Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/assets/js/modal.js |
( function ( $ ) { let triggerBttn = $( '.overlay-show' ), overlay = $( 'div.ult-overlay' ), closeBttn = overlay.find( 'div.ult-overlay-close' ); ( transEndEventNames = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd', msTransition: 'MSTransitionEnd', transition: 'transitionend', } ), ( transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ bsfmodernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ] ), ( support = { transitions: bsfmodernizr.csstransitions } ); function toggleOverlay( id ) { const ovv = 'div.ult-overlay.' + id; joverlay = document.querySelector( ovv ); overlay = $( ovv ); /* firefox transition issue fix of overflow hidden */ if ( overlay.hasClass( 'ult-open' ) ) { overlay.removeClass( 'ult-open' ); overlay.addClass( 'ult-close' ); //classie.remove( overlay, 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( overlay, 'ult-close' ); var onEndTransitionFn = function ( ev ) { if ( support.transitions ) { if ( ev.propertyName !== 'visibility' ) return; this.removeEventListener( transEndEventName, onEndTransitionFn ); 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const s = Snap( joverlay_cornershape.querySelector( 'svg' ) ), path = 'path' ), pathConfig = { from: 'm 0,0 1439.999975,0 0,805.99999 0,-805.99999 z ', to: ' m 0,0 1439.999975,0 0,805.99999 -1439.999975,0 z ', }; //var overlay_cornershape = document.querySelector( 'div.overlay-cornershape' ); if ( overlay_cornershape.hasClass( 'ult-open' ) ) { overlay_cornershape.removeClass( 'ult-open' ); overlay_cornershape.addClass( 'ult-close' ); //classie.remove( overlay_cornershape, 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( overlay_cornershape, 'ult-close' ); const onEndTransitionFn = function ( ev ) { overlay_cornershape.removeClass( 'ult-close' ); //classie.remove( overlay_cornershape, 'ult-close' ); }; path.animate( { path: pathConfig.from }, 400, mina.linear, onEndTransitionFn ); } else if ( ! overlay_cornershape.hasClass( 'ult-close' ) ) { overlay_cornershape.addClass( 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( overlay_cornershape, 'ult-open' ); path.animate( { path: }, 400, mina.linear ); } } function overlay_genie_f( id ) { const ovv = 'div.overlay-genie.' + id; const joverlay_genie = document.querySelector( ovv ); const overlay_genie = $( ovv ); const gs = Snap( joverlay_genie.querySelector( 'svg' ) ), geniepath = 'path' ), steps = joverlay_genie.getAttribute( 'data-steps' ).split( ';' ), stepsTotal = steps.length; if ( overlay_genie.hasClass( 'ult-open' ) ) { var pos = stepsTotal - 1; overlay_genie.removeClass( 'ult-open' ); overlay_genie.addClass( 'ult-close' ); //classie.remove( joverlay_genie, 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( joverlay_genie, 'ult-close' ); var onEndTransitionFn = function ( ev ) { overlay_genie.removeClass( 'ult-close' ); }, nextStep = function ( pos ) { pos--; if ( pos < 0 ) return; geniepath.animate( { path: steps[ pos ] }, 60, mina.linear, function () { if ( pos === 0 ) { onEndTransitionFn(); } nextStep( pos ); } ); }; nextStep( pos ); } else if ( ! overlay_genie.hasClass( 'ult-close' ) ) { var pos = 0; overlay_genie.addClass( 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( joverlay_genie, 'ult-open' ); var nextStep = function ( pos ) { pos++; if ( pos > stepsTotal - 1 ) return; geniepath.animate( { path: steps[ pos ] }, 60, mina.linear, function () { nextStep( pos ); } ); }; nextStep( pos ); } } function shuffle_overlay_box( array ) { let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while ( 0 !== currentIndex ) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * currentIndex ); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[ currentIndex ]; array[ currentIndex ] = array[ randomIndex ]; array[ randomIndex ] = temporaryValue; } return array; } function overlay_boxes_f( id ) { const ovv = 'div.overlay-boxes.' + id; const joverlay_boxes = document.querySelector( ovv ); const overlay_boxes = $( ovv ); const boxes_path = [] joverlay_boxes.querySelectorAll( 'svg > path' ) ), pathsTotal = boxes_path.length; let cnt = 0; shuffle_overlay_box( boxes_path ); if ( overlay_boxes.hasClass( 'ult-open' ) ) { overlay_boxes.removeClass( 'ult-open' ); overlay_boxes.addClass( 'ult-close' ); //classie.remove( joverlay_boxes, 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( joverlay_boxes, 'ult-close' ); boxes_path.forEach( function ( p, i ) { setTimeout( function () { ++cnt; = 'none'; if ( cnt === pathsTotal ) { overlay_boxes.removeClass( 'ult-close' ); //classie.remove( joverlay_boxes, 'ult-close' ); } }, i * 30 ); } ); } else if ( ! overlay_boxes.hasClass( 'ult-close' ) ) { overlay_boxes.addClass( 'ult-open' ); //classie.add( joverlay_boxes, 'ult-open' ); boxes_path.forEach( function ( p, i ) { setTimeout( function () { = 'block'; }, i * 30 ); } ); } } $( window ).on( 'load', function () { const onload_modal_array = new Array(); $( '.ult-onload' ).each( function ( index ) { onload_modal_array.push( $( this ) ); setTimeout( function () { onload_modal_array[ index ].trigger( 'click' ); }, parseInt( $( this ).data( 'onload-delay' ) ) * 1000 ); } ); $( '.ult-vimeo iframe' ).each( function ( index, element ) { const player_id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); const iframe = $( this )[ 0 ], player = $f( iframe ); player.addEvent( 'ready', function () { player.addEvent( 'pause' ); player.addEvent( 'finish' ); } ); } ); } ); $( document ).ready( function () { $( '.ult-overlay' ).each( function () { $( this ).appendTo( document.body ); } ); $( '.ult-overlay' ).show(); $( '.overlay-show' ).each( function ( index, element ) { const class_id = $( this ).data( 'class-id' ); $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult-vimeo iframe' ) .attr( 'id', 'video_' + class_id ); $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult-youtube iframe' ) .attr( 'id', 'video_' + class_id ); } ); const modal_count = 0; $( document ).on( 'click', '.overlay-show', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); const class_id = $( this ).data( 'class-id' ); if ( $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'modal-hide-mobile' ) != true && $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'modal-hide-tablet' ) != true ) { $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult_modal-content' ) .removeClass( 'ult-hide' ); $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult-vimeo iframe' ) .html( $( '.ult-vimeo iframe' ).html() ); $( '.' + class_id ).addClass( $( this ).data( 'overlay-class' ) ); setTimeout( function () { $( 'body, html' ).addClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); toggleOverlay( class_id ); content_check( class_id ); }, 500 ); if ( $( this ).parent().attr( 'data-keypress-control' ) == 'keypress-control-enable' || $( this ).attr( 'data-keypress-control' ) == 'keypress-control-enable' ) { window.onkeydown = function ( e ) { if ( e.keyCode == 27 ) { $( document ) .find( '.ult-overlay.ult-open.' + class_id ) .removeClass( 'ult-open' ); } }; } } } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.overlay-show-cornershape', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); const class_id = $( this ).data( 'class-id' ); $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult_modal-content' ) .removeClass( 'ult-hide' ); //$('.overlay-cornershape').removeClass('overlay-cornershape'); setTimeout( function () { $( '.' + class_id ).addClass( 'overlay-cornershape' ); overlay_cornershape_f( class_id ); $( 'body, html' ).addClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); content_check( class_id ); }, 300 ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', 'div.overlay-cornershape div.ult-overlay-close', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); const class_id = $( this ) .parents( 'div.overlay-cornershape' ) .data( 'class' ); overlay_cornershape_f( class_id ); $( 'body, html' ).removeClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); $( 'html' ).css( { overflow: 'auto' } ); $( document ).trigger( 'onUVCModalPopUpClosed', class_id ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.overlay-show-boxes', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); const class_id = $( this ).data( 'class-id' ); $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult_modal-content' ) .removeClass( 'ult-hide' ); setTimeout( function () { $( '.' + class_id ).addClass( 'overlay-boxes' ); overlay_boxes_f( class_id ); $( 'body, html' ).addClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); content_check( class_id ); }, 300 ); //$('.overlay-boxes').removeClass('overlay-boxes'); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', 'div.overlay-boxes div.ult-overlay-close', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); const class_id = $( this ) .parents( 'div.overlay-boxes' ) .data( 'class' ); overlay_boxes_f( class_id ); $( 'body, html' ).removeClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); $( 'html' ).css( { overflow: 'auto' } ); $( document ).trigger( 'onUVCModalPopUpClosed', class_id ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.overlay-show-genie', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); const class_id = $( this ).data( 'class-id' ); $( '.' + class_id ) .find( '.ult_modal-content' ) .removeClass( 'ult-hide' ); //$('.overlay-genie').removeClass('overlay-genie'); setTimeout( function () { $( '.' + class_id ).addClass( 'overlay-genie' ); overlay_genie_f( class_id ); $( 'body, html' ).addClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); content_check( class_id ); $( 'html' ).css( { overflow: 'auto' } ); }, 300 ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', 'div.overlay-genie div.ult-overlay-close', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); const class_id = $( this ) .parents( 'div.overlay-genie' ) .data( 'class' ); overlay_genie_f( class_id ); $( 'body, html' ).removeClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); $( 'html' ).css( { overflow: 'auto' } ); $( document ).trigger( 'onUVCModalPopUpClosed', class_id ); } ); $( document ).on( 'click', '.ult-overlay .ult-overlay-close', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); $this = $( this ); const id = $this.parents( '.ult-overlay' ).data( 'class' ); toggleOverlay( id ); $( 'body, html' ).removeClass( 'ult_modal-body-open' ); if ( $this.parent().find( '.ult-vimeo' ).length ) { $this .parent() .find( '.ult-vimeo iframe' ) .each( function ( i, iframe ) { const player_id = $( iframe ); const src = $( iframe ).attr( 'src' ); $( iframe ).attr( 'src', '' ); $( iframe ).attr( 'src', src ); var iframe = player_id[ 0 ], player = $f( iframe ); player.api( 'pause' ); } ); } if ( $this.parent().find( '.ult-youtube' ).length ) { $this .parent() .find( '.ult-youtube iframe' ) .each( function ( i, iframe ) { const src = $( iframe ).attr( 'src' ); $( iframe ).attr( 'src', '' ); $( iframe ).attr( 'src', src ); 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const wh = $( window ).height(); if ( ch > wh ) { $( '.' + id ).addClass( 'ult_modal-auto-top' ); } else { $( '.' + id ).removeClass( 'ult_modal-auto-top' ); } if ( $( '.' + id ).find( 'iframe' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.' + id ) .find( 'iframe' ) .each( function ( i, iframe ) { $( iframe ).attr( 'src', $( iframe ).attr( 'src' ) ); } ); } $( document ).trigger( 'onUVCModalPopupOpen', id ); } function resize_modal_iframe() { $( '.ult_modal-body iframe' ).each( function ( index, element ) { let w = $( this ).parent().width(); const small_modal = $( this ) .parent() .parent() .parent() .hasClass( 'ult-small' ) ? true : false; const medium_modal = $( this ) .parent() .parent() .parent() .hasClass( 'ult-medium' ) ? true : false; const large_modal = $( this ) .parent() .parent() .parent() .hasClass( 'ult-container' ) ? true : false; const block_modal = $( this ) .parent() .parent() .parent() .hasClass( 'ult-block' ) ? true : false; const c = w / 10; let h = w * ( 9 / 16 ) + c; const is_video = $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'ult-youtube' ) || $( this ).parent().hasClass( 'ult-vimeo' ) ? true : false; if ( ! is_video ) return false; if ( large_modal ) { const window_height = $( window ).height(); if ( window_height < h ) h = window_height - 100; } if ( block_modal ) { w = $( this ).attr( 'width' ); h = $( this ).attr( 'height' ); if ( typeof w === 'undefined' || w == '' ) w = 640; if ( typeof h === 'undefined' || h == '' ) h = 360; } $( this ).css( { width: w + 'px', height: h + 'px' } ); } ); } $( document ).on( 'onUVCModalPopupOpen', function () { resize_modal_iframe(); $( window ).trigger( 'resize' ); } ); } )( jQuery );