Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/soliloquy-lite/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/soliloquy-lite/assets/js/media-edit.js |
/* global document, Backbone */ /* jshint unused:false, newcap: false */ /** * Slide Model */ var SoliloquySlide = Backbone.Model.extend({ /** * Defaults * As we always populate this model with existing data, we * leave these blank to just show how this model is structured. */ defaults: { 'id': '', 'title': '', 'caption': '', 'alt': '', 'link': '', 'type': '', }, }); /** * Images Collection * - Comprises of all slides in an Soliloquy Slider * - Each image is represented by an SoliloquySlides Model */ var SoliloquySlides = new Backbone.Collection(); /** * Modal Window */ var SoliloquyModalWindow = new{ controller: { trigger: function () { } } }); /** * View */ var SoliloquyView = wp.Backbone.View.extend({ /** * The Tag Name and Tag's Class(es) */ id: 'soliloquy-meta-edit', tagName: 'div', className: 'edit-attachment-frame mode-select hide-menu hide-router', /** * Template * - The template to load inside the above tagName element */ template: wp.template('soliloquy-meta-editor'), /** * Events * - Functions to call when specific events occur */ events: { 'click .edit-media-header .left': 'loadPreviousItem', 'click .edit-media-header .right': 'loadNextItem', 'keyup input': 'updateItem', 'keyup textarea': 'updateItem', 'change input': 'updateItem', 'change textarea': 'updateItem', 'keyup .CodeMirror': 'updateCode', 'blur textarea': 'updateItem', 'change select': 'updateItem', 'click a.soliloquy-meta-submit': 'saveItem', 'keyup input#link-search': 'searchLinks', 'click div.query-results li': 'insertLink', 'click a.soliloquy-thumbnail': 'insertThumb', 'click a.soliloquy-thumbnail-delete': 'removeThumb', 'click': 'insertMediaFileLink', 'click button.attachment-page': 'insertAttachmentPageLink', }, /** * Initialize * * @param object model SoliloquyImage Backbone Model */ initialize: function (args) { // Set some flags this.is_loading = false; this.collection = args.collection; this.child_views = args.child_views; this.attachment_id = args.attachment_id; this.attachment_index = 0; this.search_timer = ''; // Get the model from the collection var count = 0; this.collection.each(function (model) { // If this model's id matches the attachment id, this is the model we want, also make sure both are int if (String(model.get('id')) == String(this.attachment_id)) { this.model = model; this.attachment_index = count; return false; } // Increment the index count count++; }, this); }, updateCode: function (e) { $model = this.model; $textarea = this.$el.find('.soliloquy-html-slide-code'); $model.set('code', this.editor.getValue(), { silent: true }); $textarea.text(); }, insertThumb: function (e) { $model = this.model; e.preventDefault(); // Get input field class name var fieldClassName = this.$'field'); var soliloquy_media_frame = ={ className: 'media-frame soliloquy-media-frame', frame: 'select', multiple: false, title: soliloquy_metabox_local.videoframe, library: { type: 'image' }, button: { text: soliloquy_metabox_local.videouse } }); soliloquy_media_frame.on('select', function () { // Grab our attachment selection and construct a JSON representation of the model. var thumbnail = soliloquy_media_frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); $model.set('src', thumbnail.url, { silent: true }); jQuery('div.thumbnail > img', $parent.find('.media-frame-content')).attr('src', thumbnail.url); }); // Now that everything has been set, let's open up the frame.; }, removeThumb: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $model = this.model; $parent = this.$el.parent(); jQuery('div.thumbnail > img', $parent.find('.media-frame-content')).attr('src', ''); $model.set('src', '', { silent: true }); }, /** * Render * - Binds the model to the view, so we populate the view's fields and data */ render: function () { // Get HTML this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.attributes)); // If any child views exist, render them now if (this.child_views.length > 0) { this.child_views.forEach(function (view) { // Init with model var child_view = new view({ model: this.model }); // Render view within our main view this.$el.find('div.addons').append(child_view.render().el); }, this); } // Set caption this.$el.find('textarea[name=caption]').val(this.model.get('caption')); // Init QuickTags on the caption editor // Delay is required for the first load for some reason setTimeout(function () { quicktags({ id: 'caption', buttons: 'strong,em,link,ul,ol,li,close' }); QTags._buttonsInit(); }, 500); // Init Link Searching wpLink.init; // Enable / disable the buttons depending on the index if (this.attachment_index === 0) { // Disable left button this.$el.find('button.left').addClass('disabled'); } if (this.attachment_index == (this.collection.length - 1)) { // Disable right button this.$el.find('button.right').addClass('disabled'); } textarea = this.$el.find('.soliloquy-html-slide-code'); if (textarea.length) { this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea[0], { enterMode: 'keep', indentUnit: 4, electricChars: false, lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, matchBrackets: true, mode: 'php', smartIndent: false, tabMode: 'shift', theme: 'ttcn' }); } this.$el.trigger('soliloquyRenderMeta'); // Return return this; }, /** * Tells the view we're loading by displaying a spinner */ loading: function () { // Set a flag so we know we're loading data this.is_loading = true; // Show the spinner this.$el.find('.spinner').css('visibility', 'visible'); }, /** * Hides the loading spinner */ loaded: function (response) { // Set a flag so we know we're not loading anything now this.is_loading = false; // Hide the spinner this.$el.find('.spinner').css('visibility', 'hidden'); // Display the error message, if it's provided if (typeof response !== 'undefined') { alert(response); } }, /** * Load the previous model in the collection */ loadPreviousItem: function () { // Decrement the index this.attachment_index--; // Get the model at the new index from the collection this.model =; // Update the attachment_id this.attachment_id = this.model.get('id'); // Re-render the view this.render(); }, /** * Load the next model in the collection */ loadNextItem: function () { // Increment the index this.attachment_index++; // Get the model at the new index from the collection this.model =; // Update the attachment_id this.attachment_id = this.model.get('id'); // Re-render the view this.render(); }, /** * Updates the model based on the changed view data */ updateItem: function (event) { // Check if the target has a name. If not, it's not a model value we want to store if ( == '') { return; } // Update the model's value, depending on the input type if ( == 'checkbox') { value = ( ? 1 : 0); } else { value =; } // Update the model this.model.set(, value); }, /** * Saves the image metadata */ saveItem: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Tell the View we're loading this.trigger('loading'); // Make an AJAX request to save the image metadata'soliloquy_save_meta', { context: this, data: { nonce: soliloquy_metabox_local.save_nonce, post_id:, attach_id: this.model.get('id'), meta: this.model.attributes, }, success: function (response) { // Tell the view we've finished successfully this.trigger('loaded loaded:success'); // Assign the model's JSON string back to the underlying item var item = JSON.stringify(this.model.attributes); jQuery('ul#soliloquy-output li#' + this.model.get('id')).attr('data-soliloquy-image-model', item); // Show the user the 'saved' notice for 1.5 seconds var saved = this.$el.find('.saved'); saved.fadeIn(); setTimeout(function () { saved.fadeOut(); }, 1500); }, error: function (error_message) { // Tell we've finished, but there was an error this.trigger('loaded loaded:error', error_message); } }); }, /** * Searches Links */ searchLinks: function (event) { }, /** * Inserts the clicked link into the URL field */ insertLink: function (event) { }, /** * Inserts the direct media link for the Media Library item * * The button triggering this event is only displayed if we are editing a * Media Library item, so there's no need to perform further checks */ insertMediaFileLink: function (event) { // Tell the View we're loading this.trigger('loading'); // Make an AJAX request to get the media link'soliloquy_get_attachment_links', { context: this, data: { nonce: soliloquy_metabox_local.save_nonce, attachment_id: this.model.get('id'), }, success: function (response) { // Update model this.model.set('link', response.media_link); // Tell the view we've finished successfully this.trigger('loaded loaded:success'); // Re-render the view this.render(); }, error: function (error_message) { // Tell we've finished, but there was an error this.trigger('loaded loaded:error', error_message); } }); }, /** * Inserts the attachment page link for the Media Library item * * The button triggering this event is only displayed if we are editing a * Media Library item, so there's no need to perform further checks */ insertAttachmentPageLink: function (event) { // Tell the View we're loading this.trigger('loading'); // Make an AJAX request to get the media link'soliloquy_get_attachment_links', { context: this, data: { nonce: soliloquy_metabox_local.save_nonce, attachment_id: this.model.get('id'), }, success: function (response) { // Update model this.model.set('link', response.attachment_page); // Tell the view we've finished successfully this.trigger('loaded loaded:success'); // Re-render the view this.render(); }, error: function (error_message) { // Tell we've finished, but there was an error this.trigger('loaded loaded:error', error_message); } }); } }); /** * Sub Views * - Addons must populate this array with their own Backbone Views, which will be appended * to the settings region */ var SoliloquyChildViews = []; var SoliloquyContentViews = []; /** * DOM */ ; (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { soliloquy_edit = { init: function () { // Populate the collection SoliloquySlidesUpdate(); // Edit Image $('#soliloquy-settings-content').on('click.soliloquyModify', '.soliloquy-modify-slide', function (e) { // Prevent default action e.preventDefault(); // Get the selected attachment var attachment_id = $(this).parent().data('soliloquy-slide'); // Pass the collection of images for this gallery to the modal view, as well // as the selected attachment SoliloquyModalWindow.content(new SoliloquyView({ collection: SoliloquySlides, child_views: SoliloquyChildViews, attachment_id: attachment_id, })); // Open the modal window; $(document).trigger('soliloquyEditOpen'); $('.CodeMirror').each(function (i, el) { el.CodeMirror.refresh(); }); }); } }; soliloquy_edit.init(); }); $(document).on('soliloquyUploaded', function () { soliloquy_edit.init(); }); })(jQuery); /** * Populates the SoliloquySlides Backbone collection * * Called when images are added, deleted or reordered * Doesn't need to be called when an image is edited, as the model will be updated automatically in the collection */ function SoliloquySlidesUpdate(selected) { // Clear the collection SoliloquySlides.reset(); var $items = 'ul#soliloquy-output li.soliloquy-slide' + (selected ? '.selected' : ''); // Iterate through the gallery images in the DOM, adding them to the collection jQuery($items).each(function () { // Build an SoliloquyImage Backbone Model from the JSON supplied in the element var soliloquy_slide = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery(this).attr('data-soliloquy-image-model')); // Add the model to the collection SoliloquySlides.add(new SoliloquySlide(soliloquy_slide)); }); }