$s%7$s"%4$s%6$s%8$s> <p>%1$s</p> <select name="et_dashboard[%2$s]">', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option et_dashboard_triggered_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', '' !== $sub_array ? esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) : esc_attr( $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#8 ); foreach ( $current_option_list as $actual_value => $display_value ) { printf( '<option value="%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>', esc_attr( $actual_value ), selected( $actual_value, $current_option_value, false ), esc_html( $display_value ) ); } echo ' </select>'; echo $hint_output; echo ' </li>'; break; case 'checkbox' : $checkbox_value = isset( $option[ 'value' ] ) ? $option[ 'value' ] : '1'; if ( false === $current_option_value && isset( $option[ 'default'] ) ) { $current_option_value = $option[ 'default']; } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox clearfix%5$s%6$s"%4$s%7$s%8$s> <p>%1$s</p> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%2$s]" class="%9$s" name="et_dashboard[%2$s]" value="%10$s" %3$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%2$s]"></label>', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $current_option_value, $checkbox_value, false ), ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', '' !== $sub_array ? esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) : esc_attr( $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option et_dashboard_triggered_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', //#9 esc_attr($checkbox_value) ); echo $hint_output; echo ' </li>'; break; case 'checkbox_set' : $checkboxes_array = isset( $option[ 'value' ] ) ? $option[ 'value' ] : array(); $current_option_value = isset( $current_option_value ) ? $current_option_value : array(); if ( ! empty( $checkboxes_array ) ) { $i = 0; foreach ( $checkboxes_array as $value => $label ) { printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox%6$s%8$s"%7$s> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" value="%3$s" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]"></label> <p>%5$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( in_array( $value, $current_option_value ), true, false ), esc_attr( $value ), esc_attr( $i ), esc_attr( $label ), //#5 isset( $option[ 'conditional' ][$value] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ][$value] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ][$value] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) . ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) . '_' . esc_attr( $value ) : '' //#8 ); $i++; } } break; case 'checkbox_list' : if ( empty( $option['options'] ) ) { break; } $defaults = ( isset( $option['default'] ) && is_array( $option['default'] ) ) ? $option['default'] : array(); $stored_values = isset( $current_option_value ) ? $current_option_value : array(); $value_options = $option['options']; if ( is_callable( $value_options ) ) { $value_options = call_user_func( $value_options ); } printf( '<li class="input clearfix"> <p>%1$s</p> <div class="et_pb_prompt_field et_pb_prompt_field--checkbox-list"> ', esc_html( $option['label'] ) ); foreach ( $value_options as $option_key => $option_name ) { $option_value = isset( $option['et_save_values'] ) && $option['et_save_values'] ? sanitize_text_field( $option_key ) : sanitize_text_field( $option_name ); $option_label = sanitize_text_field( $option_name ); $checked = isset( $defaults[ $option_value ] ) ? $defaults[ $option_value ] : 'off'; if ( isset( $stored_values[ $option_value ] ) ) { $checked = $stored_values[ $option_value ]; } $checkbox_list_id = sanitize_text_field( $option['id'] . '-' . $option_key ); printf( '<div class="et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper"> <span class="et-panel-box__checkbox-list-label"> %1$s </span> <div class="et_pb_yes_no_button"> <span class="et_pb_value_text et_pb_on_value">%7$s</span> <span class="et_pb_button_slider"></span> <span class="et_pb_value_text et_pb_off_value">%8$s</span> </div> <select name="et_dashboard[%2$s][%4$s]" id="et_dashboard_%3$s" class="et-pb-main-setting regular-text"> <option value="on"%5$s>%7$s</option> <option value="off"%6$s>%8$s</option> </select> </div>', esc_html( $option_label ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $checkbox_list_id ), esc_attr( $option_value ), selected( $checked, 'on', false ), selected( $checked, 'off', false ), esc_html__( 'Enabled', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html__( 'Disabled', 'et_dashboard' ) ); } echo ' </div> </li> '; break; case 'input_field' : printf( '<li class="input clearfix%4$s%7$s"%5$s%10$s> <p>%1$s</p> <input type="%9$s" name="et_dashboard[%2$s]" value="%3$s" placeholder="%6$s"%8$s>', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', //#5 'number' == $option[ 'subtype' ] ? '0' : $option[ 'placeholder' ], 'text' == $option[ 'subtype' ] ? ' et_dashboard_longinput' : '', ( isset( $option['class'] ) ? sprintf( ' class="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['class'] ) ) : '' ), ( isset( $option['hide_contents'] ) ? 'password' : 'text' ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#10 ); echo $hint_output; echo ' </li>'; break; case 'checkbox_posts' : echo ' <li> <ul class="inline">'; $i = 0; $current_option_value = '' == $current_option_value ? array() : $current_option_value; $current_option_cats = $current_option_value; // remove unneeded items from categories array unset( $current_option_cats['auto_select'] ); unset( $current_option_cats['previously_saved'] ); $checkbox_array = 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ? $dashboard_post_types : $dashboard_categories['post']; $post_types = ! empty( $option['value'] ) ? $option['value'] : $checkbox_array; $array_of_saved_cats = isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ? explode( ',', $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) : array(); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type => $id ){ $is_checked = false; if ( 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] ) { if ( ! isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ) { $is_checked = true; } else { if ( isset( $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) && '1' === $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) { $is_checked = !in_array( $post_type, $array_of_saved_cats ) ? true : in_array( $post_type, $current_option_cats ); } else { $is_checked = in_array( $post_type, $current_option_cats ); } } } $conditional_class = ''; $conditional_data = ''; if ( 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ) { if ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ]['any_post'] ) && 'page' !== $id ) { $conditional_class = ' et_dashboard_conditional'; $conditional_data = sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['conditional']['any_post'] ) ); } $conditional_class = isset( $option['conditional'][$id] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : $conditional_class; $conditional_data = isset( $option['conditional'][$id] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['conditional'][$id] ) ) : $conditional_data; } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox%6$s"%7$s> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" value="%3$s" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]"></label> <p>%5$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ? checked( in_array( $id, $current_option_cats ), true, false ) : checked( $is_checked, true, false ), 'post_types' === $option['subtype'] ? esc_attr( $id ) : esc_attr( $post_type ), esc_attr( $i ), ( 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] && isset( $option['include_custom'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $id ) . esc_html__( ' ( post )', 'et_dashboard' ) : esc_attr( $id ), esc_attr( $conditional_class ), $conditional_data ); $i++; } if ( isset( $option['include_custom'] ) && 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] ) { foreach ( $dashboard_post_types as $post_type ) { if ( 'post' != $post_type && 'page' != $post_type ) { if ( ! empty( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] as $cat_id => $cat_name ) { $is_checked = false; if ( ! isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ) { $is_checked = true; } else { if ( isset( $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) && '1' === $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) { $is_checked = ! in_array( $cat_id, $array_of_saved_cats ) ? true : in_array( $cat_id, $current_option_cats ); } else { $is_checked = in_array( $cat_id, $current_option_cats ); } } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox%6$s"%7$s> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" value="%3$s" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][%4$s]"></label> <p>%5$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $is_checked, true, false ), esc_attr( $cat_id ), esc_attr( $i ), esc_html( $cat_name ) . ' ( ' . $post_type . ' )', esc_attr( $conditional_class ), $conditional_data ); $i++; } } } } } if ( 'post_cats' === $option['subtype'] ) { $current_option_value['auto_select'] = isset( $current_option_value['auto_select'] ) ? $current_option_value['auto_select'] : 0; $current_option_value['auto_select'] = ! isset( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ? 1 : $current_option_value['auto_select']; $cat_id_array = array(); printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_checkbox et_dashboard_auto_select"> <input type="checkbox" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][auto_select]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][auto_select]" value="1" %2$s> <label for="et_dashboard[%1$s][auto_select]"></label> <p>%3$s</p> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), checked( $current_option_value['auto_select'], 1, false ), esc_html__( 'Automatically check categories created in future', 'et_dashboard' ) ); foreach ( $checkbox_array as $id => $name ) { $cat_id_array[] = $id; } if ( isset( $option['include_custom'] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_post_types as $post_type ) { if ( 'post' != $post_type && 'page' != $post_type ) { if ( ! empty( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] ) ) { foreach ( $dashboard_categories[$post_type] as $cat_id => $cat_name ) { $cat_id_array[] = $cat_id; } } } } } $current_option_value['previously_saved'] = implode( ',', $cat_id_array ); printf( ' <li> <input type="hidden" id="et_dashboard[%1$s][previously_saved]" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][previously_saved]" value="%2$s" /> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value['previously_saved'] ) ); } echo ' </ul> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </li>'; break; case 'section_start' : printf( '%5$s<div class="et_dashboard_form et_dashboard_row%2$s%7$s"%3$s%4$s%8$s> %1$s %6$s <div style="clear:both;"></div> <ul>', isset( $option[ 'title' ] ) ? sprintf( '<h2>%1$s</h2>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ) ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', ( isset( $current_option_name ) && '' != $current_option_name ) ? sprintf( ' data-name="et_dashboard[%1$s]"', esc_attr( $current_option_name ) ) : '', ( isset( $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) && true == $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) ? '<li class="et_dashboard_auto_height">' : '', //#5 isset( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ? sprintf('<p class="et_dashboard_section_subtitle">%1$s</p>', isset( $option[ 'no_escape' ] ) && true === $option[ 'no_escape' ] ? $option[ 'subtitle' ] : esc_html( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ) : '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' // #7 ); break; case 'section_end' : printf( ' </ul> </div> %1$s', ( isset( $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) && true == $option[ 'sub_section' ] ) ? '</li>' : '' ); break; case 'text' : printf( '<li class="et_dashboard_auto_height%6$s%10$s"%7$s%8$s> %9$s <textarea placeholder="%1$s" rows="%2$s" id="et_dashboard_%4$s" name="et_dashboard[%4$s]"%5$s>%3$s</textarea> </li>', esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), esc_attr( $option[ 'rows' ] ), esc_html( $current_option_value ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), ( isset( $option['class'] ) ? sprintf( ' class="%1$s"', esc_attr( $option['class'] ) ) : '' ), //#5 isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '', ! empty( $option[ 'title' ] ) ? sprintf( '<p>%1$s</p>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ) ) : '', ! empty( $option[ 'title' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_text_with_title' : '' //#10 ); break; case 'main_title' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_selection%3$s"> <h1>%1$s</h1> %2$s </div>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ? sprintf('<p>%1$s</p>', esc_html( $option[ 'subtitle' ] ) ) : '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '' ); break; case 'note' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_note"> <h2>%1$s</h2> <p> <span>%2$s</span> </p> </div>', esc_html__( 'Note:', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( $option[ 'text' ] ) ); break; case 'color_picker' : printf( '<li class="input clearfix et_dashboard_color_picker%5$s%8$s"%6$s%7$s> <p>%4$s</p> <input class="et-dashboard-color-picker" type="text" maxlength="7" placeholder="%1$s" name=et_dashboard[%2$s] value="%3$s" /> </li>', esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value ), esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', // #5 isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"' : '', isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '' //#8 ); break; case 'live_search' : if ( '' === $current_option_value ) { $current_option_value_array = array(); } else { $current_option_value_array = is_array( $current_option_value ) ? $current_option_value : explode( ',', $current_option_value ); } $selected_posts_list = ''; if ( ! empty( $current_option_value_array ) ) { $selected_posts = get_posts( array( 'post__in' => $current_option_value_array, 'post_type' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, ) ); if ( ! empty( $selected_posts ) ) { foreach( $selected_posts as $single_post ) { $selected_posts_list .= sprintf( ' <span data-post_id="%3$s">[%1$s] - %2$s<span class="et_dashboard_menu_remove"></span></span>', esc_html( $single_post->post_type ), esc_html( $single_post->post_title ), esc_attr( $single_post->ID ) ); } } } printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_selected">%1$s</li> <li class="et_dashboard_live_fields"> <input type="text" class="et_dashboard_search_posts" placeholder="%4$s" data-post_type="%5$s"/><span class="spinner"></span> <input type="hidden" id="et_dashboard[%2$s]" name="et_dashboard[%2$s]" value="%3$s" /> </li> <li class="et_dashboard_live_search_res"> <ul class="et_dashboard_search_results"></ul> </li>', $selected_posts_list, esc_attr( $current_option_name ), is_array( $current_option_value ) ? esc_attr( implode( ',', $current_option_value ) ) : esc_attr( $current_option_value ), esc_attr( $option[ 'placeholder' ] ), esc_attr( $option[ 'post_type' ] ) // supported post types: any, only_pages, only_posts, <post_type_name> ); break; case 'image_upload' : printf( ' <li class="et_dashboard_upload_image%7$s"%8$s%9$s> <p>%6$s</p> <input name="et_dashboard[%1$s][url]" type="text" class="et-dashboard-upload-field" value="%2$s" /> <input type="hidden" class="et-dashboard-upload-id" name="et_dashboard[%1$s][id]" value="%10$s"> <input type="button" class="button button-upload et-dashboard-upload-button" value="%3$s" data-choose="%4$s" data-update="%5$s" data-type="image" /> </li>', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $current_option_value['url'] ) ? esc_attr( $current_option_value['url'] ) : '', esc_attr( $option['button_text'] ), esc_attr( $option['wp_media_title'] ), esc_attr( $option['wp_media_button'] ), //#5 isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '', isset( $current_option_value['id'] ) ? esc_attr( $current_option_value['id'] ) : '' //#10 ); break; case 'hidden_option' : if ( 'array' == $option[ 'subtype' ] ) { $current_option_value = '' == $current_option_value ? array() : $current_option_value; foreach ( $current_option_value as $single_value ) { printf( '<input name="et_dashboard[%1$s][]" type="hidden" value="%2$s" />', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $single_value ) ); } } else { printf( '<input name="et_dashboard[%1$s]" id="et_dashboard_%1$s" type="hidden" value="%2$s" />', esc_attr( $current_option_name ), esc_attr( $current_option_value ) ); } break; case 'button' : printf( '<%4$s class="et_dashboard_action_button"> <a href="%1$s" class="et_dashboard_icon %2$s">%3$s</a> <span class="spinner"></span> </%5$s> %6$s', esc_url( $option[ 'link' ] ), esc_html( $option[ 'class' ] ), ( true == $option[ 'authorize' ] && $this->api_is_network_authorized( $option[ 'action' ] ) ) ? esc_html__( 'Re-Authorize', 'et_dashboard' ) : esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), isset( $option['is_after_element'] ) ? 'div' : 'li', isset( $option['is_after_element'] ) ? 'div' : 'li', isset( $option['is_after_element'] ) ? '</li>' : '' ); break; case 'font_select' : $fonts_class = ET_Dashboard_v2::load_fonts_class(); $current_option_list = $fonts_class->et_get_google_fonts(); if ( isset( $option[ 'filter'] ) ) { $current_option_list = apply_filters( $option[ 'filter'], $current_option_list ); } printf( '<li class="select%3$s%5$s%7$s"%4$s%6$s%8$s> <p>%1$s</p> <select name="et_dashboard[%2$s]">', isset( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) ? esc_html( $option['title_' . $current_location] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_hidden_option et_dashboard_triggered_option' : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-condition="' . esc_attr( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) . '"': '', isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? ' et_dashboard_conditional' : '', ( isset( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ? sprintf( ' data-enables="%1$s"', '' !== $sub_array ? esc_attr( $option[ 'conditional' ] ) : esc_attr( $options_prefix . '_' . $option[ 'conditional' ] ) ) : '' ), isset( $option[ 'class' ] ) ? ' ' . esc_attr( $option[ 'class' ] ) : '', isset( $option[ 'display_if' ] ) ? ' data-triggers_count="0"': '' //#8 ); foreach ( $current_option_list as $font_name => $font_details ) { printf( '<option value="%1$s" class="et_dashboard_font_%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>', esc_attr( $font_name ), selected( $font_name, $current_option_value, false ), esc_html( $font_name ) ); } echo ' </select>'; echo $hint_output; echo '</li>'; break; case 'yes_no_button' : $yes_no_button_option_classname = isset( $option['no_clearfix'] ) ? '' : ' clearfix'; $is_hidden_yes_no_input = isset( $option['hide_input'] ) && $option['hide_input']; if ( $is_hidden_yes_no_input ) { $yes_no_button_option_classname .= ' et_dashboard_hidden_input'; } printf( '<li class="input%1$s"> <p>%2$s</p> <div class="et_pb_prompt_field"> <div class="et_pb_yes_no_button_wrapper "> <div class="et_pb_yes_no_button"> <span class="et_pb_value_text et_pb_on_value">%4$s</span> <span class="et_pb_button_slider"></span> <span class="et_pb_value_text et_pb_off_value">%5$s</span> </div> <select name="et_dashboard[%3$s]" id="et_dashboard_%3$s" class="et-pb-main-setting regular-text"%10$s> <option value="on"%6$s>%4$s</option> <option value="off"%7$s>%5$s</option> </select> </div><span class="et-pb-reset-setting"></span> %11$s </div> %8$s %9$s', $yes_no_button_option_classname, isset( $option[ 'title_' . $current_location ] ) ? esc_html( $option[ 'title_' . $current_location ] ) : esc_html( $option['title'] ), esc_attr( $current_option_name ), isset( $option['values'] ) ? esc_html( $option['values']['yes'] ) : esc_html__( 'Enabled', 'et_dashboard' ), isset( $option['values'] ) ? esc_html( $option['values']['no'] ) : esc_html__( 'Disabled', 'et_dashboard' ), //#6 selected( $current_option_value, 'on', false ), selected( $current_option_value, 'off', false ), $hint_output, isset( $option['after'] ) ? '' : '</li>', //#10, $is_hidden_yes_no_input ? ' disabled' : '', $is_hidden_yes_no_input && isset( $option['hide_input_message'] ) ? sprintf( '<div class="et_dashboard_hidden_input_message">%1$s</div>', esc_html( $option['hide_input_message'] ) ) : '' ); break; } // end switch do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_main_options', $option, $current_option_value ); } // end foreach( $options_array as $option) echo '</div>'; } // end foreach( $value['contents'] as $key => $value ) } // end if ( $key !== 'header') } // end foreach ( $dashboard_sections as $key => $value ) } // end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections ) ) printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_row et_dashboard_save_changes %3$s"> <button class="et_dashboard_icon"%2$s>%1$s</button> <span class="spinner"></span> </div> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save_dashboard" />', esc_html__( $this->save_button_text ), '' !== $sub_array ? sprintf( 'data-subtitle="%1$s"', esc_attr( $sub_array ) ) : '', apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_save_button_class', '' ) ); do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_save_button' ); echo '</form>'; if ( isset( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] ) ) { do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_header_start' ); foreach ( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) { $options_array = $dashboard_options_assigned['header_' . $key . '_options']; printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_tab_content et_dashboard_tab_content_header_%1$s et_dashboard_header_option">', esc_attr( $key ) ); if ( isset( $options_array ) ) { foreach( $options_array as $option ) { switch( $option[ 'type' ] ) { case 'import_export' : printf( '<div class="et_dashboard_form et_dashboard_row"> <h1>%1$s</h1> <p>%2$s</p> </div> <div class="et_dashboard_import_form et_dashboard_row"> <h2>%3$s</h2> <p class="et_dashboard_section_subtitle">%4$s</p> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="et_dashboard_action" value="export_settings" /> <p>', esc_html( $option[ 'title' ] ), sprintf( esc_html__( 'You can either export your %1$s Settings or import settings from another install of %1$s below.', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( ucfirst( $this->plugin_name ) ) ), sprintf( esc_html__( 'Export %1$s Settings', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( ucfirst( $this->plugin_name ) ) ), esc_html__( 'Export the plugin settings for this site as a .json file. This allows you to easily import the configuration into another site.', 'et_dashboard' ) ); wp_nonce_field( 'et_dashboard_export_nonce', 'et_dashboard_export_nonce' ); printf( ' <button class="et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_icon_importexport" type="submit" name="submit_export" id="submit_export">' . esc_html__( 'Export', 'et_dashboard' ) . '</button> </p> </form> </div> <div class="et_dashboard_form et_dashboard_row"> <h2>%1$s</h2> <div class="et_dashboard_import_form et_dashboard_row"> <p class="et_dashboard_section_subtitle">%2$s</p> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="%4$s.php?page=%3$s#tab_et_dashboard_tab_content_header_importexport"> <input type="file" name="import_file"/>', sprintf( esc_html__( 'Import %1$s Settings', 'et_dashboard' ), esc_html( ucfirst( $this->plugin_name ) ) ), esc_html__( 'Import the plugin settings from a .json file. This file can be obtained by exporting the settings on another site using the form above.', 'et_dashboard' ), $this->_options_pagename, 'toplevel_page' == $this->top_level_page ? 'admin' : $this->top_level_page ); wp_nonce_field( 'et_dashboard_import_nonce', 'et_dashboard_import_nonce' ); echo ' <button class="et_dashboard_icon et_dashboard_icon_importexport" type="submit" name="submit_import" id="submit_import">' . esc_html__( 'Import', 'et_dashboard' ) . '</button> <input type="hidden" name="et_dashboard_action" value="import_settings" /> </form> </div> </div>'; break; } // end switch do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_after_header_options', $option, $dashboard_options ); } // end foreach( $options_array as $option ) } // end if ( isset( $options_array ) ) echo '</div><!-- .et_dashboard_tab_content_header_ -->'; } // end foreach ( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] as $key => $value ) do_action( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_header_end' ); } // end if ( isset( $dashboard_sections[ 'header' ][ 'contents' ] ) ) echo ' </div> </div> </div>'; } /** * Removes unneeded options from the export file. Array of options can be modified using 'et_<plugin_name>_export_exclude' filter. * @return array */ function remove_site_specific_fields( $settings ) { $remove_options = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_export_exclude', array( 'access_tokens', 'db_version', ) ); foreach ( $remove_options as $option ) { if ( isset( $settings[$option] ) ) { unset( $settings[$option] ); } } return $settings; } function process_settings_export() { if( empty( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) || 'export_settings' !== $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) { return; } if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_export_nonce' ], 'et_dashboard_export_nonce' ) ) { return; } if( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $dashboard_options = $this->dashboard_options; ignore_user_abort( true ); nocache_headers(); header( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' ); header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $this->plugin_name . '-settings-export-' . date( 'm-d-Y' ) . '.json' ); header( "Expires: 0" ); echo json_encode( $this->remove_site_specific_fields( $dashboard_options ) ); exit; } /** * Processes .json file with settings and import settings into the database. * Supports settings in 2 formats: * 1) [option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * 2) key_1[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], key_2[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n], ... , key_n[option_1, option_2, ... , option_n] * Works with 1 format by default, format can be changed using 'et_<plugin_name>_import_sub_array' filter. Set to TRUE to enable 2 format. * Import array can be modified before importing data using 'et_<plugin_name>_import_array' filter */ function process_settings_import() { if( empty( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) || 'import_settings' !== $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_action' ] ) { return; } if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'et_dashboard_import_nonce' ], 'et_dashboard_import_nonce' ) ) { return; } if( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return; } $end_array = explode( '.', $_FILES[ 'import_file' ][ 'name' ] ); $extension = end( $end_array ); $import_file = $_FILES[ 'import_file' ][ 'tmp_name' ]; if ( empty( $import_file ) ) { echo $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Please select .json file for import', 'et_dashboard' ) ); return; } if ( $extension !== 'json' ) { echo $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Please provide valid .json file', 'et_dashboard' ) ); return; } // Retrieve the settings from the file and convert the json object to an array. $dashboard_settings = (array) json_decode( file_get_contents( $import_file ), true ); $sub_array = apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_import_sub_array', false ); $error_message = $this->prepare_import_settings( apply_filters( 'et_' . $this->plugin_name . '_import_array', $dashboard_settings ), $sub_array ); if ( ! empty( $error_message ) ) { echo $this->generate_modal_warning( $error_message ); } else { $options_page = 'toplevel_page' === $this->top_level_page ? 'admin' : $this->top_level_page; echo $this->generate_modal_warning( esc_html__( 'Options imported successfully.', 'et_dashboard' ), admin_url( $options_page . '.php?page=' . $this->_options_pagename ), true ); } } }