Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/ |
// YUI3 File Picker module for moodle // Author: Dongsheng Cai <> /** * * File Picker UI * ===== * this.fpnode, contains reference to filepicker Node, non-empty if and only if rendered * this.api, stores the URL to make ajax request * this.mainui, YUI Panel * this.selectnode, contains reference to select-file Node * this.selectui, YUI Panel for selecting particular file * this.msg_dlg, YUI Panel for error or info message * this.process_dlg, YUI Panel for processing existing filename * this.treeview, YUI Treeview * this.viewmode, store current view mode * this.pathbar, reference to the Node with path bar * this.pathnode, a Node element representing one folder in a path bar (not attached anywhere, just used for template) * this.currentpath, the current path in the repository (or last requested path) * * Filepicker options: * ===== * this.options.client_id, the instance id * this.options.contextid * this.options.itemid * this.options.repositories, stores all repositories displayed in file picker * this.options.formcallback * * Active repository options * ===== * * this.active_repo.defaultreturntype * this.active_repo.nosearch * this.active_repo.norefresh * this.active_repo.nologin * * this.active_repo.manage * * Server responses * ===== * this.filelist, cached filelist * this.pages * * this.filepath, current path (each element of the array is a part of the breadcrumb) * this.logindata, cached login form */ YUI.add('moodle-core_filepicker', function(Y) { /** help function to extract width/height style as a number, not as a string */ Y.Node.prototype.getStylePx = function(attr) { var style = this.getStyle(attr); if (''+style == '0' || ''+style == '0px') { return 0; } var matches = style.match(/^([\d\.]+)px$/) if (matches && parseFloat(matches[1])) { return parseFloat(matches[1]); } return null; } /** if condition is met, the class is added to the node, otherwise - removed */ Y.Node.prototype.addClassIf = function(className, condition) { if (condition) { this.addClass(className); } else { this.removeClass(className); } return this; } /** sets the width(height) of the node considering existing minWidth(minHeight) */ Y.Node.prototype.setStyleAdv = function(stylename, value) { var stylenameCap = stylename.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + stylename.substr(1, stylename.length-1).toLowerCase(); this.setStyle(stylename, '' + Math.max(value, this.getStylePx('min'+stylenameCap)) + 'px') return this; } /** set image source to src, if there is preview, remember it in lazyloading. * If there is a preview and it was already loaded, use it. */ Y.Node.prototype.setImgSrc = function(src, realsrc, lazyloading) { if (realsrc) { if (M.core_filepicker.loadedpreviews[realsrc]) { this.set('src', realsrc).addClass('realpreview'); return this; } else { if (!this.get('id')) { this.generateID(); } lazyloading[this.get('id')] = realsrc; } } this.set('src', src); return this; } /** * Replaces the image source with preview. If the image is inside the treeview, we need * also to update the html property of corresponding YAHOO.widget.HTMLNode * @param array lazyloading array containing associations of imgnodeid->realsrc */ Y.Node.prototype.setImgRealSrc = function(lazyloading) { if (this.get('id') && lazyloading[this.get('id')]) { var newsrc = lazyloading[this.get('id')]; M.core_filepicker.loadedpreviews[newsrc] = true; this.set('src', newsrc).addClass('realpreview'); delete lazyloading[this.get('id')]; var treenode = this.ancestor('.fp-treeview') if (treenode && treenode.get('parentNode').treeview) { treenode.get('parentNode').treeview.getRoot().refreshPreviews(this.get('id'), newsrc); } } return this; } /** scan TreeView to find which node contains image with id=imgid and replace it's html * with the new image source. */ Y.YUI2.widget.Node.prototype.refreshPreviews = function(imgid, newsrc, regex) { if (!regex) { regex = new RegExp("<img\\s[^>]*id=\""+imgid+"\"[^>]*?(/?)>", "im"); } if (this.expanded || this.isLeaf) { var html = this.getContentHtml(); if (html && this.setHtml && regex.test(html)) { var newhtml = this.html.replace(regex, "<img id=\""+imgid+"\" src=\""+newsrc+"\" class=\"realpreview\"$1>", html); this.setHtml(newhtml); return true; } if (!this.isLeaf && this.children) { for(var c in this.children) { if (this.children[c].refreshPreviews(imgid, newsrc, regex)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Displays a list of files (used by filepicker, filemanager) inside the Node * * @param array options * viewmode : 1 - icons, 2 - tree, 3 - table * appendonly : whether fileslist need to be appended instead of replacing the existing content * filenode : Node element that contains template for displaying one file * callback : On click callback. The element of the fileslist array will be passed as argument * rightclickcallback : On right click callback (optional). * callbackcontext : context where callbacks are executed * sortable : whether content may be sortable (in table mode) * dynload : allow dynamic load for tree view * filepath : for pre-building of tree view - the path to the current directory in filepicker format * treeview_dynload : callback to function to dynamically load the folder in tree view * classnamecallback : callback to function that returns the class name for an element * @param array fileslist array of files to show, each array element may have attributes: * title or fullname : file name * shorttitle (optional) : display file name * thumbnail : url of image * icon : url of icon image * thumbnail_width : width of thumbnail, default 90 * thumbnail_height : height of thumbnail, default 90 * thumbnail_alt : TODO not needed! * description or thumbnail_title : alt text * @param array lazyloading : reference to the array with lazy loading images */ Y.Node.prototype.fp_display_filelist = function(options, fileslist, lazyloading) { var viewmodeclassnames = {1:'fp-iconview', 2:'fp-treeview', 3:'fp-tableview'}; var classname = viewmodeclassnames[options.viewmode]; var scope = this; /** return whether file is a folder (different attributes in FileManager and FilePicker) */ var file_is_folder = function(node) { if (node.children) {return true;} if (node.type && node.type == 'folder') {return true;} return false; }; /** return the name of the file (different attributes in FileManager and FilePicker) */ var file_get_filename = function(node) { return node.title ? node.title : node.fullname; }; /** return display name of the file (different attributes in FileManager and FilePicker) */ var file_get_displayname = function(node) { var displayname = node.shorttitle ? node.shorttitle : file_get_filename(node); return Y.Escape.html(displayname); }; /** return file description (different attributes in FileManager and FilePicker) */ var file_get_description = function(node) { var description = ''; if (node.description) { description = node.description; } else if (node.thumbnail_title) { description = node.thumbnail_title; } else { description = file_get_filename(node); } return Y.Escape.html(description); }; /** help funciton for tree view */ var build_tree = function(node, level) { // prepare file name with icon var el = Y.Node.create('<div/>'); el.appendChild(options.filenode.cloneNode(true));'.fp-filename').setContent(file_get_displayname(node)); // TODO add tooltip with node.title or node.thumbnail_title var tmpnodedata = {className:options.classnamecallback(node)}; el.get('children').addClass(tmpnodedata.className); if (node.icon) {'.fp-icon').appendChild(Y.Node.create('<img/>'));'.fp-icon img').setImgSrc(node.icon, node.realicon, lazyloading); } // create node tmpnodedata.html = el.getContent(); var tmpNode = new Y.YUI2.widget.HTMLNode(tmpnodedata, level, false); if (node.dynamicLoadComplete) { tmpNode.dynamicLoadComplete = true; } tmpNode.fileinfo = node; tmpNode.isLeaf = !file_is_folder(node); if (!tmpNode.isLeaf) { if(node.expanded) { tmpNode.expand(); } tmpNode.path = node.path ? node.path : (node.filepath ? node.filepath : ''); for(var c in node.children) { build_tree(node.children[c], tmpNode); } } }; /** initialize tree view */ var initialize_tree_view = function() { var parentid ='.'+classname).get('id'); // TODO MDL-32736 use YUI3 gallery TreeView scope.treeview = new Y.YUI2.widget.TreeView(parentid); if (options.dynload) { scope.treeview.setDynamicLoad(Y.bind(options.treeview_dynload, options.callbackcontext), 1); } scope.treeview.singleNodeHighlight = true; if (options.filepath && options.filepath.length) { // we just jumped from icon/details view, we need to show all parents // we extract as much information as possible from filepath and filelist // and send additional requests to retrieve siblings for parent folders var mytree = {}; var mytreeel = null; for (var i in options.filepath) { if (mytreeel == null) { mytreeel = mytree; } else { mytreeel.children = [{}]; mytreeel = mytreeel.children[0]; } var pathelement = options.filepath[i]; mytreeel.path = pathelement.path; mytreeel.title =; mytreeel.icon = pathelement.icon; mytreeel.dynamicLoadComplete = true; // we will call it manually mytreeel.expanded = true; } mytreeel.children = fileslist; build_tree(mytree, scope.treeview.getRoot()); // manually call dynload for parent elements in the tree so we can load other siblings if (options.dynload) { var root = scope.treeview.getRoot(); // Whether search results are currently displayed in the active repository in the filepicker. // We do not want to load siblings of parent elements when displaying search tree results. var isSearchResult = typeof options.callbackcontext.active_repo !== 'undefined' && options.callbackcontext.active_repo.issearchresult; while (root && root.children && root.children.length) { root = root.children[0]; if (root.path == mytreeel.path) { root.origpath = options.filepath; root.origlist = fileslist; } else if (!root.isLeaf && root.expanded && !isSearchResult) { Y.bind(options.treeview_dynload, options.callbackcontext)(root, null); } } } } else { // there is no path information, just display all elements as a list, without hierarchy for(k in fileslist) { build_tree(fileslist[k], scope.treeview.getRoot()); } } scope.treeview.subscribe('clickEvent', function(e){ e.node.highlight(false); var callback = options.callback; if (options.rightclickcallback && && Y.Node('.fp-treeview .fp-contextmenu', true)) { callback = options.rightclickcallback; } Y.bind(callback, options.callbackcontext)(e, e.node.fileinfo); Y.YUI2.util.Event.stopEvent(e.event) }); // Simulate click on file not folder. scope.treeview.subscribe('enterKeyPressed', function(node) { if (node.children.length === 0) {'a').simulate('click'); } }); // TODO MDL-32736 support right click /*if (options.rightclickcallback) { scope.treeview.subscribe('dblClickEvent', function(e){ e.node.highlight(false); Y.bind(options.rightclickcallback, options.callbackcontext)(e, e.node.fileinfo); }); }*/ scope.treeview.draw(); }; /** formatting function for table view */ var formatValue = function (o){ if ([''+o.column.key+'_f_s']) {return[''+o.column.key+'_f_s'];} else if ([''+o.column.key+'_f']) {return[''+o.column.key+'_f'];} else if (o.value) {return o.value;} else {return '';} }; /** formatting function for table view */ var formatTitle = function(o) { var el = Y.Node.create('<div/>'); el.appendChild(options.filenode.cloneNode(true)); // TODO not node but string! el.get('children').addClass(['classname']);'.fp-filename').setContent(o.value); if (['icon']) {'.fp-icon').appendChild(Y.Node.create('<img/>'));'.fp-icon img').setImgSrc(['icon'],['realicon'], lazyloading); } if (options.rightclickcallback) { el.get('children').addClass('fp-hascontextmenu'); } // TODO add tooltip with['title'] (o.value) or['thumbnail_title'] return el.getContent(); } /** * Generate slave checkboxes based on toggleall's specification * @param {object} o An object reprsenting the record for the current row. * @return {html} The checkbox html */ var formatCheckbox = function(o) { var el = Y.Node.create('<div/>'); var checkbox = Y.Node.create('<input/>') .setAttribute('type', 'checkbox') .setAttribute('data-fieldtype', 'checkbox') .setAttribute('data-fullname', .setAttribute('data-action', 'toggle') .setAttribute('data-toggle', 'slave') .setAttribute('data-togglegroup', 'file-selections') .setAttribute('data-toggle-selectall', M.util.get_string('selectall', 'moodle')) .setAttribute('data-toggle-deselectall', M.util.get_string('deselectall', 'moodle')); var checkboxLabel = Y.Node.create('<label>') .setHTML("Select file '" + + "'") .addClass('sr-only') .setAttrs({ for: checkbox.generateID(), }); el.appendChild(checkbox); el.appendChild(checkboxLabel); return el.getContent(); }; /** sorting function for table view */ var sortFoldersFirst = function(a, b, desc) { if (a.get('isfolder') && !b.get('isfolder')) { return -1; } if (!a.get('isfolder') && b.get('isfolder')) { return 1; } var aa = a.get(this.key), bb = b.get(this.key), dir = desc ? -1 : 1; return (aa > bb) ? dir : ((aa < bb) ? -dir : 0); } /** initialize table view */ var initialize_table_view = function() { var cols = [ {key: "displayname", label: M.util.get_string('name', 'moodle'), allowHTML: true, formatter: formatTitle, sortable: true, sortFn: sortFoldersFirst}, {key: "datemodified", label: M.util.get_string('lastmodified', 'moodle'), allowHTML: true, formatter: formatValue, sortable: true, sortFn: sortFoldersFirst}, {key: "size", label: M.util.get_string('size', 'repository'), allowHTML: true, formatter: formatValue, sortable: true, sortFn: sortFoldersFirst}, {key: "mimetype", label: M.util.get_string('type', 'repository'), allowHTML: true, sortable: true, sortFn: sortFoldersFirst} ]; // Generate a checkbox based on toggleall's specification var div = Y.Node.create('<div/>'); var checkbox = Y.Node.create('<input/>') .setAttribute('type', 'checkbox') // .setAttribute('title', M.util.get_string('selectallornone', 'form')) .setAttribute('data-action', 'toggle') .setAttribute('data-toggle', 'master') .setAttribute('data-togglegroup', 'file-selections'); var checkboxLabel = Y.Node.create('<label>') .setHTML(M.util.get_string('selectallornone', 'form')) .addClass('sr-only') .setAttrs({ for: checkbox.generateID(), }); div.appendChild(checkboxLabel); div.appendChild(checkbox); // Define the selector for the click event handler. var clickEventSelector = 'tr'; // Enable the selectable checkboxes if (options.disablecheckboxes != undefined && !options.disablecheckboxes) { clickEventSelector = 'tr td:not(:first-child)'; cols.unshift({ key: "", label: div.getContent(), allowHTML: true, formatter: formatCheckbox, sortable: false }); } scope.tableview = new Y.DataTable({columns: cols, data: fileslist}); scope.tableview.delegate('click', function (e, tableview) { var record = tableview.getRecord(e.currentTarget.get('id')); if (record) { var callback = options.callback; if (options.rightclickcallback &&'.fp-tableview .fp-contextmenu', true)) { callback = options.rightclickcallback; } Y.bind(callback, this)(e, record.getAttrs()); } }, clickEventSelector, options.callbackcontext, scope.tableview); if (options.rightclickcallback) { scope.tableview.delegate('contextmenu', function (e, tableview) { var record = tableview.getRecord(e.currentTarget.get('id')); if (record) { Y.bind(options.rightclickcallback, this)(e, record.getAttrs()); } }, 'tr', options.callbackcontext, scope.tableview); } } /** append items in table view mode */ var append_files_table = function() { if (options.appendonly) { fileslist.forEach(function(el) {; },scope); } scope.tableview.render('.'+classname)); scope.tableview.sortable = options.sortable ? true : false; }; /** append items in tree view mode */ var append_files_tree = function() { if (options.appendonly) { var parentnode = scope.treeview.getRoot(); if (scope.treeview.getHighlightedNode()) { parentnode = scope.treeview.getHighlightedNode(); if (parentnode.isLeaf) {parentnode = parentnode.parent;} } for (var k in fileslist) { build_tree(fileslist[k], parentnode); } scope.treeview.draw(); } else { // otherwise files were already added in initialize_tree_view() } } /** append items in icon view mode */ var append_files_icons = function() { parent ='.'+classname); for (var k in fileslist) { var node = fileslist[k]; var element = options.filenode.cloneNode(true); parent.appendChild(element); element.addClass(options.classnamecallback(node)); var filenamediv ='.fp-filename'); filenamediv.setContent(file_get_displayname(node)); var imgdiv ='.fp-thumbnail'), width, height, src; if (node.thumbnail) { width = node.thumbnail_width ? node.thumbnail_width : 90; height = node.thumbnail_height ? node.thumbnail_height : 90; src = node.thumbnail; } else { width = 16; height = 16; src = node.icon; } filenamediv.setStyleAdv('width', width); imgdiv.setStyleAdv('width', width).setStyleAdv('height', height); var img = Y.Node.create('<img/>').setAttrs({ title: file_get_description(node), alt: Y.Escape.html(node.thumbnail_alt ? node.thumbnail_alt : file_get_filename(node))}). setStyle('maxWidth', ''+width+'px'). setStyle('maxHeight', ''+height+'px'); img.setImgSrc(src, node.realthumbnail, lazyloading); imgdiv.appendChild(img); element.on('click', function(e, nd) { if (options.rightclickcallback &&'.fp-iconview .fp-contextmenu', true)) { Y.bind(options.rightclickcallback, this)(e, nd); } else { Y.bind(options.callback, this)(e, nd); } }, options.callbackcontext, node); if (options.rightclickcallback) { element.on('contextmenu', options.rightclickcallback, options.callbackcontext, node); } } } // Notify the user if any of the files has a problem status. var problemFiles = []; fileslist.forEach(function(file) { if (!file_is_folder(file) && file.hasOwnProperty('status') && file.status != 0) { problemFiles.push(file); } }); if (problemFiles.length > 0) { require(["core/notification", "core/str"], function(Notification, Str) { problemFiles.forEach(function(problemFile) { Str.get_string('storedfilecannotreadfile', 'error', problemFile.fullname).then(function(string) { Notification.addNotification({ message: string, type: "error" }); return; }).catch(Notification.exception); }); }); } // If table view, need some additional properties // before passing fileslist to the YUI tableview if (options.viewmode == 3) { fileslist.forEach(function(el) { el.displayname = file_get_displayname(el); el.isfolder = file_is_folder(el); el.classname = options.classnamecallback(el); }, scope); } // initialize files view if (!options.appendonly) { var parent = Y.Node.create('<div/>').addClass(classname); this.setContent('').appendChild(parent); parent.generateID(); if (options.viewmode == 2) { initialize_tree_view(); } else if (options.viewmode == 3) { initialize_table_view(); } else { // nothing to initialize for icon view } } // append files to the list if (options.viewmode == 2) { append_files_tree(); } else if (options.viewmode == 3) { append_files_table(); } else { append_files_icons(); } } }, '@VERSION@', { requires:['base', 'node', 'yui2-treeview', 'panel', 'cookie', 'datatable', 'datatable-sort'] }); M.core_filepicker = M.core_filepicker || {}; /** * instances of file pickers used on page */ M.core_filepicker.instances = M.core_filepicker.instances || {}; M.core_filepicker.active_filepicker = null; /** * HTML Templates to use in FilePicker */ M.core_filepicker.templates = M.core_filepicker.templates || {}; /** * Array of image sources for real previews (realicon or realthumbnail) that are already loaded */ M.core_filepicker.loadedpreviews = M.core_filepicker.loadedpreviews || {}; /** * Set selected file info * * @param object file info */ M.core_filepicker.select_file = function(file) { M.core_filepicker.active_filepicker.select_file(file); } /** * Init and show file picker */ = function(Y, options) { if (!M.core_filepicker.instances[options.client_id]) { M.core_filepicker.init(Y, options); } M.core_filepicker.instances[options.client_id].options.formcallback = options.formcallback; M.core_filepicker.instances[options.client_id].show(); }; M.core_filepicker.set_templates = function(Y, templates) { for (var templid in templates) { M.core_filepicker.templates[templid] = templates[templid]; } } /** * Add new file picker to current instances */ M.core_filepicker.init = function(Y, options) { var FilePickerHelper = function(options) { FilePickerHelper.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; FilePickerHelper.NAME = "FilePickerHelper"; FilePickerHelper.ATTRS = { options: {}, lang: {} }; Y.extend(FilePickerHelper, Y.Base, { api: M.cfg.wwwroot+'/repository/repository_ajax.php', cached_responses: {}, waitinterval : null, // When the loading template is being displayed and its animation is running this will be an interval instance. initializer: function(options) { this.options = options; if (!this.options.savepath) { this.options.savepath = '/'; } }, destructor: function() { }, request: function(args, redraw) { var api = (args.api ? args.api : this.api) + '?action='+args.action; var params = {}; var scope = args['scope'] ? args['scope'] : this; params['repo_id']=args.repository_id; params['p'] = args.path?args.path:''; params['page'] =''; params['env']=this.options.env; // the form element only accept certain file types params['accepted_types']=this.options.accepted_types; params['sesskey'] = M.cfg.sesskey; params['client_id'] = args.client_id; params['itemid'] = this.options.itemid?this.options.itemid:0; params['maxbytes'] = this.options.maxbytes?this.options.maxbytes:-1; // The unlimited value of areamaxbytes is -1, it is defined by FILE_AREA_MAX_BYTES_UNLIMITED. params['areamaxbytes'] = this.options.areamaxbytes ? this.options.areamaxbytes : -1; if (this.options.context && { params['ctx_id'] =; } if (args['params']) { for (i in args['params']) { params[i] = args['params'][i]; } } if (args.action == 'upload') { var list = []; for(var k in params) { var value = params[k]; if(value instanceof Array) { for(var i in value) { list.push(k+'[]='+value[i]); } } else { list.push(k+'='+value); } } params = list.join('&'); } else { params = build_querystring(params); } var cfg = { method: 'POST', on: { complete: function(id,o,p) { var data = null; try { data = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText); } catch(e) { if (o && o.status && o.status > 0) { Y.use('moodle-core-notification-exception', function() { return new M.core.exception(e); }); return; } } // error checking if (data && data.error) { Y.use('moodle-core-notification-ajaxexception', function () { return new M.core.ajaxException(data); });'.fp-content').setContent(''); return; } else { if (data.msg) { scope.print_msg(data.msg, 'info'); } // cache result if applicable if (args.action != 'upload' && data.allowcaching) { scope.cached_responses[params] = data; } // invoke callback args.callback(id,data,p); } } }, arguments: { scope: scope }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' }, data: params, context: this }; if (args.form) { cfg.form = args.form; } // check if result of the same request has been already cached. If not, request it // (never applicable in case of form submission and/or upload action): if (!args.form && args.action != 'upload' && scope.cached_responses[params]) { args.callback(null, scope.cached_responses[params], {scope: scope}) } else {, cfg); if (redraw) { this.wait(); } } }, /** displays the dialog and processes rename/overwrite if there is a file with the same name in the same filearea*/ process_existing_file: function(data) { var scope = this; var handleOverwrite = function(e) { // overwrite e.preventDefault(); var data = this.process_dlg.dialogdata; var params = {} params['existingfilename'] = data.existingfile.filename; params['existingfilepath'] = data.existingfile.filepath; params['newfilename'] = data.newfile.filename; params['newfilepath'] = data.newfile.filepath; this.hide_header(); this.request({ 'params': params, 'scope': this, 'action':'overwrite', 'path': '', 'client_id': this.options.client_id, 'repository_id':, 'callback': function(id, o, args) { scope.hide(); // Add an arbitrary parameter to the URL to force browsers to re-load the new image even // if the file name has not changed. var urlimage = data.existingfile.url + "?time=" + (new Date()).getTime(); if (scope.options.editor_target && scope.options.env == 'editor') { // editor needs to update url scope.options.editor_target.value = urlimage; scope.options.editor_target.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'), {'bubbles': true}); } var fileinfo = {'client_id':scope.options.client_id, 'url': urlimage, 'file': data.existingfile.filename}; var formcallback_scope = scope.options.magicscope ? scope.options.magicscope : scope; scope.options.formcallback.apply(formcallback_scope, [fileinfo]); } }, true); } var handleRename = function(e) { // inserts file with the new name e.preventDefault(); var scope = this; var data = this.process_dlg.dialogdata; if (scope.options.editor_target && scope.options.env == 'editor') { scope.options.editor_target.value = data.newfile.url; scope.options.editor_target.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'), {'bubbles': true}); } scope.hide(); var formcallback_scope = scope.options.magicscope ? scope.options.magicscope : scope; var fileinfo = {'client_id':scope.options.client_id, 'url':data.newfile.url, 'file':data.newfile.filename}; scope.options.formcallback.apply(formcallback_scope, [fileinfo]); } var handleCancel = function(e) { // Delete tmp file e.preventDefault(); var params = {}; params['newfilename'] = this.process_dlg.dialogdata.newfile.filename; params['newfilepath'] = this.process_dlg.dialogdata.newfile.filepath; this.request({ 'params': params, 'scope': this, 'action':'deletetmpfile', 'path': '', 'client_id': this.options.client_id, 'repository_id':, 'callback': function(id, o, args) { // let it be in background, from user point of view nothing is happenning } }, false); this.process_dlg.hide(); this.selectui.hide(); } if (!this.process_dlg) { this.process_dlg_node = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.processexistingfile); var node = this.process_dlg_node; node.generateID(); this.process_dlg = new M.core.dialogue({ draggable : true, bodyContent : node, headerContent: M.util.get_string('fileexistsdialogheader', 'repository'), centered : true, modal : true, visible : false, zIndex : this.options.zIndex });'.fp-dlg-butoverwrite').on('click', handleOverwrite, this);'.fp-dlg-butrename').on('click', handleRename, this);'.fp-dlg-butcancel').on('click', handleCancel, this); if (this.options.env == 'editor') {'.fp-dlg-text').setContent(M.util.get_string('fileexistsdialog_editor', 'repository')); } else {'.fp-dlg-text').setContent(M.util.get_string('fileexistsdialog_filemanager', 'repository')); } } this.selectnode.removeClass('loading'); this.process_dlg.dialogdata = data;'.fp-dlg-butrename').setContent(M.util.get_string('renameto', 'repository', data.newfile.filename));; }, /** displays error instead of filepicker contents */ display_error: function(errortext, errorcode) {'.fp-content').setContent(M.core_filepicker.templates.error);'.fp-content .fp-error'). addClass(errorcode). setContent(Y.Escape.html(errortext)); }, /** displays message in a popup */ print_msg: function(msg, type) { var header = M.util.get_string('error', 'moodle'); if (type != 'error') { type = 'info'; // one of only two types excepted header = M.util.get_string('info', 'moodle'); } if (!this.msg_dlg) { this.msg_dlg_node = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.message); this.msg_dlg_node.generateID(); this.msg_dlg = new M.core.dialogue({ draggable : true, bodyContent : this.msg_dlg_node, centered : true, modal : true, visible : false, zIndex : this.options.zIndex });'.fp-msg-butok').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.msg_dlg.hide(); }, this); } this.msg_dlg.set('headerContent', header); this.msg_dlg_node.removeClass('fp-msg-info').removeClass('fp-msg-error').addClass('fp-msg-'+type)'.fp-msg-text').setContent(Y.Escape.html(msg));; }, view_files: function(appenditems) { this.viewbar_set_enabled(true); this.print_path(); /*if ((appenditems == null) && (!this.filelist || !this.filelist.length) && !this.active_repo.hasmorepages) { // TODO do it via classes and adjust for each view mode! // If there are no items and no next page, just display status message and quit this.display_error(M.util.get_string('nofilesavailable', 'repository'), 'nofilesavailable'); return; }*/ if (this.viewmode == 2) { this.view_as_list(appenditems); } else if (this.viewmode == 3) { this.view_as_table(appenditems); } else { this.view_as_icons(appenditems); }'.fp-content').setAttribute('tabindex', '0');'.fp-content').focus(); // display/hide the link for requesting next page if (!appenditems && this.active_repo.hasmorepages) { if (!'.fp-content .fp-nextpage')) {'.fp-content').append(M.core_filepicker.templates.nextpage); }'.fp-content .fp-nextpage').one('a,button').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault();'.fp-content .fp-nextpage').addClass('loading'); this.request_next_page(); }, this); } if (!this.active_repo.hasmorepages &&'.fp-content .fp-nextpage')) {'.fp-content .fp-nextpage').remove(); } if ('.fp-content .fp-nextpage')) {'.fp-content .fp-nextpage').removeClass('loading'); } this.content_scrolled(); }, content_scrolled: function(e) { setTimeout(Y.bind(function() { if (this.processingimages) { return; } this.processingimages = true; var scope = this, fpcontent ='.fp-content'), fpcontenty = fpcontent.getY(), fpcontentheight = fpcontent.getStylePx('height'), nextpage ='.fp-nextpage'), is_node_visible = function(node) { var offset = node.getY()-fpcontenty; if (offset <= fpcontentheight && (offset >=0 || offset+node.getStylePx('height')>=0)) { return true; } return false; }; // automatically load next page when 'more' link becomes visible if (nextpage && !nextpage.hasClass('loading') && is_node_visible(nextpage)) {'a,button').simulate('click'); } // replace src for visible images that need to be lazy-loaded if (scope.lazyloading) { fpcontent.all('img').each( function(node) { if (node.get('id') && scope.lazyloading[node.get('id')] && is_node_visible(node)) { node.setImgRealSrc(scope.lazyloading); } }); } this.processingimages = false; }, this), 200) }, treeview_dynload: function(node, cb) { var retrieved_children = {}; if (node.children) { for (var i in node.children) { retrieved_children[node.children[i].path] = node.children[i]; } } this.request({ action:'list', client_id: this.options.client_id, repository_id:, path:node.path?node.path:'','', scope:this, callback: function(id, obj, args) { var list = obj.list; var scope = args.scope; // check that user did not leave the view mode before recieving this response if (!( == obj.repo_id && scope.viewmode == 2 && node && node.getChildrenEl())) { return; } if (cb != null) { // (in manual mode do not update current path) scope.viewbar_set_enabled(true); scope.parse_repository_options(obj); } node.highlight(false); node.origlist = obj.list ? obj.list : null; node.origpath = obj.path ? obj.path : null; node.children = []; for(k in list) { if (list[k].children && retrieved_children[list[k].path]) { // if this child is a folder and has already been retrieved node.children[node.children.length] = retrieved_children[list[k].path]; } else { // append new file to the list scope.view_as_list([list[k]]); } } if (cb == null) { node.refresh(); } else { // invoke callback requested by TreeView component cb(); } scope.content_scrolled(); } }, false); }, classnamecallback : function(node) { var classname = ''; if (node.children) { classname = classname + ' fp-folder'; } if (node.isref) { classname = classname + ' fp-isreference'; } if (node.iscontrolledlink) { classname = classname + ' fp-iscontrolledlink'; } if (node.refcount) { classname = classname + ' fp-hasreferences'; } if (node.originalmissing) { classname = classname + ' fp-originalmissing'; } return Y.Lang.trim(classname); }, /** displays list of files in tree (list) view mode. If param appenditems is specified, * appends those items to the end of the list. Otherwise (default behaviour) * clears the contents and displays the items from this.filelist */ view_as_list: function(appenditems) { var list = (appenditems != null) ? appenditems : this.filelist; this.viewmode = 2; if (!this.filelist || this.filelist.length==0 && (!this.filepath || !this.filepath.length)) { this.display_error(M.util.get_string('nofilesavailable', 'repository'), 'nofilesavailable'); return; } var element_template = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.listfilename); var options = { viewmode : this.viewmode, appendonly : (appenditems != null), filenode : element_template, callbackcontext : this, callback : function(e, node) { // TODO MDL-32736 e is not an event here but an object with properties 'event' and 'node' if (!node.children) { if (e.node.parent && e.node.parent.origpath) { // set the current path this.filepath = e.node.parent.origpath; this.filelist = e.node.parent.origlist; this.print_path(); } this.select_file(node); } else { // save current path and filelist (in case we want to jump to other viewmode) this.filepath = e.node.origpath; this.filelist = e.node.origlist; this.currentpath = e.node.path; this.print_path(); this.content_scrolled(); } }, classnamecallback : this.classnamecallback, dynload : this.active_repo.dynload, filepath : this.filepath, treeview_dynload : this.treeview_dynload };'.fp-content').fp_display_filelist(options, list, this.lazyloading); }, /** displays list of files in icon view mode. If param appenditems is specified, * appends those items to the end of the list. Otherwise (default behaviour) * clears the contents and displays the items from this.filelist */ view_as_icons: function(appenditems) { this.viewmode = 1; var list = (appenditems != null) ? appenditems : this.filelist; var element_template = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.iconfilename); if ((appenditems == null) && (!this.filelist || !this.filelist.length)) { this.display_error(M.util.get_string('nofilesavailable', 'repository'), 'nofilesavailable'); return; } var options = { viewmode : this.viewmode, appendonly : (appenditems != null), filenode : element_template, callbackcontext : this, callback : function(e, node) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if(node.children) { if (this.active_repo.dynload) { this.list({'path':node.path}); } else { this.filelist = node.children; this.view_files(); } } else { this.select_file(node); } }, classnamecallback : this.classnamecallback };'.fp-content').fp_display_filelist(options, list, this.lazyloading); }, /** displays list of files in table view mode. If param appenditems is specified, * appends those items to the end of the list. Otherwise (default behaviour) * clears the contents and displays the items from this.filelist */ view_as_table: function(appenditems) { this.viewmode = 3; var list = (appenditems != null) ? appenditems : this.filelist; if (!appenditems && (!this.filelist || this.filelist.length==0) && !this.active_repo.hasmorepages) { this.display_error(M.util.get_string('nofilesavailable', 'repository'), 'nofilesavailable'); return; } var element_template = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.listfilename); var options = { viewmode : this.viewmode, appendonly : (appenditems != null), filenode : element_template, callbackcontext : this, sortable : !this.active_repo.hasmorepages, callback : function(e, node) { if (e.preventDefault) {e.preventDefault();} if (node.children) { if (this.active_repo.dynload) { this.list({'path':node.path}); } else { this.filelist = node.children; this.view_files(); } } else { this.select_file(node); } }, classnamecallback : this.classnamecallback };'.fp-content').fp_display_filelist(options, list, this.lazyloading); }, /** If more than one page available, requests and displays the files from the next page */ request_next_page: function() { if (!this.active_repo.hasmorepages || this.active_repo.nextpagerequested) { // nothing to load return; } this.active_repo.nextpagerequested = true; var nextpage =; var args = { page: nextpage, repo_id: }; var action = this.active_repo.issearchresult ? 'search' : 'list'; this.request({ path: this.currentpath, scope: this, action: action, client_id: this.options.client_id, repository_id: args.repo_id, params: args, callback: function(id, obj, args) { var scope = args.scope; // Check that we are still in the same repository and are expecting this page. We have no way // to compare the requested page and the one returned, so we assume that if the last chunk // of the breadcrumb is similar, then we probably are on the same page. var samepage = true; if (obj.path && scope.filepath) { var pathbefore = scope.filepath[scope.filepath.length-1]; var pathafter = obj.path[obj.path.length-1]; if (pathbefore.path != pathafter.path) { samepage = false; } } if (scope.active_repo.hasmorepages && obj.list && && obj.repo_id == && == && samepage) { scope.parse_repository_options(obj, true); scope.view_files(obj.list) } } }, false); }, select_file: function(args) { var argstitle = args.shorttitle ? args.shorttitle : args.title; // Limit the string length so it fits nicely on mobile devices var titlelength = 30; if (argstitle.length > titlelength) { argstitle = argstitle.substring(0, titlelength) + '...'; }'#fp-file_label_'+this.options.client_id).setContent(Y.Escape.html(M.util.get_string('select', 'repository')+' '+argstitle));;'#'+this.selectnode.get('id')).focus(); var client_id = this.options.client_id; var selectnode = this.selectnode; var return_types = this.options.repositories[].return_types; selectnode.removeClass('loading');'.fp-saveas input').set('value', args.title); var imgnode = Y.Node.create('<img/>'). set('src', args.realthumbnail ? args.realthumbnail : args.thumbnail). setStyle('maxHeight', ''+(args.thumbnail_height ? args.thumbnail_height : 90)+'px'). setStyle('maxWidth', ''+(args.thumbnail_width ? args.thumbnail_width : 90)+'px');'.fp-thumbnail').setContent('').appendChild(imgnode); // filelink is the array of file-link-types available for this repository in this env var filelinktypes = [2/*FILE_INTERNAL*/,1/*FILE_EXTERNAL*/,4/*FILE_REFERENCE*/,8/*FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK*/]; var filelink = {}, firstfilelink = null, filelinkcount = 0; for (var i in filelinktypes) { var allowed = (return_types & filelinktypes[i]) && (this.options.return_types & filelinktypes[i]); if (filelinktypes[i] == 1/*FILE_EXTERNAL*/ && !this.options.externallink && this.options.env == 'editor') { // special configuration setting 'repositoryallowexternallinks' may prevent // using external links in editor environment allowed = false; } filelink[filelinktypes[i]] = allowed; firstfilelink = (firstfilelink==null && allowed) ? filelinktypes[i] : firstfilelink; filelinkcount += allowed ? 1 : 0; } var defaultreturntype = this.options.repositories[].defaultreturntype; if (defaultreturntype) { if (filelink[defaultreturntype]) { firstfilelink = defaultreturntype; } } // make radio buttons enabled if this file-link-type is available and only if there are more than one file-link-type option // check the first available file-link-type option for (var linktype in filelink) { var el ='.fp-linktype-'+linktype); el.addClassIf('uneditable', !(filelink[linktype] && filelinkcount>1));'input').set('checked', (firstfilelink == linktype) ? 'checked' : '').simulate('change'); } // TODO MDL-32532: attributes 'hasauthor' and 'haslicense' need to be obsolete,'.fp-setauthor input').set('value', ? :; this.populateLicensesSelect('.fp-setlicense select'), args);'form #filesource-'+client_id).set('value', args.source);'form #filesourcekey-'+client_id).set('value', args.sourcekey); // display static information about a file (when known) var attrs = ['datemodified','datecreated','size','license','author','dimensions']; for (var i in attrs) { if ('.fp-'+attrs[i])) { var value = (args[attrs[i]+'_f']) ? args[attrs[i]+'_f'] : (args[attrs[i]] ? args[attrs[i]] : '');'.fp-'+attrs[i]).addClassIf('fp-unknown', ''+value == '') .one('.fp-value').setContent(Y.Escape.html(value)); } } }, setup_select_file: function() { var client_id = this.options.client_id; var selectnode = this.selectnode; var getfile ='.fp-select-confirm'); var filePickerHelper = this; // bind labels with corresponding inputs selectnode.all('.fp-saveas,.fp-linktype-2,.fp-linktype-1,.fp-linktype-4,fp-linktype-8,.fp-setauthor,.fp-setlicense').each(function (node) { node.all('label').set('for','input,select').generateID()); });'.fp-linktype-2 input').setAttrs({value: 2, name: 'linktype'});'.fp-linktype-1 input').setAttrs({value: 1, name: 'linktype'});'.fp-linktype-4 input').setAttrs({value: 4, name: 'linktype'});'.fp-linktype-8 input').setAttrs({value: 8, name: 'linktype'}); var changelinktype = function(e) { if (e.currentTarget.get('checked')) { var allowinputs = e.currentTarget.get('value') != 1/*FILE_EXTERNAL*/; selectnode.all('.fp-setauthor,.fp-setlicense,.fp-saveas').each(function(node){ node.addClassIf('uneditable', !allowinputs); node.all('input,select').set('disabled', allowinputs?'':'disabled'); }); // If the link to the file is selected, only then. // Remember: this is not to be done for all repos. // Only for those repos where the filereferencewarning is set. // The value 4 represents FILE_REFERENCE here. if (e.currentTarget.get('value') === '4') { var filereferencewarning = filePickerHelper.active_repo.filereferencewarning; if (filereferencewarning) { var fileReferenceNode = e.currentTarget.ancestor('.fp-linktype-4'); var fileReferenceWarningNode = Y.Node.create('<div/>'). addClass('alert alert-warning px-3 py-1 my-1 small'). setAttrs({role: 'alert'}). setContent(filereferencewarning); fileReferenceNode.append(fileReferenceWarningNode); } } else { var fileReferenceInput ='.fp-linktype-4 input'); var fileReferenceWarningNode = fileReferenceInput.ancestor('.fp-linktype-4').one('.alert-warning'); if (fileReferenceWarningNode) { fileReferenceWarningNode.remove(); } } } }; selectnode.all('.fp-linktype-2,.fp-linktype-1,.fp-linktype-4,.fp-linktype-8').each(function (node) {'input').on('change', changelinktype, this); }); // register event on clicking submit button getfile.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var client_id = this.options.client_id; var scope = this; var repository_id =; var title ='.fp-saveas input').get('value'); var filesource ='form #filesource-'+client_id).get('value'); var filesourcekey ='form #filesourcekey-'+client_id).get('value'); var params = {'title':title, 'source':filesource, 'savepath': this.options.savepath, sourcekey: filesourcekey}; var license ='.fp-setlicense select'); if (license) { params['license'] = license.get('value'); var origlicense ='.fp-license .fp-value'); if (origlicense) { origlicense = origlicense.getContent(); } if (this.options.rememberuserlicensepref) { this.set_preference('recentlicense', license.get('value')); } } params['author'] ='.fp-setauthor input').get('value'); var return_types = this.options.repositories[].return_types; if (this.options.env == 'editor') { // in editor, images are stored in '/' only params.savepath = '/'; } if ((this.options.externallink || this.options.env != 'editor') && (return_types & 1/*FILE_EXTERNAL*/) && (this.options.return_types & 1/*FILE_EXTERNAL*/) &&'.fp-linktype-1 input').get('checked')) { params['linkexternal'] = 'yes'; } else if ((return_types & 4/*FILE_REFERENCE*/) && (this.options.return_types & 4/*FILE_REFERENCE*/) &&'.fp-linktype-4 input').get('checked')) { params['usefilereference'] = '1'; } else if ((return_types & 8/*FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK*/) && (this.options.return_types & 8/*FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK*/) &&'.fp-linktype-8 input').get('checked')) { params['usecontrolledlink'] = '1'; } selectnode.addClass('loading'); this.request({ action:'download', client_id: client_id, repository_id: repository_id, 'params': params, onerror: function(id, obj, args) { selectnode.removeClass('loading'); scope.selectui.hide(); }, callback: function(id, obj, args) { selectnode.removeClass('loading'); if (obj.event == 'fileexists') { scope.process_existing_file(obj); return; } if (scope.options.editor_target && scope.options.env=='editor') { scope.options.editor_target.value=obj.url; scope.options.editor_target.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'), {'bubbles': true}); } scope.hide(); obj.client_id = client_id; var formcallback_scope = args.scope.options.magicscope ? args.scope.options.magicscope : args.scope; scope.options.formcallback.apply(formcallback_scope, [obj]); } }, false); }, this); var elform ='form'); elform.appendChild(Y.Node.create('<input/>'). setAttrs({type:'hidden',id:'filesource-'+client_id})); elform.appendChild(Y.Node.create('<input/>'). setAttrs({type:'hidden',id:'filesourcekey-'+client_id})); elform.on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { getfile.simulate('click'); e.preventDefault(); } }, this); var cancel ='.fp-select-cancel'); cancel.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.selectui.hide(); }, this); }, wait: function() { // First check there isn't already an interval in play, and if there is kill it now. if (this.waitinterval != null) { clearInterval(this.waitinterval); } // Prepare the root node we will set content for and the loading template we want to display as a YUI node. var root ='.fp-content'); var content = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.loading).addClass('fp-content-hidden').setStyle('opacity', 0); var count = 0; // Initiate an interval, we will have a count which will increment every 100 milliseconds. // Count 0 - the loading icon will have visibility set to hidden (invisible) and have an opacity of 0 (invisible also) // Count 5 - the visiblity will be switched to visible but opacity will still be at 0 (inivisible) // Counts 6 - 15 opacity will be increased by 0.1 making the loading icon visible over the period of a second // Count 16 - The interval will be cancelled. var interval = setInterval(function(){ if (!content || !root.contains(content) || count >= 15) { clearInterval(interval); return true; } if (count == 5) { content.removeClass('fp-content-hidden'); } else if (count > 5) { var opacity = parseFloat(content.getStyle('opacity')); content.setStyle('opacity', opacity + 0.1); } count++; return false; }, 100); // Store the wait interval so that we can check it in the future. this.waitinterval = interval; // Set the content to the loading template. root.setContent(content); }, viewbar_set_enabled: function(mode) { var viewbar ='.fp-viewbar') if (viewbar) { if (mode) { viewbar.addClass('enabled').removeClass('disabled'); this.fpnode.all('.fp-vb-icons,.fp-vb-tree,.fp-vb-details').setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false"); this.fpnode.all('.fp-vb-icons,.fp-vb-tree,.fp-vb-details').setAttribute("tabindex", ""); } else { viewbar.removeClass('enabled').addClass('disabled'); this.fpnode.all('.fp-vb-icons,.fp-vb-tree,.fp-vb-details').setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); this.fpnode.all('.fp-vb-icons,.fp-vb-tree,.fp-vb-details').setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); } } this.fpnode.all('.fp-vb-icons,.fp-vb-tree,.fp-vb-details').removeClass('checked'); var modes = {1:'icons', 2:'tree', 3:'details'}; this.fpnode.all('.fp-vb-'+modes[this.viewmode]).addClass('checked'); }, viewbar_clicked: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var viewbar ='.fp-viewbar') if (!viewbar || !viewbar.hasClass('disabled')) { if (e.currentTarget.hasClass('fp-vb-tree')) { this.viewmode = 2; } else if (e.currentTarget.hasClass('fp-vb-details')) { this.viewmode = 3; } else { this.viewmode = 1; } this.viewbar_set_enabled(true) this.view_files(); this.set_preference('recentviewmode', this.viewmode); } }, render: function() { var client_id = this.options.client_id; var fpid = "filepicker-"+ client_id; var labelid = 'fp-dialog-label_'+ client_id; var width = 873; var draggable = true; this.fpnode = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.generallayout). set('id', 'filepicker-'+client_id).set('aria-labelledby', labelid); if (this.in_iframe()) { width = Math.floor(window.innerWidth * 0.95); draggable = false; } this.mainui = new M.core.dialogue({ extraClasses : ['filepicker'], draggable : draggable, bodyContent : this.fpnode, headerContent: '<h3 id="'+ labelid +'">'+ M.util.get_string('filepicker', 'repository') +'</h3>', centered : true, modal : true, visible : false, width : width+'px', responsiveWidth : 768, height : '558px', zIndex : this.options.zIndex, focusOnPreviousTargetAfterHide: true, focusAfterHide: this.options.previousActiveElement }); // create panel for selecting a file (initially hidden) this.selectnode = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.selectlayout). set('id', 'filepicker-select-'+client_id). set('aria-live', 'assertive'). set('role', 'dialog'); var fplabel = 'fp-file_label_'+ client_id; this.selectui = new M.core.dialogue({ headerContent: '<h3 id="' + fplabel +'">'+M.util.get_string('select', 'repository')+'</h3>', draggable : true, width : '450px', bodyContent : this.selectnode, centered : true, modal : true, visible : false, zIndex : this.options.zIndex });'#'+this.selectnode.get('id')).setAttribute('aria-labelledby', fplabel); // event handler for lazy loading of thumbnails and next page'.fp-content').on(['scroll','resize'], this.content_scrolled, this); // save template for one path element and location of path bar if ('.fp-path-folder')) { this.pathnode ='.fp-path-folder'); this.pathbar = this.pathnode.get('parentNode'); this.pathbar.removeChild(this.pathnode); } // assign callbacks for view mode switch buttons'.fp-vb-icons').on('click', this.viewbar_clicked, this);'.fp-vb-tree').on('click', this.viewbar_clicked, this);'.fp-vb-details').on('click', this.viewbar_clicked, this); // assign callbacks for toolbar links this.setup_toolbar(); this.setup_select_file(); this.hide_header(); // processing repository listing // Resort the repositories by sortorder var sorted_repositories = []; var i; for (i in this.options.repositories) { sorted_repositories[i] = this.options.repositories[i]; } sorted_repositories.sort(function(a,b){return a.sortorder-b.sortorder}); // extract one repository template and repeat it for all repositories available, // set name and icon and assign callbacks var reponode ='.fp-repo'); if (reponode) { var list = reponode.get('parentNode'); list.removeChild(reponode); for (i in sorted_repositories) { var repository = sorted_repositories[i]; var h = (parseInt(i) == 0) ? parseInt(i) : parseInt(i) - 1, j = (parseInt(i) == Object.keys(sorted_repositories).length - 1) ? parseInt(i) : parseInt(i) + 1; var previousrepository = sorted_repositories[h]; var nextrepository = sorted_repositories[j]; var node = reponode.cloneNode(true); list.appendChild(node); node. set('id', 'fp-repo-'+client_id+'-' on('click', function(e, repository_id) { e.preventDefault(); this.set_preference('recentrepository', repository_id); this.hide_header(); this.list({'repo_id':repository_id}); }, this /*handler running scope*/,*second argument of handler*/); node.on('key', function(e, previousrepositoryid, nextrepositoryid, clientid, repositoryid) { this.changeHighlightedRepository(e, clientid, repositoryid, previousrepositoryid, nextrepositoryid); }, 'down:38,40', this,,, client_id,; node.on('key', function(e, repositoryid) { e.preventDefault(); this.set_preference('recentrepository', repositoryid); this.hide_header(); this.list({'repo_id': repositoryid}); }, 'enter', this,;'.fp-repo-name').setContent(Y.Escape.html(;'.fp-repo-icon').set('src', repository.icon); if (i==0) { node.addClass('first'); } if (i==sorted_repositories.length-1) { node.addClass('last'); } if (i%2) { node.addClass('even'); } else { node.addClass('odd'); } } } // display error if no repositories found if (sorted_repositories.length==0) { this.display_error(M.util.get_string('norepositoriesavailable', 'repository'), 'norepositoriesavailable') } // display repository that was used last time; this.show_recent_repository(); }, /** * Change the highlighted repository to a new one. * * @param {object} event The key event * @param {integer} clientid The client id to identify the repo class. * @param {integer} oldrepositoryid The repository id that we are removing the highlight for * @param {integer} previousrepositoryid The previous repository id. * @param {integer} nextrepositoryid The next repository id. */ changeHighlightedRepository: function(event, clientid, oldrepositoryid, previousrepositoryid, nextrepositoryid) { event.preventDefault(); var newrepositoryid = (event.keyCode == '40') ? nextrepositoryid : previousrepositoryid;'#fp-repo-' + clientid + '-' + oldrepositoryid).setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');'#fp-repo-' + clientid + '-' + newrepositoryid) .setAttribute('tabindex', '0') .focus(); }, parse_repository_options: function(data, appendtolist) { if (appendtolist) { if (data.list) { if (!this.filelist) { this.filelist = []; } for (var i in data.list) { this.filelist[this.filelist.length] = data.list[i]; } } } else { this.filelist = data.list?data.list:null; this.lazyloading = {}; } this.filepath = data.path?data.path:null; this.objecttag = data.object?data.object:null; this.active_repo = {}; this.active_repo.issearchresult = data.issearchresult ? true : false; this.active_repo.defaultreturntype = data.defaultreturntype?data.defaultreturntype:null; this.active_repo.dynload = data.dynload?data.dynload:false; this.active_repo.pages = Number(data.pages?data.pages:null); = Number(; this.active_repo.hasmorepages = (this.active_repo.pages && && ( < this.active_repo.pages || this.active_repo.pages == -1)) = data.repo_id?data.repo_id:null; this.active_repo.nosearch = (data.login || data.nosearch); // this is either login form or 'nosearch' attribute set this.active_repo.norefresh = (data.login || data.norefresh); // this is either login form or 'norefresh' attribute set this.active_repo.nologin = (data.login || data.nologin); // this is either login form or 'nologin' attribute is set this.active_repo.logouttext = data.logouttext?data.logouttext:null; this.active_repo.logouturl = (data.logouturl || ''); this.active_repo.message = (data.message || ''); =; this.active_repo.manage = data.manage?data.manage:null; // Warning message related to the file reference option, if applicable to the given repository. this.active_repo.filereferencewarning = data.filereferencewarning ? data.filereferencewarning : null; this.print_header(); }, print_login: function(data) { this.parse_repository_options(data); var client_id = this.options.client_id; var repository_id = data.repo_id; var l = this.logindata = data.login; var loginurl = ''; var action = data['login_btn_action'] ? data['login_btn_action'] : 'login'; var form_id = 'fp-form-'+client_id; var loginform_node = Y.Node.create(M.core_filepicker.templates.loginform);'form').set('id', form_id);'.fp-content').setContent('').appendChild(loginform_node); var templates = { 'popup' :'.fp-login-popup'), 'textarea' :'.fp-login-textarea'), 'select' :'.fp-login-select'), 'text' :'.fp-login-text'), 'radio' :'.fp-login-radiogroup'), 'checkbox' :'.fp-login-checkbox'), 'input' :'.fp-login-input') }; var container; for (var i in templates) { if (templates[i]) { container = templates[i].get('parentNode'); container.removeChild(templates[i]); } } for(var k in l) { if (templates[l[k].type]) { var node = templates[l[k].type].cloneNode(true); } else { node = templates['input'].cloneNode(true); } if (l[k].type == 'popup') { // submit button loginurl = l[k].url; var popupbutton ='button'); popupbutton.on('click', function(e){ M.core_filepicker.active_filepicker = this;, 'repo_auth', 'location=0,status=0,width=500,height=300,scrollbars=yes'); e.preventDefault(); }, this);'form').on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { popupbutton.simulate('click'); e.preventDefault(); } }, this); loginform_node.all('.fp-login-submit').remove(); action = 'popup'; } else if(l[k].type=='textarea') { // textarea element if ('label')) {'label').set('for', l[k].id).setContent(l[k].label); }'textarea').setAttrs({id:l[k].id, name:l[k].name}); } else if(l[k].type=='select') { // select element if ('label')) {'label').set('for', l[k].id).setContent(l[k].label); }'select').setAttrs({id:l[k].id, name:l[k].name}).setContent(''); for (i in l[k].options) {'select').appendChild( Y.Node.create('<option/>'). set('value', l[k].options[i].value). setContent(l[k].options[i].label)); } } else if(l[k].type=='radio') { // radio input element node.all('label').setContent(l[k].label); var list = l[k].value.split('|'); var labels = l[k].value_label.split('|'); var radionode = null; for(var item in list) { if (radionode == null) { radionode ='.fp-login-radio');'input').set('checked', 'checked'); } else { var x = radionode.cloneNode(true); radionode.insert(x, 'after'); radionode = x;'input').set('checked', ''); }'input').setAttrs({id:''+l[k].id+item, name:l[k].name, type:l[k].type, value:list[item]}); radionode.all('label').setContent(labels[item]).set('for', ''+l[k].id+item) } if (radionode == null) {'.fp-login-radio').remove(); } } else { // input element if ('label')) {'label').set('for', l[k].id).setContent(l[k].label) }'input'). set('type', l[k].type). set('id', l[k].id). set('name', l[k].name). set('value', l[k].value?l[k].value:'') } container.appendChild(node); } // custom label text for submit button if (data['login_btn_label']) { loginform_node.all('.fp-login-submit').setContent(data['login_btn_label']) } // register button action for login and search if (action == 'login' || action == 'search') {'.fp-login-submit').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); this.hide_header(); this.request({ 'scope': this, 'action':(action == 'search') ? 'search' : 'signin', 'path': '', 'client_id': client_id, 'repository_id': repository_id, 'form': {id:form_id, upload:false, useDisabled:true}, 'callback': this.display_response }, true); }, this); } // if 'Enter' is pressed in the form, simulate the button click if ('.fp-login-submit')) {'form').on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) {'.fp-login-submit').simulate('click') e.preventDefault(); } }, this); } }, display_response: function(id, obj, args) { var scope = args.scope; // highlight the current repository in repositories list scope.fpnode.all('') .removeClass('active') .setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false') .setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); scope.fpnode.all('.nav-link') .removeClass('active') .setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false') .setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); var activenode ='#fp-repo-' + scope.options.client_id + '-' + obj.repo_id); activenode.addClass('active') .setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true') .setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); activenode.all('.nav-link').addClass('active'); // add class repository_REPTYPE to the filepicker (for repository-specific styles) for (var i in scope.options.repositories) { scope.fpnode.removeClass('repository_'+scope.options.repositories[i].type) } if (obj.repo_id && scope.options.repositories[obj.repo_id]) { scope.fpnode.addClass('repository_'+scope.options.repositories[obj.repo_id].type) }'.file-picker .fp-repo-items').focus(); // display response if (obj.login) { scope.viewbar_set_enabled(false); scope.print_login(obj); } else if (obj.upload) { scope.viewbar_set_enabled(false); scope.parse_repository_options(obj); scope.create_upload_form(obj); } else if (obj.object) { M.core_filepicker.active_filepicker = scope; scope.viewbar_set_enabled(false); scope.parse_repository_options(obj); scope.create_object_container(obj.object); } else if (obj.list) { scope.viewbar_set_enabled(true); scope.parse_repository_options(obj); scope.view_files(); } }, list: function(args) { if (!args) { args = {}; } if (!args.repo_id) { args.repo_id =; } if (!args.path) { args.path = ''; } this.currentpath = args.path; this.request({ action: 'list', client_id: this.options.client_id, repository_id: args.repo_id, path: args.path, page:, scope: this, callback: this.display_response }, true); }, populateLicensesSelect: function(licensenode, filenode) { if (!licensenode) { return; } licensenode.setContent(''); var selectedlicense = this.options.defaultlicense; if (filenode) { // File has a license already, use it. selectedlicense = filenode.license; } else if (this.options.rememberuserlicensepref && this.get_preference('recentlicense')) { // When 'Remember user licence preference' is enabled use the last license selected by the user, if any. selectedlicense = this.get_preference('recentlicense'); } var licenses = this.options.licenses; for (var i in licenses) { // Include the file's current license, even if not enabled, to prevent displaying // misleading information about which license the file currently has assigned to it. if (licenses[i].enabled == true || (filenode !== undefined && licenses[i].shortname === filenode.license)) { var option = Y.Node.create('<option/>'). set('selected', (licenses[i].shortname == selectedlicense)). set('value', licenses[i].shortname). setContent(Y.Escape.html(licenses[i].fullname)); licensenode.appendChild(option); } } }, create_object_container: function(data) { var content ='.fp-content'); content.setContent(''); //var str = '<object data="'+data.src+'" type="'+data.type+'" width="98%" height="98%" id="container_object" class="fp-object-container mdl-align"></object>'; var container = Y.Node.create('<object/>'). setAttrs({data:data.src, type:data.type, id:'container_object'}). addClass('fp-object-container'); content.setContent('').appendChild(container); }, create_upload_form: function(data) { var client_id = this.options.client_id; var id ='_'+client_id; var content ='.fp-content'); var template_name = 'uploadform_'+this.options.repositories[data.repo_id].type; var template = M.core_filepicker.templates[template_name] || M.core_filepicker.templates['uploadform']; content.setContent(template); content.all('.fp-file,.fp-saveas,.fp-setauthor,.fp-setlicense').each(function (node) { node.all('label').set('for','input,select').generateID()); });'form').set('id', id);'.fp-file input').set('name', 'repo_upload_file'); if (data.upload.label &&'.fp-file label')) {'.fp-file label').setContent(data.upload.label); }'.fp-saveas input').set('name', 'title');'.fp-setauthor input').setAttrs({name:'author',});'.fp-setlicense select').set('name', 'license'); this.populateLicensesSelect('.fp-setlicense select')); // append hidden inputs to the upload form'form').appendChild(Y.Node.create('<input/>'). setAttrs({type:'hidden',name:'itemid',value:this.options.itemid})); var types = this.options.accepted_types; for (var i in types) {'form').appendChild(Y.Node.create('<input/>'). setAttrs({type:'hidden',name:'accepted_types[]',value:types[i]})); } var scope = this;'.fp-upload-btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var license ='.fp-setlicense select'); if (this.options.rememberuserlicensepref) { this.set_preference('recentlicense', license.get('value')); } if (!'.fp-file input').get('value')) { scope.print_msg(M.util.get_string('nofilesattached', 'repository'), 'error'); return false; } this.hide_header(); scope.request({ scope: scope, action:'upload', client_id: client_id, params: {'savepath':scope.options.savepath}, repository_id:, form: {id: id, upload:true}, onerror: function(id, o, args) { scope.create_upload_form(data); }, callback: function(id, o, args) { if (o.event == 'fileexists') { scope.create_upload_form(data); scope.process_existing_file(o); return; } if (scope.options.editor_target&&scope.options.env=='editor') { scope.options.editor_target.value=o.url; scope.options.editor_target.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'), {'bubbles': true}); } scope.hide(); o.client_id = client_id; var formcallback_scope = args.scope.options.magicscope ? args.scope.options.magicscope : args.scope; scope.options.formcallback.apply(formcallback_scope, [o]); } }, true); }, this); }, /** setting handlers and labels for elements in toolbar. Called once during the initial render of filepicker */ setup_toolbar: function() { var client_id = this.options.client_id; var toolbar ='.fp-toolbar');'.fp-tb-logout').one('a,button').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.active_repo.nologin) { this.hide_header(); this.request({ action:'logout', client_id: this.options.client_id, repository_id:, path:'', callback: this.display_response }, true); } if (this.active_repo.logouturl) {, 'repo_auth', 'location=0,status=0,width=500,height=300,scrollbars=yes'); } }, this);'.fp-tb-refresh').one('a,button').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.active_repo.norefresh) { this.list({ path: this.currentpath }); } }, this);'.fp-tb-search form'). set('method', 'POST'). set('id', 'fp-tb-search-'+client_id). on('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.active_repo.nosearch) { this.request({ scope: this, action:'search', client_id: this.options.client_id, repository_id:, form: {id: 'fp-tb-search-'+client_id, upload:false, useDisabled:true}, callback: this.display_response }, true); } }, this); // it does not matter what kind of element is .fp-tb-manage, we create a dummy <a> // element and use it to open url on click event var managelnk = Y.Node.create('<a/>'). setAttrs({id:'fp-tb-manage-'+client_id+'-link', target:'_blank'}). setStyle('display', 'none'); toolbar.append(managelnk);'.fp-tb-manage').one('a,button'). on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); managelnk.simulate('click') }); // same with .fp-tb-help var helplnk = Y.Node.create('<a/>'). setAttrs({id:'fp-tb-help-'+client_id+'-link', target:'_blank'}). setStyle('display', 'none'); toolbar.append(helplnk);'.fp-tb-help').one('a,button'). on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); helplnk.simulate('click') }); }, hide_header: function() { if ('.fp-toolbar')) {'.fp-toolbar').addClass('empty'); } if (this.pathbar) { this.pathbar.setContent('').addClass('empty'); } }, print_header: function() { var r = this.active_repo; var scope = this; var client_id = this.options.client_id; this.hide_header(); this.print_path(); var toolbar ='.fp-toolbar'); if (!toolbar) { return; } var enable_tb_control = function(node, enabled) { if (!node) { return; } node.addClassIf('disabled', !enabled).addClassIf('enabled', enabled) if (enabled) { toolbar.removeClass('empty'); } } // TODO 'back' permanently disabled for now. Note, flickr_public uses 'Logout' for it! enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-back'), false); // search form enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-search'), !r.nosearch); if(!r.nosearch) { var searchform ='.fp-tb-search form'); searchform.setContent(''); this.request({ scope: this, action:'searchform', repository_id:, callback: function(id, obj, args) { if (obj.repo_id == && obj.form) { // if we did not jump to another repository meanwhile searchform.setContent(obj.form); // Highlight search text when user click for search. var searchnode ='input[name="s"]'); if (searchnode) { searchnode.once('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault();; }); } } } }, false); } // refresh button // weather we use cache for this instance, this button will reload listing anyway enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-refresh'), !r.norefresh); // login button enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-logout'), !r.nologin); // manage url enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-manage'), r.manage);'#fp-tb-manage-'+client_id+'-link').set('href', r.manage); // help url enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-help'),;'#fp-tb-help-'+client_id+'-link').set('href',; // message enable_tb_control('.fp-tb-message'), r.message);'.fp-tb-message').setContent(r.message); }, print_path: function() { if (!this.pathbar) { return; } this.pathbar.setContent('').addClass('empty'); var p = this.filepath; if (p && p.length!=0 && this.viewmode != 2) { for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { var el = this.pathnode.cloneNode(true); this.pathbar.appendChild(el); if (i == 0) { el.addClass('first'); } if (i == p.length-1) { el.addClass('last'); } if (i%2) { el.addClass('even'); } else { el.addClass('odd'); } el.all('.fp-path-folder-name').setContent(Y.Escape.html(p[i].name)); el.on('click', function(e, path) { e.preventDefault(); this.list({'path':path}); }, this, p[i].path); } this.pathbar.removeClass('empty'); } }, hide: function() { this.selectui.hide(); if (this.process_dlg) { this.process_dlg.hide(); } if (this.msg_dlg) { this.msg_dlg.hide(); } this.mainui.hide(); }, show: function() { if (this.fpnode) { this.hide();; this.show_recent_repository(); } else { this.launch(); } }, launch: function() { this.render(); }, show_recent_repository: function() { this.hide_header(); this.viewbar_set_enabled(false); var repository_id = this.get_preference('recentrepository'); this.viewmode = this.get_preference('recentviewmode'); if (this.viewmode != 2 && this.viewmode != 3) { this.viewmode = 1; } if (this.options.repositories[repository_id]) { this.list({'repo_id':repository_id}); } }, get_preference: function (name) { if (this.options.userprefs[name]) { return this.options.userprefs[name]; } else { return false; } }, set_preference: function(name, value) { if (this.options.userprefs[name] != value) { M.util.set_user_preference('filepicker_' + name, value); this.options.userprefs[name] = value; } }, in_iframe: function () { // If we're not the top window then we're in an iFrame return window.self !==; } }); var loading ='#filepicker-loading-'+options.client_id); if (loading) { loading.setStyle('display', 'none'); } M.core_filepicker.instances[options.client_id] = new FilePickerHelper(options); };