Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/assets/js/ultimate_bg.js |
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is_svg = true; } else if ( seperator_type == 'round_split_seperator' ) { let temp_css = ( temp_border_before = temp_border_after = temp_border_line = '' ); temp_padding = 0; seperator_class = 'ult-rounded-split-seperator-wrapper'; const row_height = jQuery( selector ).outerHeight(); if ( seperator_shape_size != 0 ) { const prev_padding = parseInt( jQuery( selector ).css( 'padding-bottom' ) ); jQuery( selector ).css( { 'padding-bottom': seperator_shape_size + 'px', } ); if ( prev_padding == 0 ) temp_padding = seperator_shape_size; } if ( seperator_position == 'top_seperator' ) { var eclass = 'top-split-seperator'; var etop = '0px'; var ebottom = 'auto'; var border_radius_before = 'border-radius: 0 0 ' + seperator_shape_size + 'px 0 !important;'; var border_radius_after = 'border-radius: 0 0 0 ' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important;'; } else if ( seperator_position == 'bottom_seperator' ) { var eclass = 'bottom-split-seperator'; var etop = 'auto'; var ebottom = '0px'; var border_radius_before = 'border-radius: 0 ' + seperator_shape_size + 'px 0 0 !important;'; 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border-left: ' + temp_border_line + ';'; } if ( seperator_position == 'top_seperator' || seperator_position == 'bottom_seperator' ) { temp_css = '<style>.' + uniqclass + ' .ult-rounded-split-seperator.' + eclass + ':before { background-color:' + seperator_background_color + '; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important; top:' + etop + '; bottom:' + ebottom + '; ' + temp_border_before + ' ' + border_radius_before + ' } .' + uniqclass + ' .ult-rounded-split-seperator.' + eclass + ':after { background-color:' + seperator_background_color + '; left: 50%; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important; top:' + etop + '; bottom:' + ebottom + '; ' + temp_border_after + ' ' + border_radius_after + ' }</style>'; jQuery( 'head' ).append( temp_css ); } else { temp_css = '<style>.' + uniqclass + '.top_seperator .ult-rounded-split-seperator:before { background-color:' + seperator_background_color + '; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important; top:' + etop_top + '; bottom:' + ebottom_top + '; ' + temp_border_before + ' ' + border_radius_before_top + ' } .' + uniqclass + '.top_seperator .ult-rounded-split-seperator:after { background-color:' + seperator_background_color + '; left: 50%; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important; top:' + etop_top + '; bottom:' + ebottom_top + '; ' + temp_border_after + ' ' + border_radius_after_top + ' }</style>'; temp_css_bottom = '<style>.' + uniqclass + '.bottom_seperator .ult-rounded-split-seperator:before { background-color:' + seperator_background_color + '; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important; top:' + etop_bottom + '; bottom:' + ebottom_bottom + '; ' + temp_border_before + ' ' + border_radius_before_bottom + ' } .' + uniqclass + '.bottom_seperator .ult-rounded-split-seperator:after { background-color:' + seperator_background_color + '; left: 50%; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px !important; top:' + etop_bottom + '; bottom:' + ebottom_bottom + '; ' + temp_border_after + ' ' + border_radius_after_bottom + ' }</style>'; jQuery( 'head' ).append( temp_css + temp_css_bottom ); } } else seperator_class = 'ult-no-shape-seperator'; if ( typeof seperator_border_width !== 'undefined' && seperator_border_width != '' && seperator_border_width != 0 ) { half_border = parseInt( seperator_border_width ); } shape_css = 'content: "";width:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px; height:' + seperator_shape_size + 'px; bottom: -' + ( half_shape + half_border ) + 'px;'; if ( seperator_background_color != '' ) shape_css += 'background-color:' + seperator_background_color + ';'; if ( seperator_border != 'none' && seperator_class != 'ult-rounded-split-seperator-wrapper' && is_svg == false ) { seperator_border_line_css = seperator_border_width + 'px ' + seperator_border + ' ' + seperator_border_color; shape_css += 'border-bottom:' + seperator_border_line_css + '; border-right:' + seperator_border_line_css + ';'; seperator_css += 'border-bottom:' + seperator_border_line_css + ';'; seperator_css_main = 'bottom:' + seperator_border_width + 'px !important'; } if ( seperator_class != 'ult-no-shape-seperator' && seperator_class != 'ult-rounded-split-seperator-wrapper' && is_svg == false ) { var css = '<style>.' + uniqclass + ' .ult-main-seperator-inner:after { ' + shape_css + ' }</style>'; jQuery( 'head' ).append( css ); } if ( is_svg == true ) { inner_html = svg; } if ( seperator_position == 'top_bottom_seperator' ) { var seperator_html = '<div class="ult-vc-seperator top_seperator ' + seperator_class + ' ' + uniqclass + '" data-full-width="' + seperator_full_width + '" data-border="' + seperator_border + '" data-border-width="' + seperator_border_width + '"><div class="ult-main-seperator-inner">' + inner_html + '</div>' + icon + '</div>'; seperator_html += '<div class="ult-vc-seperator bottom_seperator ' + seperator_class + ' ' + uniqclass + '" data-full-width="' + seperator_full_width + '" data-border="' + seperator_border + '" data-border-width="' + seperator_border_width + '"><div class="ult-main-seperator-inner">' + inner_html + '</div>' + icon + '</div>'; } else { var seperator_html = '<div class="ult-vc-seperator ' + seperator_position + ' ' + seperator_class + ' ' + uniqclass + '" data-full-width="' + seperator_full_width + '" data-border="' + seperator_border + '" data-border-width="' + seperator_border_width + '"><div class="ult-main-seperator-inner">' + inner_html + '</div>' + icon + '</div>'; } parent.prepend( seperator_html ); seperator_css = '<style>.' + uniqclass + ' .ult-main-seperator-inner { ' + seperator_css + ' }</style>'; if ( seperator_css_main != '' ) { seperator_css_main = '<style>.' + uniqclass + ' .ult-main-seperator-inner { ' + seperator_css_main + ' }</style>'; seperator_css += seperator_css_main; } if ( icon != '' ) { const t = seperator_svg_height / 2; if ( seperator_type == 'none_seperator' || seperator_type == 'circle_svg_seperator' || seperator_type == 'triangle_svg_seperator' ) seperator_css += '<style>.' + uniqclass + ' .separator-icon { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); }</style>'; else { seperator_css += '<style>.' + uniqclass + '.top_seperator .separator-icon { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% + ' + t + 'px)); -moz-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% + ' + t + 'px)); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% + ' + t + 'px)); -o-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% + ' + t + 'px)); transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% + ' + t + 'px)); } .' + uniqclass + '.bottom_seperator .separator-icon { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% - ' + t + 'px)); -moz-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% - ' + t + 'px)); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% - ' + t + 'px)); -o-transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% - ' + t + 'px)); transform: translate(-50%, calc(-50% - ' + t + 'px)); }</style>'; } } if ( is_svg == true ) { jQuery( '.' + uniqclass ) .find( 'svg' ) .css( 'height', seperator_svg_height ); setTimeout( function () { if ( seperator_type == 'multi_triangle_seperator' ) { jQuery( '.ult-multi-trianle' ).each( function ( i, mt ) { const svg_height = $( mt ) .find( 'svg' ) .height(); if ( $( mt ).hasClass( 'top_seperator' ) ) { //$(mt).css('top',-(svg_height-1)); } else if ( $( mt ).hasClass( 'bottom_seperator' ) ) { $( mt ).css( 'bottom', svg_height - 1 ); } } ); } }, 300 ); } jQuery( 'head' ).append( seperator_css ); } /* end of seperators */ } jQuery.fn.isVdoOnScreen = function () { const win = jQuery( window ); const viewport = { top: win.scrollTop(), left: win.scrollLeft(), }; viewport.right = viewport.left + win.width(); viewport.bottom = + win.height() - 200; const bounds = this.parent().offset(); bounds.right = bounds.left + this.parent().outerWidth(); bounds.bottom = + this.parent().outerHeight() - 300; return ! ( viewport.right < bounds.left || viewport.left > bounds.right || viewport.bottom < || > bounds.bottom ); }; jQuery.fn.ultimate_video_bg = function ( option ) { jQuery( this ).each( function () { let selector = jQuery( this ); let vdo = 'ultimate-video' ); const vdo2 = 'ultimate-video2' ); let muted = 'ultimate-video-muted' ); let loop = 'ultimate-video-loop' ); const autoplay = 'ultimate-video-autoplay' ); const poster = 'ultimate-video-poster' ); const ride = 'bg-override' ); const start = 'start-time' ); let stop = 'stop-time' ); const anim_style = 'upb-bg-animation' ); const overlay = 'overlay' ); const overlay_color = 'overlay-color' ); const overlay_pattern = 'overlay-pattern' ); const overlay_pattern_opacity = 'overlay-pattern-opacity' ); let overlay_pattern_size = 'overlay-pattern-size' ); const overlay_pattern_attachment = 'overlay-pattern-attachment' ); const viewport_vdo = 'viewport-video' ); const controls = 'controls' ); const controls_color = 'controls-color' ); const fadeout = 'fadeout' ); const fadeout_percentage = 'fadeout-percentage' ); const parallax_content = 'parallax-content' ); const parallax_content_sense = 'parallax-content-sense' ); const disble_mobile = 'row-effect-mobile-disable' ); const hide_row = 'hide-row' ); const rtl = 'rtl' ); const video_fixer = 'video_fixer' ); let multi_color_overlay = ''; let multi_color_overlay_opacity = ''; let vc_row_class = 'custom-vc-row' ); let vc = 'vc' ); let theme_support = 'theme-support' ); let is_vc_4_4 = 'is_old_vc' ); if ( typeof vc_row_class === 'undefined' || vc_row_class === '' ) vc_row_class = 'wpb_row'; if ( typeof vc === 'undefined' ) vc = 0; if ( typeof is_vc_4_4 === 'undefined' ) is_vc_4_4 = false; if ( typeof theme_support === 'undefined' ) theme_support = 'disable'; if ( 'multi-color-overlay' ) ) { multi_color_overlay = 'multi-color-overlay' ); multi_color_overlay_opacity = 'multi-color-overlay-opacity' ); } let overlay_html = ( overlay_color_html = overlay_pattern_html = overlay_multi_color_html = overlay_pattern_attachment_css = '' ); if ( typeof overlay !== 'undefined' && overlay.toString() === 'true' ) { if ( overlay_pattern != '' ) { if ( overlay_pattern_size != '' ) overlay_pattern_size = 'background-size:' + overlay_pattern_size + 'px;'; if ( typeof overlay_pattern_attachment !== 'undefined' && overlay_pattern_attachment != '' ) overlay_pattern_attachment_css = 'background-attachment:' + overlay_pattern_attachment + ';'; overlay_pattern_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay_pattern" style="background-image:url(' + overlay_pattern + '); opacity:' + overlay_pattern_opacity + '; ' + overlay_pattern_size + '; ' + overlay_pattern_attachment_css + '"></div>'; } if ( overlay_color != '' ) overlay_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay" style="background-color:' + overlay_color + ';"></div>'; if ( multi_color_overlay != '' ) overlay_multi_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay ' + multi_color_overlay + '" style="opacity:' + multi_color_overlay_opacity + ';"></div>'; overlay_html = overlay_color_html + overlay_pattern_html + overlay_multi_color_html; } if ( stop != 0 ) { stop = stop; } else { stop = ''; } //vc = parseFloat(vc); if ( is_vc_4_4 == true || theme_support == 'enable' ) { if ( selector.prev().is( 'p' ) || selector.prev().is( 'style' ) ) var parent = selector.prev().prev(); else var parent = selector.prev(); } else { var parent = selector.prevAll( '.' + vc_row_class + ':first' ); } parent.css( 'position', 'relative' ); const current_row_classes = parent.attr( 'class' ); // for browser full dimension and 4.9 compatible const temp_selector = selector; selector = parent; const resizee = function () { let w, h, ancenstor, al = '', bl = ''; ancenstor = selector; resize_selector = ancenstor.find( '.upb_video-bg' ); if ( ride == 'full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'body' ); } if ( ride == 'ex-full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); } if ( ! isNaN( ride ) ) { for ( let i = 0; i < ride; i++ ) { if ( ancenstor.prop( 'tagName' ) != 'HTML' ) { ancenstor = ancenstor.parent(); } else { break; } } } h = resize_selector .parents( 'upb_video_class' ) .outerHeight(); w = ancenstor.outerWidth(); if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { h = jQuery( window ).height(); w = jQuery( window ).width(); ancenstor.css( 'min-height', h + 'px' ); } resize_selector.css( { 'min-height': h + 'px', 'min-width': w + 'px', } ); if ( ancenstor.offset() ) { al = ancenstor.offset().left; if ( resize_selector.offset() ) { bl = resize_selector.offset().left; } } let width = w, pWidth, // player width, to be defined //height = resize_selector.height(), height = h, pHeight, // player height, tbd vimeovideoplayer = resize_selector.find( '.upb_vimeo_iframe' ); youvideoplayer = resize_selector.find( '.upb_utube_iframe' ); embeddedvideoplayer = resize_selector.find( '.upb_video-src' ); const ratio = 16 / 9; if ( vimeovideoplayer ) { if ( width / ratio < height ) { // if new video height < window height (gap underneath) pWidth = Math.ceil( height * ratio ); // get new player width vimeovideoplayer .width( pWidth ) .height( height ) .css( { left: ( width - pWidth ) / 2, top: 0, } ); // player width is greater, offset left; reset top } else { // new video width < window width (gap to right) pHeight = Math.ceil( width / ratio ); // get new player height vimeovideoplayer .width( width ) .height( pHeight ) .css( { left: 0, top: ( height - pHeight ) / 2, } ); // player height is greater, offset top; reset left } } if ( embeddedvideoplayer ) { const adapt_height = resize_selector.height(); if ( width / ( 16 / 9 ) < adapt_height ) { //if(w < adapt_height) { embeddedvideoplayer.css( 'width', 'auto' ); embeddedvideoplayer.css( 'height', '100%' ); //pWidth = Math.ceil(height * (16/9)); //embeddedvideoplayer.width(pWidth).height(height).css({left: (width - pWidth) / 2, top: 0}); } else { embeddedvideoplayer.css( 'width', '100%' ); embeddedvideoplayer.css( 'height', 'auto' ); //pHeight = Math.ceil(width / (16/9)); //youvideoplayer.width(width).height(pHeight).css({left: 0, top: (height - pHeight) / 2}); //embeddedvideoplayer.width(width).height(pHeight).css({left: 0, top: 0}); } } }; resizee(); // hide row if ( hide_row != '' ) { selector.addClass( 'ult-vc-hide-row' ); selector.attr( 'data-hide-row', hide_row ); } // rtl selector.attr( 'data-rtl', rtl ); selector.addClass( 'upb_video_class' ); selector.attr( 'data-row-effect-mobile-disable', disble_mobile ); if ( fadeout == 'fadeout_row_value' ) { selector.addClass( 'vc-row-fade' ); selector.attr( 'data-fadeout-percentage', fadeout_percentage ); } selector.attr( 'data-upb_br_animation', anim_style ); if ( vdo ) { if ( vdo.indexOf( '' ) != -1 ) { option = 'youtube'; } else if ( vdo.indexOf( '' ) != -1 ) { option = 'vimeo'; } } let control_html = ''; if ( controls == 'display_control' ) { if ( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { var control_class = 'ult-vid-cntrlplay'; var control_action = 'pause'; } else { var control_class = 'ult-vid-cntrlpause'; var control_action = 'play'; } control_html = '<span class="video-controls" data-action="' + control_action + '" style="color:' + controls_color + '"><i class="' + control_class + '"></i></span>'; } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { selector.wrapInner( '<div class="upb_video-text-wrapper"><div class="upb_video-text"></div></div>' ); selector .find( '.upb_video-text-wrapper' ) .find( '.upb_video-text' ) .addClass( current_row_classes ); //selector.find('.upb_video-text').html(vd_html); } if ( parallax_content == 'parallax_content_value' ) { selector.addClass( 'vc-row-translate' ); selector.attr( 'data-parallax-content-sense', parallax_content_sense ); selector.wrapInner( '<div class="vc-row-translate-wrapper ' + current_row_classes + '"></div>' ); const ptop = selector.css( 'padding-top' ); const pbottom = selector.css( 'padding-bottom' ); selector.find( '.vc-row-translate-wrapper' ).css( { 'padding-top': ptop, 'padding-bottom': pbottom, } ); selector[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-top', '0px', 'important' ); selector[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-bottom', '0px', 'important' ); } let fixer_class = ''; if ( video_fixer.toString() == 'true' ) fixer_class = 'uvc-video-fixer'; if ( option == 'youtube' || option == 'vimeo' ) { selector.prepend( '<div class="upb_video-wrapper ' + fixer_class + '"><div class="upb_video-bg utube" data-rtl="' + rtl + '" data-bg-override="' + ride + '" data-row="' + vc_row_class + '" data-theme-support="' + theme_support + '">' + overlay_html + '</div></div>' ); } else { selector.prepend( ' <div class="upb_video-wrapper"><div class="upb_video-bg" data-bg-override="' + ride + '" data-rtl="' + rtl + '" data-row="' + vc_row_class + '" data-theme-support="' + theme_support + '"><video class="upb_video-src"></video>' + control_html + overlay_html + '</div></div>' ); } /* seprators here */ ult_vc_seperators( temp_selector, selector ); temp_selector.remove(); if ( option == 'youtube' ) { vdo = vdo.substring( vdo.indexOf( 'watch?v=' ) + 8, vdo.indexOf( 'watch?v=' ) + 19 ); var content = selector.find( '.upb_video-bg' ); if ( loop == 'loop' ) loop = true; if ( muted == 'muted' ) muted = true; content.attr( 'data-vdo', vdo ); content.attr( 'data-loop', loop ); content.attr( 'data-poster', poster ); content.attr( 'data-muted', muted ); content.attr( 'data-start', start ); content.attr( 'data-stop', stop ); if ( viewport_vdo === true ) { content.addClass( 'enable-on-viewport' ); content.addClass( 'youtube-video' ); vc_viewport_video(); } } else if ( option == 'vimeo' ) { vdo = vdo.substring( vdo.indexOf( '' ) + 10, vdo.indexOf( '' ) + 18 ); var content = selector.find( '.upb_video-bg' ); content.html( '<iframe class="upb_vimeo_iframe" src="' + vdo + '?portrait=0&byline=0&title=0&badge=0&loop=0&autoplay=1&api=1&rel=0&" height="1600" width="900" frameborder=""></iframe>' ); } else { var content = selector.find( '.upb_video-src' ); hosted_wrapper = content.parent(); if ( ! /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) || controls == 'display_control' ) { jQuery( '<source/>', { type: 'video/mp4', src: vdo, } ).appendTo( content ); if ( typeof vdo2 !== 'undefined' && vdo2 !== '' ) { let vdo2_type = ''; if ( vdo2.match( /.ogg/i ) ) vdo2_type = 'video/ogg'; else if ( vdo2.match( /.webm/i ) ) vdo2_type = 'video/webm'; if ( vdo2_type != '' ) { jQuery( '<source/>', { type: vdo2_type, src: vdo2, } ).appendTo( content ); } } if ( muted == 'muted' ) { content.attr( { 'data-mute': 'muted' } ); } if ( loop == 'loop' ) { content.attr( { loop } ); } //if(poster){ content.attr({'poster':poster}); } content.attr( { preload: 'auto' } ); if ( viewport_vdo === true ) { content.addClass( 'enable-on-viewport' ); content.addClass( 'hosted-video' ); vc_viewport_video(); } else if ( autoplay == 'autoplay' ) { content.attr( { autoplay } ); } } else if ( controls != 'display_control' ) { if ( poster != '' ) { //content.parent().css({'background-image':'url('+poster+')'}); content.parent().find( '.video-controls' ).hide(); } content.remove(); } } if ( poster != '' ) { //console.log(content); if ( '.utube' ) ) { content.css( { 'background-image': 'url(' + poster + ')', } ); } else { hosted_wrapper.css( { 'background-image': 'url(' + poster + ')', } ); } } //window.onload = function () { jQuery( '.upb_video-src' ).each( function ( i, vd ) { let is_muted = jQuery( vd ).attr( 'data-mute' ); if ( typeof is_muted === 'undefined' ) is_muted = false; if ( is_muted === 'muted' ) { const element = jQuery( vd )[ 0 ]; element.muted = 'muted'; } } ); //} } ); return this; }; jQuery.fn.ultimate_bg_shift = function () { jQuery( this ).each( function () { let selector = jQuery( this ); const bg = 'ultimate-bg' ); // dep in vc v4.1 const style = 'ultimate-bg-style' ); const bg_color = selector.prev().css( 'background-color' ); const rep = 'bg-img-repeat' ); const size = 'bg-img-size' ); const pos = 'bg-img-position' ); const sense = 'parallx_sense' ); const ride = 'bg-override' ); const attach = 'bg_img_attach' ); const anim_style = 'upb-bg-animation' ); var al, bl, overlay_color = ''; const overlay = 'overlay' ); var overlay_color = 'overlay-color' ); const overlay_pattern = 'overlay-pattern' ); const overlay_pattern_opacity = 'overlay-pattern-opacity' ); let overlay_pattern_size = 'overlay-pattern-size' ); const overlay_pattern_attachment = 'overlay-pattern-attachment' ); const fadeout = 'fadeout' ); const fadeout_percentage = 'fadeout-percentage' ); const parallax_content = 'parallax-content' ); const parallax_content_sense = 'parallax-content-sense' ); const animation = 'bg-animation' ); const animation_type = 'bg-animation-type' ); const animation_repeat = 'animation-repeat' ); const disble_mobile = 'row-effect-mobile-disable' ); const disble_mobile_img_parallax = 'img-parallax-mobile-disable' ); const hide_row = 'hide-row' ); const rtl = 'rtl' ); let multi_color_overlay = ''; let multi_color_overlay_opacity = ''; let vc_row_class = 'custom-vc-row' ); let vc = 'vc' ); let theme_support = 'theme-support' ); let is_vc_4_4 = 'is_old_vc' ); if ( typeof vc_row_class === 'undefined' || vc_row_class === '' ) vc_row_class = 'wpb_row'; if ( typeof vc === 'undefined' ) vc = 0; if ( typeof is_vc_4_4 === 'undefined' ) is_vc_4_4 = false; if ( typeof theme_support === 'undefined' ) theme_support = 'disable'; if ( 'multi-color-overlay' ) ) { multi_color_overlay = 'multi-color-overlay' ); multi_color_overlay_opacity = 'multi-color-overlay-opacity' ); } let overlay_html = ( overlay_color_html = overlay_pattern_html = overlay_multi_color_html = overlay_pattern_attachment_css = '' ); if ( typeof overlay !== 'undefined' && overlay.toString() === 'true' ) { if ( overlay_pattern != '' ) { if ( overlay_pattern_size != '' ) overlay_pattern_size = 'background-size:' + overlay_pattern_size + 'px;'; if ( typeof overlay_pattern_attachment !== 'undefined' && overlay_pattern_attachment != '' ) overlay_pattern_attachment_css = 'background-attachment:' + overlay_pattern_attachment + ';'; overlay_pattern_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay_pattern" style="background-image:url(' + overlay_pattern + '); opacity:' + overlay_pattern_opacity + '; ' + overlay_pattern_size + '; ' + overlay_pattern_attachment_css + '"></div>'; } if ( overlay_color != '' ) overlay_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay" style="background-color:' + overlay_color + ';"></div>'; if ( multi_color_overlay != '' ) overlay_multi_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay ' + multi_color_overlay + '" style="opacity:' + multi_color_overlay_opacity + ';"></div>'; overlay_html = overlay_color_html + overlay_pattern_html + overlay_multi_color_html; } //vc = parseFloat(vc); if ( is_vc_4_4 == true || theme_support == 'enable' ) { if ( selector.prev().is( 'p' ) || selector.prev().is( 'style' ) ) var parent = selector.prev().prev(); else var parent = selector.prev(); } else { var parent = selector.prevAll( '.' + vc_row_class + ':first' ); } parent.css( 'position', 'relative' ); const current_row_classes = parent.attr( 'class' ); // for browser full dimension and 4.9 compatible if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { parent.wrapInner( '<div class="upb-background-text-wrapper"><div class="upb-background-text"></div></div>' ); selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .addClass( 'full-browser-size' ); selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .addClass( current_row_classes ); } if ( parallax_content == 'parallax_content_value' ) { parent.addClass( 'vc-row-translate' ); parent.attr( 'data-parallax-content-sense', parallax_content_sense ); parent.wrapInner( '<div class="vc-row-translate-wrapper ' + current_row_classes + '"></div>' ); const ptop = parent.css( 'padding-top' ); const pbottom = parent.css( 'padding-bottom' ); parent.find( '.vc-row-translate-wrapper' ).css( { 'padding-top': ptop, 'padding-bottom': pbottom, } ); if ( typeof parent[ 0 ] !== 'undefined' && parent !== '' ) { parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-top', '0px', 'important' ); parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-bottom', '0px', 'important' ); } } // hide row if ( hide_row != '' ) { parent.addClass( 'ult-vc-hide-row' ); parent.attr( 'data-hide-row', hide_row ); } // rtl parent.attr( 'data-rtl', rtl ); parent.prepend( '<div class="upb_row_bg">' + overlay_html + '</div>' ); selector.remove(); /* seprators here */ ult_vc_seperators( selector, parent ); selector = parent; selector.attr( 'data-row-effect-mobile-disable', disble_mobile ); selector.attr( 'data-img-parallax-mobile-disable', disble_mobile_img_parallax ); if ( fadeout == 'fadeout_row_value' ) { selector.addClass( 'vc-row-fade' ); selector.attr( 'data-fadeout-percentage', fadeout_percentage ); } selector.css( 'background-image', '' ); selector = selector.find( '.upb_row_bg' ); selector.attr( 'data-upb_br_animation', anim_style ); if ( size != 'automatic' ) { selector.css( { 'background-size': size } ); } else { selector.addClass( 'upb_bg_size_automatic' ); } selector.css( { 'background-repeat': rep, 'background-position': pos, 'background-color': bg_color, } ); if ( style == 'vcpb-fs-jquery' || style == 'vcpb-mlvp-jquery' ) { selector.attr( 'data-img-array', bg ); } else { selector.css( { 'background-image': bg, 'background-attachment': attach, } ); } selector.attr( 'data-parallax_sense', sense ); selector.attr( 'data-bg-override', ride ); selector.attr( 'data-bg-animation', animation ); selector.attr( 'data-bg-animation-type', animation_type ); selector.attr( 'data-animation-repeat', animation_repeat ); selector.addClass( style ); const resize = function () { let w, h, ancenstor, al, bl; ancenstor = selector.parent(); if ( ride == 'full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'body' ); al = 0; } if ( ride == 'ex-full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); al = 0; } if ( ! isNaN( ride ) ) { for ( let i = 0; i < ride; i++ ) { if ( ancenstor.prop( 'tagName' ) != 'HTML' ) { ancenstor = ancenstor.parent(); } else { break; } } al = ancenstor.offset().left; } wh = jQuery( window ).height(); h = selector.parent().outerHeight(); w = ancenstor.outerWidth(); selector.css( { 'min-width': w + 'px' } ); if ( typeof selector.offset() !== 'undefined' ) { bl = selector.offset().left; } if ( is_uavc_rtl() == true ) { selector.css( { right: -Math.abs( al - bl ) + 'px' } ); } else { selector.css( { left: -Math.abs( al - bl ) + 'px' } ); } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { const fbh = selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .height(); if ( fbh > wh ) wh = fbh; selector.parent().css( 'height', wh + 'px' ); //selector.css('min-height',wh+'px'); selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .css( 'height', wh + 'px' ); } }; resize(); jQuery( window ).on( 'load', function () { resize(); } ); jQuery( window ).resize( function () { resize(); } ); } ); return this; }; jQuery.fn.ultimate_grad_shift = function () { jQuery( this ).each( function () { let selector = jQuery( this ); let grad = 'grad' ); const grad_type = 'grad-type' ); const grad_custom_degree = 'grad-custom-degree' ); const ride = jQuery( this ).data( 'bg-override' ); const overlay = 'overlay' ); const overlay_color = 'overlay-color' ); const overlay_pattern = 'overlay-pattern' ); const overlay_pattern_opacity = 'overlay-pattern-opacity' ); let overlay_pattern_size = 'overlay-pattern-size' ); const overlay_pattern_attachment = 'overlay-pattern-attachment' ); const anim_style = 'upb-bg-animation' ); const fadeout = 'fadeout' ); const fadeout_percentage = 'fadeout-percentage' ); const parallax_content = 'parallax-content' ); const parallax_content_sense = 'parallax-content-sense' ); const disble_mobile = 'row-effect-mobile-disable' ); const hide_row = 'hide-row' ); const rtl = 'rtl' ); let multi_color_overlay = ''; let multi_color_overlay_opacity = ''; let vc_row_class = 'custom-vc-row' ); let vc = 'vc' ); let theme_support = 'theme-support' ); let is_vc_4_4 = 'is_old_vc' ); if ( typeof vc_row_class === 'undefined' || vc_row_class === '' ) vc_row_class = 'wpb_row'; if ( typeof vc === 'undefined' ) vc = 0; if ( typeof is_vc_4_4 === 'undefined' ) is_vc_4_4 = false; if ( typeof theme_support === 'undefined' ) theme_support = 'disable'; if ( 'multi-color-overlay' ) ) { multi_color_overlay = 'multi-color-overlay' ); multi_color_overlay_opacity = 'multi-color-overlay-opacity' ); } //vc = parseFloat(vc); if ( is_vc_4_4 == true || theme_support == 'enable' ) { if ( selector.prev().is( 'p' ) || selector.prev().is( 'style' ) ) var parent = selector.prev().prev(); else var parent = selector.prev(); } else { var parent = selector.prevAll( '.' + vc_row_class + ':first' ); } parent.css( 'position', 'relative' ); const current_row_classes = parent.attr( 'class' ); // for browser full dimension and 4.9 compatible selector.remove(); let overlay_html = ( overlay_color_html = overlay_pattern_html = overlay_multi_color_html = overlay_pattern_attachment_css = '' ); if ( typeof overlay !== 'undefined' && overlay.toString() === 'true' ) { if ( overlay_pattern != '' ) { if ( overlay_pattern_size != '' ) overlay_pattern_size = 'background-size:' + overlay_pattern_size + 'px;'; if ( typeof overlay_pattern_attachment !== 'undefined' && overlay_pattern_attachment != '' ) overlay_pattern_attachment_css = 'background-attachment:' + overlay_pattern_attachment + ';'; overlay_pattern_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay_pattern" style="background-image:url(' + overlay_pattern + '); opacity:' + overlay_pattern_opacity + '; ' + overlay_pattern_size + '; ' + overlay_pattern_attachment_css + '"></div>'; } if ( overlay_color != '' ) overlay_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay" style="background-color:' + overlay_color + ';"></div>'; if ( multi_color_overlay != '' ) overlay_multi_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay ' + multi_color_overlay + '" style="opacity:' + multi_color_overlay_opacity + ';"></div>'; overlay_html = overlay_color_html + overlay_pattern_html + overlay_multi_color_html; } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { parent.wrapInner( '<div class="upb-background-text-wrapper"><div class="upb-background-text"></div></div>' ); parent .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .addClass( current_row_classes ); parent.addClass( 'full-browser-size' ); } if ( parallax_content == 'parallax_content_value' ) { parent.addClass( 'vc-row-translate' ); parent.attr( 'data-parallax-content-sense', parallax_content_sense ); parent.wrapInner( '<div class="vc-row-translate-wrapper ' + current_row_classes + '"></div>' ); const ptop = parent.css( 'padding-top' ); const pbottom = parent.css( 'padding-bottom' ); parent.find( '.vc-row-translate-wrapper' ).css( { 'padding-top': ptop, 'padding-bottom': pbottom, } ); if ( typeof parent[ 0 ] !== 'undefined' && parent !== '' ) { parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-top', '0px', 'important' ); parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-bottom', '0px', 'important' ); } } // hide row if ( hide_row != '' ) { parent.addClass( 'ult-vc-hide-row' ); parent.attr( 'data-hide-row', hide_row ); } //rtl parent.attr( 'data-rtl', rtl ); parent.prepend( '<div class="upb_row_bg">' + overlay_html + '</div>' ); //selector.remove(); /* seprators here */ ult_vc_seperators( selector, parent ); selector = parent; selector.attr( 'data-row-effect-mobile-disable', disble_mobile ); if ( fadeout == 'fadeout_row_value' ) { selector.addClass( 'vc-row-fade' ); selector.attr( 'data-fadeout-percentage', fadeout_percentage ); } selector.css( 'background-image', '' ); selector = selector.find( '.upb_row_bg' ); selector.attr( 'data-upb_br_animation', anim_style ); grad = grad.replace( 'url(data:image/svg+xml;base64,', '' ); const e_pos = grad.indexOf( ';' ); grad = grad.substring( e_pos + 1 ); selector.attr( 'style', grad ); selector.attr( 'data-bg-override', ride ); if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .addClass( 'full-browser-size' ); const resize = function () { let w, h, ancenstor, al, bl; ancenstor = selector.parent(); if ( ride == 'full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'body' ); al = 0; } if ( ride == 'ex-full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); al = 0; } if ( ! isNaN( ride ) ) { for ( let i = 0; i < ride; i++ ) { if ( ancenstor.prop( 'tagName' ) != 'HTML' ) { ancenstor = ancenstor.parent(); } else { break; } } al = ancenstor.offset().left; } wh = jQuery( window ).height(); h = selector.parent().outerHeight(); w = ancenstor.outerWidth(); selector.css( { 'min-width': w + 'px' } ); bl = selector.offset().left; if ( is_uavc_rtl() == true ) { selector.css( { right: -Math.abs( al - bl ) + 'px' } ); } else { selector.css( { left: -Math.abs( al - bl ) + 'px' } ); } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { const fbh = selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .height(); if ( fbh > wh ) wh = fbh; selector.parent().css( 'height', wh + 'px' ); selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .css( 'height', wh + 'px' ); } }; resize(); jQuery( window ).on( 'load', function () { resize(); } ); jQuery( window ).resize( function () { resize(); } ); } ); return this; }; jQuery.fn.ultimate_bg_color_shift = function () { jQuery( this ).each( function () { let selector = jQuery( this ); const ride = jQuery( this ).data( 'bg-override' ); const bg_color = jQuery( this ).data( 'bg-color' ); const fadeout = 'fadeout' ); const fadeout_percentage = 'fadeout-percentage' ); const parallax_content = 'parallax-content' ); const parallax_content_sense = 'parallax-content-sense' ); const disble_mobile = 'row-effect-mobile-disable' ); const overlay = 'overlay' ); const overlay_color = 'overlay-color' ); const overlay_pattern = 'overlay-pattern' ); const overlay_pattern_opacity = 'overlay-pattern-opacity' ); let overlay_pattern_size = 'overlay-pattern-size' ); const overlay_pattern_attachment = 'overlay-pattern-attachment' ); const hide_row = 'hide-row' ); const rtl = 'rtl' ); let multi_color_overlay = ''; let multi_color_overlay_opacity = ''; let vc = 'vc' ); let theme_support = 'theme-support' ); let vc_row_class = 'custom-vc-row' ); let is_vc_4_4 = 'is_old_vc' ); if ( typeof vc_row_class === 'undefined' || vc_row_class === '' ) vc_row_class = 'wpb_row'; if ( typeof vc === 'undefined' ) vc = 0; if ( typeof is_vc_4_4 === 'undefined' ) is_vc_4_4 = false; if ( typeof theme_support === 'undefined' ) theme_support = 'disable'; if ( 'multi-color-overlay' ) ) { multi_color_overlay = 'multi-color-overlay' ); multi_color_overlay_opacity = 'multi-color-overlay-opacity' ); } //vc = parseFloat(vc); //vc = vc.toFixed(2) if ( is_vc_4_4 == true || theme_support == 'enable' ) { if ( selector.prev().is( 'p' ) || selector.prev().is( 'style' ) ) var parent = selector.prev().prev(); else var parent = selector.prev(); } else { var parent = selector.prevAll( '.' + vc_row_class + ':first' ); } parent.css( 'position', 'relative' ); const current_row_classes = parent.attr( 'class' ); // for browser full dimension and 4.9 compatible let overlay_html = ( overlay_color_html = overlay_pattern_html = overlay_multi_color_html = overlay_pattern_attachment_css = '' ); if ( typeof overlay !== 'undefined' && overlay.toString() === 'true' ) { if ( overlay_pattern != '' ) { if ( overlay_pattern_size != '' ) overlay_pattern_size = 'background-size:' + overlay_pattern_size + 'px;'; if ( typeof overlay_pattern_attachment !== 'undefined' && overlay_pattern_attachment != '' ) overlay_pattern_attachment_css = 'background-attachment:' + overlay_pattern_attachment + ';'; overlay_pattern_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay_pattern" style="background-image:url(' + overlay_pattern + '); opacity:' + overlay_pattern_opacity + '; ' + overlay_pattern_size + '; ' + overlay_pattern_attachment_css + '"></div>'; } if ( overlay_color != '' ) overlay_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay" style="background-color:' + overlay_color + ';"></div>'; if ( multi_color_overlay != '' ) overlay_multi_color_html = '<div class="upb_bg_overlay ' + multi_color_overlay + '" style="opacity:' + multi_color_overlay_opacity + ';"></div>'; overlay_html = overlay_color_html + overlay_pattern_html + overlay_multi_color_html; } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { parent.wrapInner( '<div class="upb-background-text-wrapper"><div class="upb-background-text"></div></div>' ); parent .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .addClass( current_row_classes ); } else var brw_text_wrapper = ''; // hide row if ( hide_row != '' ) { parent.addClass( 'ult-vc-hide-row' ); parent.attr( 'data-hide-row', hide_row ); } // rtl parent.attr( 'data-rtl', rtl ); if ( parallax_content == 'parallax_content_value' ) { parent.addClass( 'vc-row-translate' ); parent.wrapInner( '<div class="vc-row-translate-wrapper ' + current_row_classes + '"></div>' ); parent.attr( 'data-parallax-content-sense', parallax_content_sense ); const ptop = parent.css( 'padding-top' ); const pbottom = parent.css( 'padding-bottom' ); parent.find( '.vc-row-translate-wrapper' ).css( { 'padding-top': ptop, 'padding-bottom': pbottom, } ); if ( typeof parent[ 0 ] !== 'undefined' && parent !== '' ) { parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-top', '0px', 'important' ); parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-bottom', '0px', 'important' ); } } parent.prepend( '<div class="upb_row_bg">' + overlay_html + '</div>' ); /* seprators here */ ult_vc_seperators( selector, parent ); selector.remove(); selector = parent; selector.attr( 'data-row-effect-mobile-disable', disble_mobile ); if ( fadeout == 'fadeout_row_value' ) { selector.addClass( 'vc-row-fade' ); selector.attr( 'data-fadeout-percentage', fadeout_percentage ); } selector.css( 'background-image', '' ); selector = selector.find( '.upb_row_bg' ); selector.css( { background: bg_color } ); selector.attr( 'data-bg-override', ride ); if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .addClass( 'full-browser-size' ); if ( selector.length === 0 ) { return; } const resize = function () { let w, h, ancenstor, al, bl; ancenstor = selector.parent(); if ( ride == 'full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'body' ); al = 0; } if ( ride == 'ex-full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); al = 0; } if ( ! isNaN( ride ) ) { for ( let i = 0; i < ride; i++ ) { if ( ancenstor.prop( 'tagName' ) != 'HTML' ) { ancenstor = ancenstor.parent(); } else { break; } } al = ancenstor.offset().left; } wh = jQuery( window ).height(); h = selector.parent().outerHeight(); w = ancenstor.outerWidth(); selector.css( { 'min-width': w + 'px' } ); bl = selector.offset().left; if ( is_uavc_rtl() == true ) { selector.css( { right: -Math.abs( al - bl ) + 'px' } ); } else { selector.css( { left: -Math.abs( al - bl ) + 'px' } ); } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { const fbh = selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .height(); if ( fbh > wh ) wh = fbh; selector.parent().css( 'height', wh + 'px' ); selector .parent() .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .css( 'height', wh + 'px' ); } }; resize(); jQuery( window ).on( 'load', function () { resize(); } ); jQuery( window ).resize( function () { resize(); } ); } ); return this; }; jQuery.fn.ultimate_parallax_animation = function ( applyTo ) { const windowHeight = jQuery( window ).height(); const getHeight = function ( obj ) { return obj.height(); }; const $this = jQuery( this ); let prev_pos = jQuery( window ).scrollTop(); function updata() { let firstTop; const paddingTop = 0; const pos = jQuery( window ).scrollTop(); $this.each( function () { if ( jQuery( this ).data( 'upb_br_animation' ) == 'upb_fade_animation' ) { firstTop = jQuery( this ).offset().top; const $element = jQuery( this ); const top = $element.offset().top; const height = getHeight( $element ); if ( top + height < pos || top > pos + windowHeight - 100 ) { return; } const pos_change = prev_pos - pos; if ( top + height - windowHeight < pos ) { const op_c = pos_change / windowHeight; if ( applyTo == 'parent' ) { var op = parseInt( jQuery( this ).css( 'opacity' ) ); op += op_c / 2.3; jQuery( this ) .parents( '.wpb_row' ) .css( { opacity: op } ); } if ( applyTo == 'self' ) { var op = parseInt( jQuery( this ).css( 'opacity' ) ); op += op_c / 2.3; jQuery( this ).css( { opacity: op } ); } } prev_pos = pos; } } ); } jQuery( window ).bind( 'scroll', updata ).resize( updata ); updata(); }; let temp_vdo_pos = 0; if ( jQuery( '.upb_content_video, .upb_content_iframe' ).prev().is( 'p' ) ) jQuery( '.upb_content_video, .upb_content_iframe' ) .prev() .prev() .css( 'background-image', '' ) .css( 'background-repeat', '' ); else jQuery( '.upb_content_video, .upb_content_iframe' ) .prev() .css( 'background-image', '' ) .css( 'background-repeat', '' ); jQuery( '.upb_content_video' ).ultimate_video_bg(); jQuery( '.upb_bg_img' ).ultimate_bg_shift(); jQuery( '.upb_content_iframe' ).ultimate_video_bg(); jQuery( '.upb_grad' ).ultimate_grad_shift(); jQuery( '.upb_color' ).ultimate_bg_color_shift(); jQuery( '.upb_no_bg' ).each( function ( index, nobg ) { const no_bg_fadeout = jQuery( nobg ).attr( 'data-fadeout' ); const fadeout_percentage = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'fadeout-percentage' ); const parallax_content = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'parallax-content' ); const parallax_content_sense = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'parallax-content-sense' ); const disble_mobile = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'row-effect-mobile-disable' ); let vc_row_class = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'custom-vc-row' ); let vc = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'vc' ); let theme_support = jQuery( nobg ).data( 'theme-support' ); if ( typeof vc_row_class === 'undefined' || vc_row_class === '' ) vc_row_class = 'wpb_row'; if ( typeof vc === 'undefined' ) vc = 0; if ( typeof theme_support === 'undefined' ) theme_support = 'disable'; vc = parseFloat( vc ); if ( vc < 4.4 || theme_support == 'enable' ) { if ( jQuery( nobg ).prev().is( 'p' ) || jQuery( nobg ).prev().is( 'style' ) ) var parent = jQuery( nobg ).prev().prev(); else var parent = jQuery( nobg ).prev(); } else { var parent = jQuery( nobg ).prevAll( '.' + vc_row_class + ':first' ); } parent.css( 'position', 'relative' ); if ( typeof parent[ 0 ] === 'undefined' ) return false; parent.attr( 'row-effect-mobile-disable', disble_mobile ); if ( no_bg_fadeout == 'fadeout_row_value' ) { parent.addClass( 'vc-row-fade' ); 'fadeout-percentage', fadeout_percentage ); } if ( parallax_content == 'parallax_content_value' ) { parent.addClass( 'vc-row-translate' ); parent.attr( 'data-parallax-content-sense', parallax_content_sense ); parent.wrapInner( '<div class="vc-row-translate-wrapper"></div>' ); const ptop = parent.css( 'padding-top' ); const pbottom = parent.css( 'padding-bottom' ); parent .find( '.vc-row-translate-wrapper' ) .css( { 'padding-top': ptop, 'padding-bottom': pbottom } ); if ( typeof parent[ 0 ] !== 'undefined' && parent !== '' ) { parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-top', '0px', 'important' ); parent[ 0 ].style.setProperty( 'padding-bottom', '0px', 'important' ); } } } ); jQuery( '.upb_no_bg' ).remove(); const resizees = function () { jQuery( '.upb_row_bg' ).each( function () { const ride = jQuery( this ).data( 'bg-override' ); const theme_support = jQuery( this ).data( 'theme-support' ); const vc_row = jQuery( this ).data( 'row' ); let ancenstor, parent; if ( typeof theme_support !== 'undefined' && theme_support !== 'enable' ) parent = jQuery( this ).parents( '.' + vc_row + ':first' ); else parent = jQuery( this ).parent(); parent.addClass( 'vc_row-has-fill' ); if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); } if ( ride == 'ex-full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); } else if ( ride == 'full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'body' ); } else if ( ! isNaN( ride ) ) { ancenstor = parent; for ( let i = 0; i < ride; i++ ) { if ( 'html' ) ) { break; } ancenstor = ancenstor.parent(); } } const al = parseInt( ancenstor.css( 'paddingLeft' ) ); const ar = parseInt( ancenstor.css( 'paddingRight' ) ); const w = al + ar + ancenstor.width(); const bl = -( parent.offset().left - ancenstor.offset().left ); if ( bl > 0 ) { left = 0; } if ( is_uavc_rtl() == true ) { jQuery( this ).css( { width: w, right: bl } ); } else { jQuery( this ).css( { width: w, left: bl } ); } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { const a_width = ancenstor.width(); const a_height = ancenstor.height(); const p_width = parent.width(); const p_height = parent.height(); const rheight = parent .find( '.upb-background-text' ) .height(); const w_height = jQuery( window ).height(); if ( rheight > p_height ) var m_height = rheight; else var m_height = w_height; parent.css( 'min-height', m_height + 'px' ); parent .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .css( 'min-height', m_height + 'px' ); } } ); jQuery( '.upb_video-bg' ).each( function ( index, ele ) { const ride = jQuery( this ).data( 'bg-override' ); const rtl = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-rtl' ); const theme_support = jQuery( this ).data( 'theme-support' ); const vc_row = jQuery( this ).data( 'row' ); let ancenstor, parent; if ( typeof theme_support !== 'undefined' && theme_support !== 'enable' ) parent = jQuery( this ).parents( '.' + vc_row + ':first' ); else parent = jQuery( this ).parent(); if ( parent.attr( 'data-vc-full-width' ) == 'true' || parent.attr( 'data-vc-full-width' ) == true ) { parent.addClass( 'uvc-vc-full-width' ); } else { parent.addClass( 'uvc-row' ); } if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); jQuery( this ) .parents( '.upb_video_class' ) .css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); } else if ( ride == 'ex-full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'html' ); jQuery( this ) .parents( '.upb_video_class' ) .css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); } else if ( ride == 'full' ) { ancenstor = jQuery( 'body' ); jQuery( this ) .parents( '.upb_video_class' ) .css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); } else if ( ! isNaN( ride ) && ride != 0 ) { ancenstor = parent; for ( let i = 1; i <= ride; i++ ) { if ( 'html' ) ) { break; } ancenstor = ancenstor.parent(); } } else ancenstor = parent; const al = parseInt( ancenstor.css( 'paddingLeft' ) ); const ar = parseInt( ancenstor.css( 'paddingRight' ) ); const vc_margin = parseInt( ancenstor.css( 'marginLeft' ) ); 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else var rheight = parent.height(); if ( w < 960 ) { const rvdh = ( 16 / 9 ) * rheight; w = rvdh + w; } //if(rheight > w_height) // w = rheight+rheight; pHeight = Math.ceil( w / ratio ); children = jQuery( this ).children(); children.removeClass( 'ult-make-full-height' ); if ( rheight > wx ) children.addClass( 'ult-make-full-height' ); //children.css({'width': w,'min-width':w}); const is_poster = jQuery( this ).css( 'background-image' ); if ( ! /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { //children.css({'height':pHeight}); if ( ride == 'browser_size' ) { if ( rheight > w_height ) var m_height = rheight; else var m_height = w_height; parent.addClass( 'video-browser-size' ); parent .find( '.upb-background-text-wrapper' ) .addClass( 'full-browser-size' ); parent.css( 'min-height', m_height + 'px' ); if ( parent.find( '.upb_video-text-wrapper' ).length > 0 ) { parent .find( '.upb_video-text-wrapper' ) .addClass( 'full-browser-size' ); parent .find( '.upb_video-text-wrapper' ) .css( 'min-height', m_height + 'px' ); 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jQuery( '.upb_grad' ).ultimate_grad_shift(); jQuery( '.upb_color' ).ultimate_bg_color_shift(); } ); jQuery( '.video-controls' ).click( function ( e ) { const current_action = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-action' ); const vdo = jQuery( this ).parent().find( '.upb_video-src' ); if ( current_action == 'pause' ) { jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-action', 'play' ); vdo[ 0 ].play(); jQuery( this ).html( '<i class="ult-vid-cntrlpause"></i>' ); } else { jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-action', 'pause' ); vdo[ 0 ].pause(); jQuery( this ).html( '<i class="ult-vid-cntrlplay"></i>' ); } if ( vdo.hasClass( 'enable-on-viewport' ) ) { vdo.addClass( 'override-controls' ); } } ); /* hide row */ check_for_hide_row(); function check_for_hide_row() { jQuery( '.ult-vc-hide-row' ).each( function ( i, row ) { const hide_classes = jQuery( row ).data( 'hide-row' ); if ( hide_classes != '' ) jQuery( row ).addClass( hide_classes ); } ); } /* use for full width seperator */ resize_ult_seperators(); function resize_ult_seperators() { jQuery( '.ult-vc-seperator' ).each( function ( i, s ) { const full_width = jQuery( this ).data( 'full-width' ); let is_rtl = jQuery( this ).parent().data( 'rtl' ); if ( typeof is_rtl === 'undefined' ) is_rtl = 'false'; var override = jQuery( this ) .parent() .find( '.upb_row_bg' ) .data( 'bg-override' ); if ( typeof override === 'undefined' ) var override = jQuery( this ) .parent() .find( '.upb_video-bg' ) .data( 'bg-override' ); if ( ( override == 'ex-full' || override == 'full' || override == 'browser_size' ) && full_width == true ) { let win = jQuery( 'html' ).width(); if ( jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'ult-rounded-split-seperator-wrapper' ) ) { const border = jQuery( this ).data( 'border' ); const border_width = jQuery( this ).data( 'border-width' ); if ( typeof border !== 'undefined' && border != 'none' && border != 'undefined' ) win = win - border_width; } const left = jQuery( this ).offset().left; jQuery( this ) .find( '.ult-main-seperator-inner' ) .width( win ); if ( is_rtl.toString() == 'true' ) jQuery( this ) .find( '.ult-main-seperator-inner' ) .css( { 'margin-right': -left + 'px' } ); else jQuery( this ) .find( '.ult-main-seperator-inner' ) .css( { 'margin-left': -left + 'px' } ); } } ); } //row animation execution jQuery( '.vcpb-animated' ).each( function ( index, element ) { const repeat = jQuery( element ).data( 'animation-repeat' ); jQuery( this ).css( { 'background-repeat': repeat } ); let mobile_disable = jQuery( element ) .parent() .attr( 'data-img-parallax-mobile-disable' ); if ( typeof mobile_disable === 'undefined' ) mobile_disable = 'false'; else mobile_disable = mobile_disable.toString(); if ( ! /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) var is_mobile = 'false'; else var is_mobile = 'true'; if ( is_mobile == 'true' && mobile_disable == 'true' ) var disable_row_effect = 'true'; else var disable_row_effect = 'false'; if ( disable_row_effect == 'false' ) { let scrollSpeed = 10; if ( jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-parallax_sense' ) != '' ) scrollSpeed = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-parallax_sense' ); scrollSpeed = 100 - scrollSpeed; const animation_type = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-bg-animation-type' ); const animation = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-bg-animation' ); // set the default position let current = 0; // set the direction const direction = animation_type; //Calls the scrolling function repeatedly setInterval( function ( e ) { if ( animation == 'right-animation' || animation == 'bottom-animation' ) current -= 1; else current += 1; jQuery( element ).css( 'backgroundPosition', direction == 'h' ? current + 'px 0' : '0 ' + current + 'px' ); }, scrollSpeed ); } } ); } ); } )( jQuery );