Current Path : /home/ncdcgo/ |
Current File : /home/ncdcgo/ |
<?php // This file is part of the Zoom plugin for Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * Prints a particular instance of zoom * * You can have a rather longer description of the file as well, * if you like, and it can span multiple lines. * * @package mod_zoom * @copyright 2015 UC Regents * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ // Login check require_login() is called in zoom_get_instance_setup();. // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/config.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/lib.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/locallib.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../lib/moodlelib.php'); $config = get_config('zoom'); list($course, $cm, $zoom) = zoom_get_instance_setup(); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $iszoommanager = has_capability('mod/zoom:addinstance', $context); $event = \mod_zoom\event\course_module_viewed::create(array( 'objectid' => $PAGE->cm->instance, 'context' => $PAGE->context, )); $event->add_record_snapshot('course', $PAGE->course); $event->add_record_snapshot($PAGE->cm->modname, $zoom); $event->trigger(); // Print the page header. $PAGE->set_url('/mod/zoom/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $PAGE->set_title(format_string($zoom->name)); $PAGE->set_heading(format_string($course->fullname)); $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd("mod_zoom/toggle_text", 'init'); // Get Zoom user ID of current Moodle user. $zoomuserid = zoom_get_user_id(false); // Check if this user is the (real) host. $userisrealhost = ($zoomuserid === $zoom->host_id); // Get the alternative hosts of the meeting. $alternativehosts = zoom_get_alternative_host_array_from_string($zoom->alternative_hosts); // Check if this user is the host or an alternative host. $userishost = ($userisrealhost || in_array(zoom_get_api_identifier($USER), $alternativehosts, true)); // Get host user from Zoom. $hostuser = false; $showrecreate = false; if ($zoom->exists_on_zoom == ZOOM_MEETING_EXPIRED) { $showrecreate = true; } else { try { zoom_webservice()->get_meeting_webinar_info($zoom->meeting_id, $zoom->webinar); $hostuser = zoom_get_user($zoom->host_id); } catch (moodle_exception $error) { $showrecreate = zoom_is_meeting_gone_error($error); if ($showrecreate) { // Mark meeting as expired. $updatedata = new stdClass(); $updatedata->id = $zoom->id; $updatedata->exists_on_zoom = ZOOM_MEETING_EXPIRED; $DB->update_record('zoom', $updatedata); $zoom->exists_on_zoom = ZOOM_MEETING_EXPIRED; } } } // Compose Moodle user object for host. if ($hostuser) { $hostmoodleuser = new stdClass(); $hostmoodleuser->firstname = $hostuser->first_name; $hostmoodleuser->lastname = $hostuser->last_name; $hostmoodleuser->alternatename = ''; $hostmoodleuser->firstnamephonetic = ''; $hostmoodleuser->lastnamephonetic = ''; $hostmoodleuser->middlename = ''; } $isrecurringnotime = ($zoom->recurring && $zoom->recurrence_type == ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME); $stryes = get_string('yes'); $strno = get_string('no'); $strstart = get_string('start_meeting', 'mod_zoom'); $strjoin = get_string('join_meeting', 'mod_zoom'); $strtime = get_string('meeting_time', 'mod_zoom'); $strduration = get_string('duration', 'mod_zoom'); $strpassprotect = get_string('passwordprotected', 'mod_zoom'); $strpassword = get_string('password', 'mod_zoom'); $strjoinlink = get_string('joinlink', 'mod_zoom'); $strencryption = get_string('option_encryption_type', 'mod_zoom'); $strencryptionenhanced = get_string('option_encryption_type_enhancedencryption', 'mod_zoom'); $strencryptionendtoend = get_string('option_encryption_type_endtoendencryption', 'mod_zoom'); $strjoinbeforehost = get_string('joinbeforehost', 'mod_zoom'); $strstartvideohost = get_string('starthostjoins', 'mod_zoom'); $strstartvideopart = get_string('startpartjoins', 'mod_zoom'); $straudioopt = get_string('option_audio', 'mod_zoom'); $strstatus = get_string('status', 'mod_zoom'); $strall = get_string('allmeetings', 'mod_zoom'); $strwwaitingroom = get_string('waitingroom', 'mod_zoom'); $strmuteuponentry = get_string('option_mute_upon_entry', 'mod_zoom'); $strauthenticatedusers = get_string('option_authenticated_users', 'mod_zoom'); $strhost = get_string('host', 'mod_zoom'); $strmeetinginvite = get_string('meeting_invite', 'mod_zoom'); $strmeetinginviteshow = get_string('meeting_invite_show', 'mod_zoom'); // Output starts here. echo $OUTPUT->header(); if ($CFG->branch < '400') { echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string($zoom->name), 2); } // Show notification if the meeting does not exist on Zoom. if ($showrecreate) { // Only show recreate/delete links in the message for users that can edit. if ($iszoommanager) { $message = get_string('zoomerr_meetingnotfound', 'mod_zoom', zoom_meetingnotfound_param($cm->id)); $style = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_ERROR; } else { $message = get_string('zoomerr_meetingnotfound_info', 'mod_zoom'); $style = \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_WARNING; } echo $OUTPUT->notification($message, $style); } // Show intro. if ($zoom->intro) { echo $OUTPUT->box(format_module_intro('zoom', $zoom, $cm->id), 'generalbox mod_introbox', 'intro'); } // Supplementary feature: Meeting capacity warning. // Only show if the admin did not disable this feature completely. if (!$showrecreate && $config->showcapacitywarning == true) { // Only show if the user viewing this is the host. if ($userishost) { // Get meeting capacity. $meetingcapacity = zoom_get_meeting_capacity($zoom->host_id, $zoom->webinar); // Get number of course participants who are eligible to join the meeting. $eligiblemeetingparticipants = zoom_get_eligible_meeting_participants($context); // If the number of eligible course participants exceeds the meeting capacity, output a warning. if ($eligiblemeetingparticipants > $meetingcapacity) { // Compose warning string. $participantspageurl = new moodle_url('/user/index.php', array('id' => $course->id)); $meetingcapacityplaceholders = array('meetingcapacity' => $meetingcapacity, 'eligiblemeetingparticipants' => $eligiblemeetingparticipants, 'zoomprofileurl' => $config->zoomurl.'/profile', 'courseparticipantsurl' => $participantspageurl->out(), 'hostname' => fullname($hostmoodleuser)); $meetingcapacitywarning = get_string('meetingcapacitywarningheading', 'mod_zoom'); $meetingcapacitywarning .= html_writer::empty_tag('br'); if ($userisrealhost == true) { $meetingcapacitywarning .= get_string('meetingcapacitywarningbodyrealhost', 'mod_zoom', $meetingcapacityplaceholders); } else { $meetingcapacitywarning .= get_string('meetingcapacitywarningbodyalthost', 'mod_zoom', $meetingcapacityplaceholders); } $meetingcapacitywarning .= html_writer::empty_tag('br'); if ($userisrealhost == true) { $meetingcapacitywarning .= get_string('meetingcapacitywarningcontactrealhost', 'mod_zoom'); } else { $meetingcapacitywarning .= get_string('meetingcapacitywarningcontactalthost', 'mod_zoom'); } // Ideally, this would use $OUTPUT->notification(), but this renderer adds a close icon to the notification which // does not make sense here. So we build the notification manually. echo html_writer::tag('div', $meetingcapacitywarning, array('class' => 'alert alert-warning')); } } } // Get meeting state from Zoom. list($inprogress, $available, $finished) = zoom_get_state($zoom); // Show join meeting button or unavailability note. if (!$showrecreate) { if ($available) { // Show join meeting button. if ($userishost) { $buttonhtml = html_writer::tag('button', $strstart, array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success')); } else { $buttonhtml = html_writer::tag('button', $strjoin, array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary')); } $aurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/loadmeeting.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $buttonhtml .= html_writer::input_hidden_params($aurl); $link = html_writer::tag('form', $buttonhtml, array('action' => $aurl->out_omit_querystring(), 'target' => '_blank')); } else { // Get unavailability note. $unavailabilitynote = zoom_get_unavailability_note($zoom, $finished); // Show unavailability note. // Ideally, this would use $OUTPUT->notification(), but this renderer adds a close icon to the notification which does not // make sense here. So we build the notification manually. $link = html_writer::tag('div', $unavailabilitynote, array('class' => 'alert alert-primary')); } echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox text-center'); echo $link; echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } if ($zoom->show_schedule) { // Output "Schedule" heading. echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('schedule', 'mod_zoom'), 3); // Start "Schedule" table. $table = new html_table(); $table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable mod_view'; $table->align = array('center', 'left'); $table->size = array('35%', '65%'); $numcolumns = 2; // Show start/end date or recurring meeting information. if ($isrecurringnotime) { $table->data[] = array(get_string('recurringmeeting', 'mod_zoom'), get_string('recurringmeetingexplanation', 'mod_zoom')); } else if ($zoom->recurring && $zoom->recurrence_type != ZOOM_RECURRINGTYPE_NOTIME) { $table->data[] = array(get_string('recurringmeeting', 'mod_zoom'), get_string('recurringmeetingthisis', 'mod_zoom')); $nextoccurrence = zoom_get_next_occurrence($zoom); if ($nextoccurrence > 0) { $table->data[] = array(get_string('nextoccurrence', 'mod_zoom'), userdate($nextoccurrence)); } else { $table->data[] = array(get_string('nextoccurrence', 'mod_zoom'), get_string('nooccurrenceleft', 'mod_zoom')); } $table->data[] = array($strduration, format_time($zoom->duration)); } else { $table->data[] = array($strtime, userdate($zoom->start_time)); $table->data[] = array($strduration, format_time($zoom->duration)); } // Show recordings section if option enabled to view recordings. if (!empty($config->viewrecordings)) { $recordinghtml = null; $recordingaddurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/recordings.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $recordingaddbutton = html_writer::div(get_string('recordingview', 'mod_zoom'), 'btn btn-primary'); $recordingaddbuttonhtml = html_writer::link($recordingaddurl, $recordingaddbutton, array('target' => '_blank')); $recordingaddhtml = html_writer::div($recordingaddbuttonhtml); $recordinghtml .= $recordingaddhtml; $table->data[] = array(get_string('recordings', 'mod_zoom'), $recordinghtml); } // Display add-to-calendar button if meeting was found and isn't recurring and if the admin did not disable the feature. if ($config->showdownloadical != ZOOM_DOWNLOADICAL_DISABLE && !$showrecreate && !$isrecurringnotime) { $icallink = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/exportical.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $calendaricon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/calendar', get_string('calendariconalt', 'mod_zoom')); $calendarbutton = html_writer::div($calendaricon . ' ' . get_string('downloadical', 'mod_zoom'), 'btn btn-primary'); $buttonhtml = html_writer::link((string) $icallink, $calendarbutton, array('target' => '_blank')); $table->data[] = array(get_string('addtocalendar', 'mod_zoom'), $buttonhtml); } // Show meeting status. if ($zoom->exists_on_zoom == ZOOM_MEETING_EXPIRED) { $status = get_string('meeting_nonexistent_on_zoom', 'mod_zoom'); } else if (!$isrecurringnotime) { if ($finished) { $status = get_string('meeting_finished', 'mod_zoom'); } else if ($inprogress) { $status = get_string('meeting_started', 'mod_zoom'); } else { $status = get_string('meeting_not_started', 'mod_zoom'); } $table->data[] = array($strstatus, $status); } // Show host. if ($hostuser) { $table->data[] = array($strhost, fullname($hostmoodleuser)); } // Display alternate hosts if they exist and if the admin did not disable the feature. if ($iszoommanager) { if ($config->showalternativehosts != ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_DISABLE && !empty($zoom->alternative_hosts)) { // If the admin did show the alternative hosts user picker, we try to show the real names of the users here. if ($config->showalternativehosts == ZOOM_ALTERNATIVEHOSTS_PICKER) { // Unfortunately, the host is not only able to add alternative hosts in Moodle with the user picker. // He is also able to add any alternative host with an email address in Zoom directly. // Thus, we get a) the array of existing Moodle user objects and b) the array of non-Moodle user mail addresses // based on the given set of alternative host email addresses. $alternativehostusers = zoom_get_users_from_alternativehosts($alternativehosts); $alternativehostnonusers = zoom_get_nonusers_from_alternativehosts($alternativehosts); // Create a comma-separated string of the existing Moodle users' fullnames. $alternativehostusersstring = implode(', ', array_map('fullname', $alternativehostusers)); // Create a comma-separated string of the non-Moodle users' mail addresses. foreach ($alternativehostnonusers as &$ah) { $ah .= ' ('.get_string('externaluser', 'mod_zoom').')'; } $alternativehostnonusersstring = implode(', ', $alternativehostnonusers); // Concatenate both strings. // If we have existing Moodle users and non-Moodle users. if ($alternativehostusersstring != '' && $alternativehostnonusersstring != '') { $alternativehoststring = $alternativehostusersstring.', '.$alternativehostnonusersstring; // If we just have existing Moodle users. } else if ($alternativehostusersstring != '') { $alternativehoststring = $alternativehostusersstring; // It seems as if we just have non-Moodle users. } else { $alternativehoststring = $alternativehostnonusersstring; } // Output the concatenated string of alternative hosts. $table->data[] = array(get_string('alternative_hosts', 'mod_zoom'), $alternativehoststring); // Otherwise we stick with the plain list of email addresses as we got it from Zoom directly. } else { $table->data[] = array(get_string('alternative_hosts', 'mod_zoom'), $zoom->alternative_hosts); } } } // Show sessions link to users with edit capability. if ($iszoommanager) { $sessionsurl = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/report.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $sessionslink = html_writer::link($sessionsurl, get_string('sessionsreport', 'mod_zoom')); $table->data[] = array(get_string('sessions', 'mod_zoom'), $sessionslink); } // Output table. echo html_writer::table($table); } if ($zoom->show_security) { // Output "Security" heading. echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('security', 'mod_zoom'), 3); // Start "Security" table. $table = new html_table(); $table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable mod_view'; $table->align = array('center', 'left'); $table->size = array('35%', '65%'); $numcolumns = 2; // Get passcode information. $haspassword = (isset($zoom->password) && $zoom->password !== ''); $strhaspass = ($haspassword) ? $stryes : $strno; $canviewjoinurl = ($userishost || has_capability('mod/zoom:viewjoinurl', $context)); // Show passcode status. $table->data[] = array($strpassprotect, $strhaspass); // Show passcode. if ($haspassword && ($canviewjoinurl || get_config('zoom', 'displaypassword'))) { $table->data[] = array($strpassword, $zoom->password); } // Show join link. if ($canviewjoinurl) { $table->data[] = array($strjoinlink, html_writer::link($zoom->join_url, $zoom->join_url, array('target' => '_blank'))); } // Show encryption type. if (!$zoom->webinar) { if ($config->showencryptiontype != ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE) { $strenc = ($zoom->option_encryption_type === ZOOM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE_E2EE) ? $strencryptionendtoend : $strencryptionenhanced; $table->data[] = array($strencryption, $strenc); } } // Show waiting room. if (!$zoom->webinar) { $strwr = ($zoom->option_waiting_room) ? $stryes : $strno; $table->data[] = array($strwwaitingroom, $strwr); } // Show join before host. if (!$zoom->webinar) { $strjbh = ($zoom->option_jbh) ? $stryes : $strno; $table->data[] = array($strjoinbeforehost, $strjbh); } // Show authentication. $table->data[] = array($strauthenticatedusers, ($zoom->option_authenticated_users) ? $stryes : $strno); // Output table. echo html_writer::table($table); } if ($zoom->show_media) { // Output "Media" heading. echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('media', 'mod_zoom'), 3); // Start "Media" table. $table = new html_table(); $table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable mod_view'; $table->align = array('center', 'left'); $table->size = array('35%', '65%'); $numcolumns = 2; // Show host video. if (!$zoom->webinar) { $strvideohost = ($zoom->option_host_video) ? $stryes : $strno; $table->data[] = array($strstartvideohost, $strvideohost); } // Show participants video. if (!$zoom->webinar) { $strparticipantsvideo = ($zoom->option_participants_video) ? $stryes : $strno; $table->data[] = array($strstartvideopart, $strparticipantsvideo); } // Show audio options. $table->data[] = array($straudioopt, get_string('audio_' . $zoom->option_audio, 'mod_zoom')); // Show audio default configuration. $table->data[] = array($strmuteuponentry, ($zoom->option_mute_upon_entry) ? $stryes : $strno); // Show dial-in information. if (!$showrecreate && ($zoom->option_audio === ZOOM_AUDIO_BOTH || $zoom->option_audio === ZOOM_AUDIO_TELEPHONY) && ($userishost || has_capability('mod/zoom:viewdialin', $context))) { // Get meeting invitation from Zoom. $meetinginvite = zoom_webservice()->get_meeting_invitation($zoom)->get_display_string($cm->id); // Show meeting invitation if there is any. if (!empty($meetinginvite)) { $meetinginvitetext = str_replace("\r\n", '<br/>', $meetinginvite); $showbutton = html_writer::tag('button', $strmeetinginviteshow, array('id' => 'show-more-button', 'class' => 'btn btn-link pt-0 pl-0')); $meetinginvitebody = html_writer::div($meetinginvitetext, '', array('id' => 'show-more-body', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->data[] = array($strmeetinginvite, html_writer::div($showbutton . $meetinginvitebody, '')); } } // Output table. echo html_writer::table($table); } // Supplementary feature: All meetings link. // Only show if the admin did not disable this feature completely. if ($config->showallmeetings != ZOOM_ALLMEETINGS_DISABLE) { $urlall = new moodle_url('/mod/zoom/index.php', array('id' => $course->id)); $linkall = html_writer::link($urlall, $strall); echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox mt-4 pt-4 border-top text-center'); echo $linkall; echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } // Finish the page. echo $OUTPUT->footer();